Literature year 1519

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Overview of the literary
years Further events

Literature year 1519
Libro del muy esforzado e invencible caballero Don Claribalte, (Valencia, 1519)
Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo publishes the courtly novel Don Claribalte .
Eck's 12 theses with Luther's counter theses from February 1519 (Disputatio d. Ioannis Eccii, et p. Martini Luther in studio Lipsensi futura), Leipzig: Martin Landsberg, 1519
Following the Leipzig disputation , numerous papers were written and extensive correspondence ensued.
Pedro Ciruelo : Hexameron theologal sobre el regimiento medicinal contra la pestilencia ( Alcalá de Henares , Arnao Guillén de Brocar, 1519)




In exile on his country estate, Casa Machiavelli , Niccolò Machiavelli completed his main work on state theory, Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio . In the same year he began working on The Art of War .


Following the Leipzig disputation between Johannes Eck and Martin Luther , Andreas Karlstadt and Philipp Melanchthon , numerous writings (reports, commentaries, polemics, etc.) are written and extensive correspondence takes place between those involved and those interested. Melanchthon sees the need to grasp the authority of the Bible ( Sola scriptura ) more clearly - since the authority of the Pope and councils has been relativized. On September 9th he presented the following bachelor thesis for discussion: "It is not necessary for a Catholic to believe others beyond the things which are testified to him by the Scriptures" .

Erasmus von Rotterdam publishes the second edition of Novum Instrumentum omne under the title Novum Testamentum . The text of 1516 was changed in over 400 places and typographical errors corrected. Some readings that were incorrect from a later perspective are now new. This second edition will later become the basis for Martin Luther's German translation of the Bible, the Luther Bible .


  • around 1519: Girolamo Benzoni , Italian traveler, historian and author († after 1572)
  • 1519/ 1520 : Pir Mehmet , the Ottoman poet, historian, translator and biographer († 1571 )


Michael Wolgemut, portrait by Albrecht Dürer

See also

Portal: Literature  - Overview of Wikipedia content on the topic of literature

Web links

Commons : Books 1519  - Collection of Pictures, Videos and Audio Files
Commons : Documents 1519  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files