Literature year 1516
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Overview of the literature years
Further events
Literature year 1516 | |
The Italian humanist Ludovico Ariosto publishes the first version of the verse epic Orlando furioso . | Thomas More 's state-theoretical work Utopia is published for the first time. |
Prose and verse

Hannos epitaph with inscription (drawing by Francisco de Holanda , based on the missing drawing by Raffael )
- Filippo Beroaldo the Younger , appointed Prefect of the Vatican Library by Pope Leo X , writes an epitaph for the elephant Hanno , the Pope's favorite animal , who died of constipation on June 8th . That the Pope could also have publicly expressed his grief over the death of the beast suggests derisive writings circulating in Rome, but later also in the Protestant north, for example a “testament” of Hannos, allegedly by Pietro Aretino , or Martin Luther's comments to the Pope's love for elephants.
- The Italian humanist Ludovico Ariosto publishes the first version of his major work Orlando furioso ( The maddening Roland ), on which he has been working since 1505 . He also revised the verse epic several times in the years to come . The work, conceived as a continuation of Matteo Maria Boiardo's unfinished Orlando innamorato ( Roland in love ), has a great influence on Italian literature .
- The Portuguese João de Barros wrote the chivalric novel Chronicle of Emperor Clarimundo .
- Baldassare Castiglione completes the narrative dialogue Il Libro del Cortegiano .
- John Skelton is the author of his best known stage work, Magnyfycence .
- December: Thomas More 's state-theoretical work Utopia is published for the first time in Latin at the instigation of Erasmus von Rotterdam in Leuven . The philosophical dialogue with the description of an ideal society gives the impetus for the genre of utopia and the utopian novel . In the work, among other things, the abolition of private property and a kind of unconditional basic income are discussed.
- Erasmus von Rotterdam wrote his main educational work Institutio Principis Christiani ( The Education of the Christian Prince ) in Leuven . This prince mirror is a guide to a peaceful policy based on Christian moral principles.
- The first authorized version of the historical work De Orbe Novo Decades by Petrus Martyr von Anghiera about the discovery of the “New World” by the Spaniards appears in Alcalá.
- March 1 : Erasmus von Rotterdam publishes a Greek version of the New Testament printed by Johann Froben from Basel , the Novum Instrumentum omne . Printing, which began on October 2 of the previous year , contains numerous typographical errors, but is the basis for the majority of modern translations of the New Testament from the 16th to the 19th centuries. In the same year Erasmus wrote the Prince's Mirror The Education of the Christian Prince .
- A second expanded edition of the dark man's letters appears in Hagenau , Alsace , printed by Heinrich Gran . The original 41 letters are being appended with seven more.
Library foundations
- The Ulm minster pastor donates his book ownership of around 400 volumes, of which around 200 are still preserved, to the city, which are to form the basis of a library to be founded by the city council. Furthermore, he donates a capital of 100 guilders, from the interest of which the library is to be increased. The present city library emerges from this foundation .
Date of birth saved
- April 23 : Georg Fabricius , German poet, historian and archaeologist († 1571 )
- August 10 : Johann Habermann , German Lutheran theologian, author of edification and Hebraist († 1590 )
- September 8 : Adam Siber , German humanist and educator († 1584 )
Exact date of birth unknown
- Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey , English nobleman and poet († 1547 )
- Klemens Janicki , Polish Latin poet († 1543 )
- Francesco Robortello , German humanist, scientific theorist and editor († 1567 )
- André Thevet , French traveler and travel writer († 1590 )
Date of death secured
- February 29 : Bernat Fenollar , Valencian clergyman, patron of culture and poet (* between 1435 and 1440)
- March 20 : Battista Mantovano , Italian poet and humanist (* 1447 )
- December 13 : Johannes Trithemius , German clergyman, scholar and humanist and literary collector (* 1462 )
Exact date of death unknown
- Luca Landucci , Florentine specialty merchant and chronicler (* 1436 )
- Konrad Pfettisheim , citizen of Strasbourg and author of a rhyming chronicle about the Burgundian Wars (* before 1477)
- Kilian Reuter , German humanist and playwright (* before 1480)
See also
Web links
Commons : Books 1516 - Collection of Pictures, Videos and Audio Files