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The chalk cliffs at Møns Klint
The chalk cliffs at Møns Klint
Waters Baltic Sea
Geographical location 54 ° 59 ′  N , 12 ° 18 ′  E Coordinates: 54 ° 59 ′  N , 12 ° 18 ′  E
Location of Møn
surface 217.75 km²
Highest elevation Aborrebjerg
143  m
Residents 9235 (January 1, 2020)
42 inhabitants / km²
Map of Lolland, Falster and Møn
Map of Lolland , Falster and Møn

Møn (German : Mön or Moen ) is an island in the Danish part of the Baltic Sea , between the southern tip of Zealand and the eastern tip of Falster . The island has 9235 inhabitants (January 1, 2020) with an area of ​​217.75 km²; the population was still over 12,000 in 1965.

The highest point on Møn is Aborrebjerg at 143 m
Møn seen from the Baltic Sea
The chalk cliffs on Møn


Møn together with the islands of Lindholm , Nyord , Bogø and Farø as well as some smaller islands in the Stege Bugt formed the Harde Mønbo Herred until 1970 and was then a separate municipality ( Møn Kommune ) in the administrative district of Storstrøms Amt until the end of 2006 and has been a local authority since the Danish municipal reform on January 1, 2007 part of Vordingborg Municipality , together with the former municipalities of Langebæk , Præstø and Vordingborg on the larger neighboring island of Zealand (Sjælland) The largest place is Stege on the bay of the same name and on Stege Nor . In the extreme east of the island is the steep chalk coast of Møns Klint , which is a magnet for tourism . The Danish island of Møn can be described as the smaller sister of the German island of Rügen , because the island areas, which consist of 70 million year old chalk , were lifted to the surface of the earth at the same time by tectonic movements . Both islands belonged to a larger land mass that has sunk again, of which only these two islands remain as the highest peaks in this region. Due to the specific nature and culture, the island has been recognized by UNESCO as a biosphere reserve .

For a few years now there has been an island partnership between the Danish island of Møn and the German Baltic Sea island of Fehmarn , which is funded by the European Union as part of its INTERREG program.


You can rent holiday homes on Møn . The holiday homes and beaches in Råbylille and Ulvshale are popular . In Ulvshale there is a jungle and the largest campsite on the island. There are other campsites near Møns Klint and south of Harbölle.

Günter Grass spent his summers in Ulvshale from 1976. From 1991 he had rented his refuge, the Vogterhus , from the forest and nature authorities all year round. Parts of the novel Der Flounder were written here .


  • Møns Klint , a chalk cliff up to 128 m high in the east of the island
  • Castle Liselund is a neoclassical villa in an English landscape park in Mons Klint; it is one of the locations of the National Museum of Denmark.
  • The forest of Ulvshale in the north of the island is left to its own devices and is considered to be jungle-like.
  • The fishing village of Nyord is secluded on the island of Nyord at the north-western tip of Møn, surrounded by a nature reserve. Nyord is an ornithologist's paradise . Many species of birds can be seen on the salt marshes off Nyord.
  • The frescoes by the Elmelunde master , who worked around 1400, can be seen in the churches of Elmelunde, Fanefjord and Keldby.
  • Klintholm Havn, a fishing and leisure port in the southeast of the island
  • Møn Fyr, a lighthouse built in 1845
  • GeoCenter Møns Klint is an adventure museum built on the chalk cliffs for the prehistoric development of the region, which opened in 2007.

Megalithic systems

Sømarkedyssen megalithic complex

A total of 119 large stone graves from the Neolithic period are known on the only 231 km² islands of Møn and Bogø. 38 of them have been preserved and are under protection. 21 are passage graves of the funnel cup culture (TBK), which between 3500 and 2800 BC. BC originated. In addition to the steep coast of Møns Klint , the west side of the island is particularly rich in prehistoric monuments. The following megalithic structures stand out among them :


Møn can be reached by road via bridges, dams and ferries. The Dronning Alexandrines Bro (Queen Alexandrine Bridge) , a road bridge that is considered to be the “most beautiful bridge in Denmark ”, connects Kalvehave on Sjælland with Koster on Møn. In the southwest of the island a dam leads over the islands of Bogø and Farø to European route 47 , where there is a bridge connection to Zealand and Falster . The historic Ida car ferry to Stubbekøbing on Falster also runs from Bogø .

The island is well developed with numerous bike paths. It is also connected to some national and even international long-distance cycle routes, including the Baltic Sea Cycle Route , which as the European EuroVelo route 10 circles the entire Baltic Sea, and to the Berlin – Copenhagen cycle route , part of the EuroVelo route 7 from the North Cape to Malta.

Web links

Commons : Møn  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b statistics banks -> Befolkning og valg -> BEF4: Folketal pr. January 1st demands på øer (Danish)
  2. Danmarks Statistics : Statistical Yearbook 2009 - Geography and climate, Table 3 Area and population. Regions and inhabited islands (English; PDF; 39 kB)
  3. Danmarks Statistics: Statistisk Årbog 1970, Table 6, p. 7 f. - Folketallet for landsdele og beboede øer 1960 og 1965. - Population 1960 and 1965 in regions of the country and in inhabited islands. (Danish / English; PDF; 1.5 MB)
  4. Moen | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Retrieved January 2, 2019 .
  5. ^ Günter Grass: On the way from Germany to Germany. Diary 1990 , Steidl, Göttingen 2009, ISBN 978-3-86521-885-8 ; P. 138.
  6. ^ Günter Grass and his summer house , Süddeutsche Zeitung, May 17, 2010, accessed on November 9, 2015.
  7. Günter Grass on the island of Mön ( Memento of the original from May 19, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , insel-moen.dk @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.insel-moen.de
  8. GeoCenter Mons Klint . In Den Store Danske , accessed September 3, 2012 (Danish)
  9. Henrik Lange (Highways.dk): Portræt af Dronning Alexandrines Bro - Mønbroen ( Memento of the original dated November 2, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed on November 10, 2011 (Danish) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.highways.dk
  10. ^ Lars Bugge: Kort og godt om danske broer . 2nd Edition. Aschehoug Dansk Forlag A / S, Copenhagen 2000, ISBN 87-11-16234-1 , Dronning Alexandrines Bro, p. 32 ff . (Danish).
  11. translator2: Countries - EuroVelo. Retrieved May 18, 2017 .
  12. ↑ Long-distance cycle route Berlin – Copenhagen. Retrieved May 18, 2017 .
  13. admin: EuroVelo 7 - EuroVelo. Retrieved May 18, 2017 .