List of personalities from Faido

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Faido Coat of Arms

This list contains personalities born in Faido and those who had their sphere of activity in Faido without having been born there. The list does not claim to be complete.


  • Varese family / i
    • Johannes de Chauleriis de Varixio also called Johannes (del Presbitero) de Varexio (* around 1400 in Faido; † after 1459 ibid), governor of the Uri Vogts of the Leventina Valley
    • Cristoforo and Martino Varesi (* 15th century in Faido) merchants and politicians
    • Martino Varesi (* around 1550 in Faido; † after 1614 there), juror of the Valle Leventina
    • Johannes Varesi (* around 1630 in Faido † after 1672 ibid), von Faido, Procurator of Leventina
    • Giuseppe Maria Varesi (* around 1640 in Faido; † after 1683 there), superior of the Faido monastery
  • The Bullo family from Osco , in Faido since the 17th century
    • Pietro Bullo (* around 1545 in Faido; † after 1602 there), lord of the banner of the Livental Valley
    • Pietro Bullo (* around 1565 in Faido; † after 1602 ibid), envoy to Uri
    • Gian Giacomo Bullo (* around 1580 in Faido; † after 1627 there), governor of the Leventina Valley , knight of the Order of the Golden Spur
    • Martino Bullo (* around 1620 in Faido, † after 1670 in Sondrio ), Capuchin , Guardian of the Capuchin monastery of Faido
    • Baldassarre Bullo (* around 1620 in Faido; † after 1647 there), chronicler
    • Giuseppe Maria Bullo (* 1725 in Faido; † 1801 ibid), Talschreiber, envoy to Altdorf
    • Gioachimo Bullo (* around 1820 in Faido; † 1903 there), captain in the Sonderbund War , Ticino Grand Councilor
    • Gustavo Bullo (born September 5, 1863 in Faido; † after 1900 there), engineer
Alfredo Catalani (around 1885)
Luigi Generali, President of the National Council 1979
Fabio Pedrina
Norman Gobbi, Consigliere di Stato (2017)
John Gobbi
  • Solari family
    • Pietro Solari (* around 1710 in Faido; † after 1755 there), leader in the uprising of the Leventina against Uri in 1755
    • Giuseppe Antonio Solari (born February 22, 1749 in Faido; † September 16, 1818 ibid), 1799 one of the leaders of the uprising against the French
    • Gioachimo Solari (born January 1, 1842 in Faido; † April 8, 1910 ibid), Ticino Grand Councilor
  • Calgari family
    • Protasio Calgari (* around 1350 in Faido; † after 1387 there), notary of the Leventina
    • Giovanni Giuseppe Calgari (born March 20, 1782 in Faido, † November 4, 1847 in Venegono Superiore ), priest, Ticino Grand Councilor
    • Guido Calgari (born December 13, 1905 in Biasca; † September 8, 1969 in Montecatini Terme ), lecturer at the ETH
    • Anita Calgari Intra (born October 10, 1909 in Faido; † February 1998 ibid), secondary school teacher, journalist, politician (PPD) youth writer
  • Bartolomeo Bedra (Bedula) (* 1536 in Faido; † after 1602 ibid?), Novitiate under Ignatius of Loyola , Jesuit, general visitator of the Ambrosian Valleys
  • Giovanni Antonio Forni (born February 9, 1687 in Ronco (municipality of Quinto TI ), † June 2, 1755 in Faido), lord of the Leventina banner, sentenced to death
  • Lorenzo Orsi (born August 7, 1709 in Rossura (today Faido municipality), † June 2, 1755 in Faido), captain of Leventina , beheaded as a traitor
  • Giacomo Pietro Paolo Bertina (born January 24, 1769 in Faido; † May 24, 1825 ibid), representative of the canton of Bellinzona in the Helvetic Council
  • Angelico Cattaneo (born April 6, 1769 in Faido, † October 5, 1847 in Locarno), local historian
  • Giovanni Agostino Dazzoni (born September 11, 1776 in Chironico , † May 28, 1851 in Faido), appellate judge, politician, Ticino Grand Councilor
  • Ferdinando Cattaneo (born November 29/30, 1808 in Faido; † March 22/23, 1872 ibid), lawyer, Ticino Grand Councilor, National Councilor, administrator of the Tipografia del Gottardo in Faido
  • Giocondo Storni (born December 4, 1817 in Bigorio, † January 8, 1898 in Ponte Capriasca ), priest, collaborator of the journal Il credente cattolico
  • Giovanni Dazzoni (born September 24, 1851 in Faido; † March 30, 1923 ibid), lawyer, politician, Ticino Grand Councilor, National Councilor
  • Remo Patocchi (born January 24, 1876 in Bellinzona , † August 31, 1953 in Faido), painter, landscape painter
  • Alfredo Catalani (1854-1893), composer
  • Emilio Bontà (1882–1953), lecturer at the high school in Lugano , journalist, local historian
  • Alfonso Codaghengo (born March 25, 1882 in Paris , † May 20, 1965 in Faido), priest, local historian, canon of the Lateran Basilica
  • Emilio Forni (born October 26, 1883 in Lyon , † December 30, 1946 in Bellinzona), civil engineer, politician, Ticino Grand Councilor, State Councilor
  • Silvio Sganzini (1898–1972), linguist and cultural historian
  • Paul Lang (1894–1970), writer, literary critic, high school teacher
  • Fernando Pedrini (born March 28, 1898 in Faido; † October 12, 1984 in Locarno), lawyer and notary in Faido, then in Locarno; Mayor of Faido, liberal Ticino councilor, federal judge
  • Walter Jesinghaus (born July 13, 1902 in Genoa ; † September 17, 1966 in Faido), musician and musicologist
  • Rocco (Giovanni Carlo Casari) da Bedano (1906 - December 1, 1983), Capuchin, historian
  • Luigi Generali (1920–2005), politician
  • Frédéric Walthard (born March 13, 1921 in Faido; † August 25, 1014 ibid), lawyer, diplomat, head of the Basel trade fair, painter
  • Thyl Manuel Eisenmann (* 1948 Faido), painter, draftsman, etcher.
  • Pietro Antonini (born August 6, 1948 in Faido), musician, composer, conductor, employee of the RSI LA 2
  • Nicola Celio (* 1972), Swiss ice hockey player
  • Manuele Celio (* 1966), Swiss ice hockey player
  • Fulvio Roth (born November 24, 1944 in Faido), graphic artist
  • Gabriele Gendotti (* 1954), lawyer and politician
  • Fabio Pedrina (* 1954), politician
  • Bruno Giussani (* 1964 in Faido), journalist, entrepreneur, director of TED (conference)
  • Natascia Leonardi Cortesi (* 1971), cross-country skier, ski mountaineer
  • Norman Gobbi (* 1977), politician
  • John Gobbi (born 1981), ice hockey player

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Paolo Ostinelli: Varesi. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . July 5, 2013 , accessed January 17, 2020 .
  2. Celestino Trezzini: Giovanni Varesi. In Historisch-Biographisches Lexikon der Schweiz p. 197 (PDF digitized version , accessed on October 12, 2017)
  3. a b c d e f g Alessandra Maffioli, Pablo Crivelli: Bullo. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . July 16, 2009 , accessed January 17, 2020 .
  4. Celestino Trezzini: Gioachimo Bullo. In the Historical-Biographical Lexicon of Switzerland. P. 425 (PDF digitized version , accessed on October 12, 2017)
  5. ^ Celestino Trezzini: Gustavo Bullo. In the Historical-Biographical Lexicon of Switzerland. P. 425 (PDF digitized version , accessed on October 12, 2017)
  6. Celestino Trezzini: Pietro Solari. In the Historical-Biographical Lexicon of Switzerland. P. 396 (PDF digitized version , accessed on October 12, 2017)
  7. Celestino Trezzini: Giuseppe Antonio Solari. In the Historical-Biographical Lexicon of Switzerland. P. 396 (PDF digitized version , accessed on October 12, 2017)
  8. Celestino Trezzini: Gioachimo Solari. In the Historical-Biographical Lexicon of Switzerland. P. 396 (PDF digitized version , accessed on October 12, 2017)
  9. Celestino Trezzini: Calgari. In the Historical-Biographical Lexicon of Switzerland. P. 474 (PDF digitized version , accessed on July 13, 2017)
  10. Celestino Trezzini: Protasio Calgari. In the Historical-Biographical Lexicon of Switzerland. P. 474 (PDF digitized version , accessed on July 13, 2017)
  11. ^ Fabrizio Panzera: Giovan-Giuseppe Calgari. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . November 23, 2004 , accessed December 20, 2019 .
  12. Pierre Codiroli: Guido Calgari. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . May 5, 2009 , accessed January 17, 2020 .
  13. Anita Calgari Intra (Italian) on (accessed on October 12, 2016)
  14. Urban Fink: Bartolomeo Bedra. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . April 27, 2004 , accessed March 16, 2020 .
  15. Elia Spizzi: Giovanni Antonio Forni. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . April 28, 2008 , accessed December 26, 2019 .
  16. Elia Spizzi: Lorenzo Orsi. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . August 17, 2010 , accessed December 28, 2019 .
  17. Celestino Trezzini: Giacomo Pietro Paolo Bertina. In the Historical-Biographical Lexicon of Switzerland. P. 204 (PDF digitized version , accessed on October 12, 2017)
  18. Angelico Cattaneo (Italian) on (accessed June 19, 2017)
  19. ^ Fabrizio Panzera: Giovanni Agostino Dazzoni. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . March 31, 2004 , accessed December 20, 2019 .
  20. ^ Carlo Agliati: Ferdinando Cattaneo. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . September 9, 2003 , accessed April 5, 2020 .
  21. ^ Alberto Lepori, Fabrizio Panzera (ed.): Uomini nostri. Trenta biography di uomini politici. Armando Dadò Editore, Locarno 1989, p. 18.
  22. ^ Carlo Agliati: Giocondo Storni. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . June 11, 2012 , accessed January 17, 2020 .
  23. Fabrizio Panzera: Giovanni Dazzoni. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . March 31, 2004 , accessed December 11, 2019 .
  24. ^ Alberto Lepori, Fabrizio Panzera (ed.): Uomini nostri. Trenta biography di uomini politici. Armando Dadò Editore, Locarno 1989, p. 19.
  25. Remo Patocchi. In: Sikart , accessed January 14, 2016
  26. Andrea Ghiringhelli: Alfonso Codaghengo. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . October 24, 2000 , accessed March 12, 2020 .
  27. Pasquale Genasci: Emilio Forni. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . August 25, 2004 , accessed January 12, 2020 .
  28. ^ Paul Lang on (accessed June 14, 2016)
  29. ^ Pablo Crivelli: Fernando Pedrini. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland , accessed on July 23, 2020 .
  30. Walter Jesinghaus (Italian) on (accessed on September 22, 2016)
  31. Rocco da Bedano on (accessed June 14, 2016)
  32. ^ René Roca: Frédéric Walthard. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . September 13, 2017 , accessed January 17, 2020 .
  33. ^ Thyl Manuel Eisenmann. In: Sikart
  34. Pietro Antonini (Italian) on (accessed on: October 27, 2017.)
  35. Fulvio Roth. In: Sikart , accessed January 12, 2016
  36. Bruno Giussani (Italian) on