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Liudger on the crossing to Heligoland . Illumination from the Vita secunda Liudgeri, 11th century

Ludger is a male given name of Germanic origin, from which other variants are derived. The female form of the name is Ludgera .


Ludgeri, Ludgerus, Lutz, Liudger, Luidger, Luitger, Lüder, Lüer, Lüers, Lüür and Lui.

Origin and meaning

The first known bearer of the name is St. Liudger , born around 742 near Utrecht. Charlemagne made him a missionary . His area of ​​activity was in the area of ​​today's German federal states of Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia . Liudger was the first bishop of the diocese of Münster .

The first name Ludger is particularly common in Westphalia , the Osnabrücker Land and the Oldenburger Münsterland .

name day

Name day is March 26th . The day is a solemn festival in the diocese of Münster . Places on which the day is particularly celebrated are the Cathedral of Münster , the St. Ludgerus Cathedral in Billerbeck and the St. Ludgerus Basilica in the Essen district of Werden .

Name bearer

Female form
