Literary year 1513
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Overview of the literature years
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Literary year 1513 | |
Diebold Schilling over to the city council of Lucerne , the Lucerne Chronicle . |
- January 15 : Diebold Schilling over to the city council of Lucerne , the Lucerne Chronicle . The work, which was created over several years, is one of the richly designed Swiss illustrated chronicles .
- February 6 : The comedy La Calandria by Bernardo Dovizi da Bibbiena has its world premiere in Italian at the court of Urbino. It is one of the most important comedies of the 16th century .
- After the death of Pope Julius II. On February 21 written Erasmus of Rotterdam , the satire Julius Excluded from Heaven .
- The prayer book Hortulus Animae polonice will be printed for the first time on March 13th . The book, translated by Biernat von Lublin and printed by Florian Ungler in Krakow , which first appeared in Latin in 1498 , is considered to be the first work printed in Polish.
- June 8th : Martin Luther has the Wolfenbüttel Psalter printed for his psalm lecture .
- The Greek-Italian humanist Marcus Musurus publishes a complete edition of Plato's works in Venice with Aldo Manuzio . This includes the first edition of the Greek text of the Crito dialogue .
- Niccolò Machiavelli wrote his most famous book, Il Principe ( The Prince ), a treatise on the art of governance that was published after his death. In the same year he began working on the work Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio .
- October 29 : Jacques Amyot , French writer and theologian († 1593 )
- Antonio Doni , Italian writer, editor and musician of Mannerism († 1574 )
- Robert Granjon , French type cutter and publisher († 1589 )
- October 3 : Anton Koberger , German printer, publisher and bookseller of the incunable period (* around 1440 )
- November 3 : Augustin Olomoucký , Bohemian humanist, writer and art collector (* 1467 )
- December 25 : Johann Amerbach , German printer and publisher of the early printing period (* around 1440 )
- Bartolomeo della Fonte , Italian humanist, poet and translator (* 1446 )
- Battista Guarino , Italian humanist, teacher and poet (* 1434 )
- around 1513: Andrés Bernáldez , Spanish clergyman and historian (* around 1450 )
- around 1513: Piero Pacini , Italian printer (* around 1440 )
See also
Web links
Commons : Books 1511 - Collection of Pictures, Videos and Audio Files