List of protected landscape components in Duisburg

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Protected landscape components in the city of Duisburg Protected landscape components in the city of Duisburg
Protected landscape components
in the city of Duisburg

The list of protected landscape components in Duisburg contains the protected landscape components (abbreviated "GLB") in the area of ​​the city of Duisburg in North Rhine-Westphalia . The basis for the inclusion was the Landscape Act (LG NW) , which was replaced by the State Nature Conservation Act of North Rhine-Westphalia (LNatSchG NRW) in 2017 .

The list is divided into two parts. In the first part, entries are made with rows , groups and avenues of trees . These are related to the natural monuments in the city of Duisburg, which are entered in the natural monument list. The other protected landscapes can be found in the second part.

Rows, groups of trees and avenues as protected landscape components

The city of Duisburg has ten entries on rows, groups and avenues of trees. They are directly related to the natural monuments of Duisburg . They are either entered in the Natural Monument Ordinance of the city of Duisburg (in the so-called "interior area") or in the landscape plan of the city of Duisburg (in the so-called "exterior area").

As of November 29, 2018, all ten protected landscape elements still exist, while various natural monuments have been completely lost. In some registered rows, groups or avenues, however, the number of extensive trees may no longer be up-to-date, as a few individual trees had to be removed due to damage.

Rows, groups of trees and avenues indoors

The Natural Monument Ordinance of the City of Duisburg of December 11, 2012 includes three protected landscape components in the so-called "interior area":

GLB number Place / location Designation of the GLB Art Area in ha description image

HRB1 Duisburg - Homberg / Ruhrort / Baerl - Baerl
Waldstrasse 3c, Gärtnerstrasse 8
District: Baerl; Hallway: 11; Parcel: 676, 918


4 beeches Fagus sylvatica because of their beauty
HRB2 Duisburg - Homberg / Ruhrort / Baerl - Hochheide
Moerser Straße, near Ottostraße,
district: Homberg; Hall: 19; Parcel: 685, 1479


3 horse chestnuts Aesculus hippocastanum because of their nature
R1 Duisburg - Rheinhausen - Rumeln-Kaldenhausen
Düsseldorfer Straße 136
District: Kaldenhausen; Hallway: 15; Parcel: 985


Avenue of 34 winter linden trees at the Kaldenhausen house Tilia cordata for revitalizing, structuring or maintaining the townscape and landscape
Avenue of 34 winter linden trees at the Kaldenhausen house

Rows, groups and avenues of trees in the outdoor area

The landscape plan of the city of Duisburg in the legally binding version from September 1992 (amended version from September 2009) in the so-called "outside area" contains seven entries on rows, groups and avenues of trees. Unless otherwise stated, the following information is from 1992.

GLB number Place / location Designation of the GLB Art Area in ha description image

1.4.6 Duisburg - Rheinhausen - Rumeln-Kaldenhausen
District: Rumeln; Hall: 2; Parcel: 38, 69, 74


Grove of trees consisting of four beeches Fagus sylvatica - The row of trees is on both sides of Bonertstrasse, southeast of the entrance to the waterworks. The trunk circumference is 295-350 cm.
The beeches standing on the edge of the forest are around 140–160 years old and around 20 m high. The pronounced crowns each have a diameter of approx. 16 m. Individual broken branches require treatment.
1.4.13 Duisburg - Rheinhausen - Friemersheim
District: Rheinhausen; Hall: 12; Parcel: 499, 975


Avenue consisting of 96 winter linden trees Tilia cordata - The avenue is located in the cemetery and on Friedhofallee. The trunk circumferences are 150-170 cm.
The winter linden trees are approx. 60-80 years old and line the main path of the cemetery and a footpath south of the Kruppsee over a length of approx. 300 m. They have individual rotten spots on the trunks as well as branch sections, some of which have been treated with tree surgery .
1.4.11 Duisburg - Rheinhausen - Rumeln-Kaldenhausen
Friemersheimer Strasse / Düsseldorfer Strasse
district: Kaldenhausen; Hallway: 15; Parcel: 430


Entire tree population and indigenous woody plants
in particular: a copper beech and two chestnuts
Fagus sylvatica 'Atropurpurea'
Castanea sativa
0.44 The protected part of the landscape is located approx. 40–180 m south of Friemersheimer Straße, approx. 60–130 m east of Düsseldorfer Straße. It comprises a strip of wood interspersed with old trees, up to 30 m wide and 300 m long, on a wall . Of particular importance are:
  • a copper beech with a trunk circumference of 350 cm. It is around 150 years old and around 19 m high. The pronounced crown has a diameter of approx. 16 m. Some rotten areas and broken branches require treatment.
  • two chestnuts with a trunk circumference of 340 and 350 cm. They are around 150 years old and around 18 m high. The crown diameter is approx. 13 m each. They have individual caves . The trees are damaged by vandalism .
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in particular: a copper beech and two chestnuts! / | BW]]
1.4.10 Duisburg - Rheinhausen - Rumeln-Kaldenhausen
District: Kaldenhausen; Hallway: 15; Parcel: 1008


Row of trees consisting of eleven English oaks, a robinia and an ash Quercus robur
Robinia pseudoacacia
Fraxinus excelsior
- The row of trees is located south of Giesenfeldstrasse, west of the entrance to Haus Kaldenhausen . The trunk circumferences are 100-200 cm.
The thirteen trees are around 80–120 years old and around 20 m high. The pronounced crowns each have a diameter of approx. 16 m. The black locust has tree hollows. The healthy development of the trees is impaired in the long term by an ingrown pasture fence .
1.4.7 Duisburg - Rheinhausen - Rumeln-Kaldenhausen
Mühlenswinkelweg / Bonertstraße
District: Rumeln; Hall: 2; Parcel: 242


Row of trees consisting of four beeches Fagus sylvatica - The row of trees is located between Mühlenwinkelsweg in the south and Bonertstraße in the north. The trunk circumferences are 220–305 cm.
The beech trees standing on a footpath at the edge of the forest are around 120–150 years old and around 20 m high. The pronounced crowns each have a diameter of approx. 16 m. The trees have a few small areas of rotting.
1.4.8 Duisburg - Rheinhausen - Rumeln-Kaldenhausen
Mühlenswinkelweg / Bonertstraße
District: Rumeln; Hall: 2; Parcel: 241, 229


Row of trees consisting of seven beeches Fagus sylvatica - The row of trees is located between Mühlenwinkelsweg in the south and Bonertstraße in the north. The trunk circumferences are 210-380 cm.
The trees are on the edge of the forest at the entrance to the waterworks site, which is used as a riding and footpath at the same time. They are around 120–190 years old and around 20 m high. The pronounced crowns each have a diameter of approx. 16 m. The trees show individual, smaller areas of rot and damage to the roots.
1.4.9 Duisburg - Rheinhausen - Rumeln-Kaldenhausen
Sittardsweg / Am Bindel
district: Rumeln; Hallway: 1; Parcel: 109


Grove of trees consisting of 45 beeches Fagus sylvatica 0.23 The group of trees is located northeast of the Sittardweg, northwest of the Am Bindel path. The trunk circumferences are 130-300 cm.
The beeches are approx. 120–150 years old, approx. 20 m high and with their pronounced crowns form a light stand.

Other protected landscape components

The landscape plan of the city of Duisburg in the legally binding version from September 1992 (amended version from September 2009) contains thirteen other protected landscapes in addition to the above seven entries on trees.

As soon as the landscape is spread over more than one corridor or too many parcels, the parcels are not specified.

GLB number Place / location Designation of the GLB Area in ha description image

1.4.1 Duisburg - Walsum - Aldenrade
District: Walsum; Corridor: 26, 27, 28


Area on both sides of Kurfürstenstrasse 22.70 The protected part of the landscape is located north of the Holtener Mühlenbach, west of the BAB 59 , south of the Hülsermannshof. It includes fallow land shaped by groundwater with several small bodies of water and ditches, dry ruderal areas on dams and railway embankments, as well as recent afforestation, small-scale arable and grassland areas. A large part of the area is taken up by the former sludge basin of a neighboring sewage treatment plant .
1.4.2 Duisburg - Homberg / Ruhrort / Baerl - Baerl
district: Baerl; Hallway: 12, 13


Grassland area around the pumping station 5.45 The protected part of the landscape includes meadows with scattered individual trees and shrubs in the periodically flooded Rheinaue in Niederhalen
1.4.4 Duisburg - Homberg / Ruhrort / Baerl - Baerl
District: Baerl; Hallway: 14


Small bodies of water, grassland and woody areas 1.80 The protected part of the landscape is located north of the pumping station on Gerdtbach, southeast of the railway facilities in Gerdt. It comprises a small body of water located in a hollow, the adjacent pastures, a strip of wood and a hedge.
1.4.5 Duisburg - Rheinhausen - Bergheim
Hochheider Straße,
district: Rheinhausen; Hallway: 1


Groups of trees, individual trees, strips of wood, individual trees, grassland and adjacent arable land 3.06 The protected part of the landscape is located east of Hochheider Straße, approx. 220 to 350 m south of the BAB 40 in Asterlagen . It encompasses an area that is well-structured with species-rich, partly old woody stands and is mainly used as grassland in the midst of cleared, intensively arable land.
1.4.12 Duisburg - Rheinhausen - Friemersheim
Schelmenweg / Hohenbudberger Straße
district: Rheinhausen; Hallway: 16


Track triangle "Borgschenhof" 2.56 The protected part of the landscape is located southeast of the Borgschenhof. It comprises a section of the ditch, an arable area and a small body of water with flat and steep banks on which a reed belt and woody stands grow
1.4.14 Duisburg - Süd - Großenbaum
Beckerfelder Straße,
district: Huckingen; Hallway: 49, 50


Island in the Rahmer Lake 2.84 The protected part of the landscape includes an approx. 400 m long and approx. 25 m wide island, the highest parts of which are approx. 4 m above the water level of the lake created by the excavation. The southern and eastern banks form a steep face with almost no vegetation . The island is otherwise covered by dry ruderal meadows and young shrubbery.
1.4.15 Duisburg - Middle - Neudorf-Süd
Duisburg City
Forest Amselsteig
District: Duisburg; Hall: 205; Parcel: 90


"Amselsteig" wetland 2.75 The protected landscape component comprises six small bodies of water (former bomb craters ) in the source area of the Weißbach. The small bodies of water lie in the middle of an alder swamp forest . The banks are partly covered with water plants. The alder stocks come close to the banks in places and provide lasting shade to the pools.
1.4.16 Duisburg - center - Neudorf-Süd
Duisburg city forest
district: Duisburg; Hall: 205; Parcel: 90


Trout ponds 4.95 The protected landscape component includes two ponds that are connected to each other, part of the Pootbach and small-area peat moss - alder and birch fragments .
Trout ponds
1.4.17 Duisburg - center - Neudorf-Süd
Duisburg city forest
district: Duisburg; Hall: 220; Parcel: 94, 115


Track triangle 5.45 The protected part of the landscape includes a near-natural creek -accompanying alder forest on the Pootbach and a small-scale alder quarry .
1.4.18 Duisburg - Middle - Neudorf-Süd
Duisburg City Forest
District: Duisburg; Hall: 220; Parcel: 153


Wetland "Im Rehbusch" 2.10 The protected part of the landscape includes a natural creek -accompanying alder swamp forest , the Pootbach and a pond , the banks of which are only covered with a few aquatic plants.
Wetland "Im Rehbusch"
1.4.19 Duisburg - Middle - Neudorf-Süd
Duisburg Stadtwald
District: Duisburg; Hall: 220; Parcel: 152


Quarry 14.70 The protected part of the landscape includes an abandoned quarry , which is permanently filled with water with 8 m high steep walls in places and some overgrown shallow bank areas (archaeological ground monument " Quarry - Middle Ages ").

more pictures
1.4.20 Duisburg - Middle - Neudorf-Süd
Duisburg City
Forest Dachsweg
District: Duisburg; Hall: 220; Parcel: 162


Wetland "Am Dachsberg" 5.20 The protected part of the landscape includes several small alder swamp forests and some smaller ponds (former bomb craters ).
1.4.21 Duisburg - Middle - Neudorf-Süd
Duisburg City Forest
District: Duisburg; Hall: 220; Parcel: 162


Small bodies of water 0.50 The protected part of the landscape is located at the Curtius forest house. It includes two small bodies of water and a section of the Bummelbach. The small bodies of water are each connected to the Bummelbach via a ditch. The small bodies of water are overgrown with numerous species in the floating leaf zone and in the reed zone.

See also

Web links

Commons : Protected landscape components in Duisburg  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

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