Mahbuba Maqsoodi

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Mahbuba Elham Maqsoodi, 2020

Mahbuba Elham Maqsoodi (* 1957 in Herat ) is a German - Afghan artist.


Mahbuba Elham Maqsoodi, born and raised in Afghanistan, experienced childhood and youth in Herat together with her six sisters that were somewhat different from those of many of her contemporaries. Her father founded a school for girls. A liberal and open upbringing was very important for the parents, as was a good school education. She graduated from school with a high school diploma. After studying chemistry and biology for two years, she worked as a high school teacher at a girls' high school in Herat. She was politically active with her older sister Afifa. You were members of the youth organization of a political party and campaigned intensively for the strengthening of women's rights in Afghanistan. When Afifa was shot dead in the street by an Islamist terrorist in 1979 , Maqsoodi left the country in 1980 with her husband, the artist Fazl Maqsoodi. An art scholarship took her and her husband to Saint Petersburg , Russia . After completing her diploma and doctorate , the civil war prevented her from returning to Afghanistan. In 1994 the family received political asylum in Germany . In 2010, her husband died at the age of sixty after a serious illness.

Maqsoodi is the mother of two sons. Her artist studio is in Munich .

Artistic work

Mahbuba Elham Maqsoodi, Afghanistan 1975

In Herat, at the age of sixteen (1973), she began training in Persian miniature painting at Fazl Maqsoodi. He was a master student of the Ustad Mohammad Sayed , called Mashal , who was known in Iran and Afghanistan as a representative of the Behzadic miniature art or as the "torch of the Behzadic miniature tradition". The couple took part in group exhibitions in Herat and Kabul. Maqsoodi attracted attention with her artistic contribution. One of her award-winning miniature works was included in the collection of the Kabul National Gallery.

Mahbuba Maqsoodi and her husband Fazl Maqsoodi were accepted into a scholarship program by the Afghan Ministry of Culture to support talented young artists. In 1979, both artists were granted permission to study at a foreign art academy with the aim of successfully completing a diploma. Maqsoodi received a scholarship at the Muchina Art Academy (the former and current Stieglitz Art Academy).

The official art doctrine of the socialist countries of the time was socialist realism . A free exercise of culture was defined as an " imperialist unculture" to be combated . Similar to the GDR constitution, the following was true: "The artistic creation is based on a close connection between those working in culture and the life of the people". Which art met this requirement depended on the decision of the regime. Despite this maxim and the resulting artistic restriction, she finished her studies with a diploma thesis in 1987 at the Faculty of Ceramics and Glass . The thesis (motifs from Herat) received the top grade and was included in the academy collection. As a result, an exhibition Maqsoodis and her husband was realized in Moscow . On December 3rd, 1987 it was opened in Arseniy´s Morozov Villa , the then seat of the "House of Friendship with Peoples of Abroad".

The art scholarship of the two artists ended with the graduation. However, the return to Afghanistan at the time (1987) is unimaginable. The beginning of a civil war threatened . Both artists Maqsoodi applied for further funding. The Ministry of Culture approves this funding for the purpose of scientific research. In 1993 Maqsoodi received his doctorate in art history at the Stieglitz Art Academy with the thesis "The ornament tradition in contemporary Afghan ceramics".

In 1994 a solo exhibition “Afghanistan in Flames” was realized by Fazl Maqsoodi in the Goethe 53 gallery in Munich. In the same year the family moved to Munich and received asylum for political reasons.

Between 2001 and 2012 Mahbuba Maqsoodi mainly concentrated on architecture-related commissioned work. Most of the work was carried out in the artistic style of the 19th century ( Nazarene style , Romanesque art of the 19th century). In the following years, a cycle of works in her personal style was created , which was presented in the solo exhibition “GlasKlar” in Munich's Maximilianeum in 2017. This marked the beginning of a public perception of Maqsoodi's work.

At the end of 2018 it was announced that Mahbuba Elham Maqsoodi would design new artist windows for the Saarland Benedictine Abbey of St. Mauritius Tholey . Maqsoodi prevailed in a closed art competition. The project, which also included three new Richter windows, is currently one of the largest and most important glass painting projects in terms of art history. The windows are implemented in the Bavarian court glass painting Gustav van Treeck in Munich and in the Frese glass painting from Saarbrücken.

Mahbuba Maqsoodi is a painter and draftsman based on her self-image and artistic practice . She always sees her paintings and pictures on glass as part of a much more comprehensive artistic oeuvre. “The artist's preference for glass is evident in her work. The complexity, the variety of the material and the created three-dimensionality underline the statements of your works. "

social commitment

Since her youth, Maqsoodi has been socially committed and advocates women's rights. In 2003 she founded the association “Afghanische Frauen in München eV”, which has been honored several times for its commitment. The aim of the association is to give refugee women and their families more opportunities for social participation and information about their rights and obligations. Creating and sharpening awareness of the importance of women is particularly important to her: if I don't like something, I change it. Sometimes unconsciously, quite naturally. I emancipated myself in Afghanistan and want to make life easier for Afghan women. Also as a long-time member of the Stadtbund Munich women's associations and through her participation in the Munich Foreigners Advisory Council and in the Munich City Council Commission for Integration, she makes a contribution to cultural and social integration. On December 16, 2013, she was awarded the Bavarian Constitutional Medal in silver for her social commitment .

Book publications

Book reading "The drop knows nothing about the sea", Münchner Literaturhaus , September 12, 2017

"The drop knows nothing about the sea"

On September 12, 2017, the audience in the Munich Literature House will be presented with the book The Drop Knows Nothing from the Sea , which was written together with a close friend, the editor Hanna Diederichs. The autobiography comprises a total of 77 short stories, which are divided into three episodes: Afghanistan, Russia and Germany .

The book was published by Wilhelm Heyne Verlag , Munich in the Random House GmbH publishing group .

Exhibitions (selection)

  • 1976: School for miniature painting, group exhibition Young Herati artists and Persian miniature art , Herat / Afghanistan
  • 1980: Faculty of Fine Art, University of Kabul, group exhibition, modern painting in Afghanistan , Kabul / Afghanistan
  • 1981: Tashkent cultural center , group exhibition of miniatures and paintings by Mahbuba Elham Maqsoodi and Fazl Maqsoodi , Tashkent / Uzbekistan
  • 1985: Art Academy, group exhibition; Miniature painting, graphics, painting, ceramics, Herat-Leningrad , Saint Petersburg
  • 1987: Arseniks Morozov Villa, group exhibition; Painting, graphics, ceramics What happened in seven years , Moscow
  • 1987 Participation in the traveling exhibition Selected diploma theses of the St. Petersburg-Stieglitzer Art Academy , St. Petersburg / Minsk / Warsaw
  • 1992: MANEGE Kunsthalle Sankt Petersburg, group exhibition; White porcelain , Saint Petersburg
  • 1997: VHS Munich , group exhibition; “Afghanistan, a land full of hope?”, Munich
  • 1999: Kulturzentrum Pasinger Fabrik , group exhibition, Munich
  • 1999: SOAS Library , group exhibition; Art from the destroyed Afghanistan , London
  • 2000: Museum Five Continents , group exhibition; Peace for Afghanistan , Munich
  • 2001: Crypt Gallery St. Martin in the Fields , group exhibition; Flight to Freedom , London
  • 2002: Women's Museum Bonn , exhibition, group exhibition; Move away , Bonn
  • 2003: European Patent Office , joint exhibition; AFGHANISTAN the new freedom. Munich
  • 2003: Suermondt-Ludwig-Museum , group exhibition Ex Orient - Isaak and the white elephant. Aachen
  • 2004: Glashalle Gasteig , Long Night of Women , Munich
  • 2005: Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn , Afghanistan - my hopes, my sufferings. Bonn
  • 2008: Trudering cultural center, joint exhibition 2 artistic paths , Munich
  • 2017: Maximilianeum GLASKlar. Munich
  • 2017: Katharina von Bora Haus, artwork of the month - VARIETY , Berg near Starnberg
  • 2018: Kunstverein Wörth, group exhibition; EUROPE without borders , Wörth am Rhein
  • 2019: Nazareth Church, and I! , Munich
  • 2020: Kunstraum van Treeck, paintings and glass pictures as part of the “First View Neue Künstlerfenster” Mahbuba Maqsoodi and Gerhard Richter for the Benedictine Abbey of Tholey, Munich

Web links


Individual evidence

  1. Mahbuba Maqsoodi, Hanna Diederichs: The drop knows nothing of the sea. A story of love, strength and freedom. My Afghan heart. Wilhelm Heyne Verlag, Munich 2017, ISBN 978-3-453-20156-9 .
  2. A Muslim woman designs a monastery window: Mahbuba Maqsoodi's glass art. Deutsche Welle (, February 26, 2020, accessed on March 25, 2020 (German).
  3. October 10, 2017 - October 25, 2017 - Exhibition GlasKLAR. Bavarian State Parliament, accessed on March 26, 2020 .
  4. ^ GDR constitution of April 6, 1968 (in the version of October 7, 1974). Retrieved March 24, 2020 .
  5. ^ Arseny Morozov Mansion. Retrieved March 24, 2020 .
  6. East-West Lifelines. Works by the Afghan artist Fazl Ahmed Maqsoodi. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung. April 12, 1994.
  7. Mahbuba Maqsoodi builds bridges with paintings | Gustav van Treeck workshops for mosaic and glass painting. Retrieved on March 26, 2020 (German).
  8. Events | Evangelical Luth. Parish of Immanuel-Nazareth. Retrieved March 26, 2020 .
  9. Regine Hildebrandt Prize 2016 to Afghan women in Munich. Accessed on March 27, 2020 .
  10. Prize winners. In: Lichterkette eV Retrieved on March 27, 2020 (German).
  11. Haidhausen - Excellent Commitment - Citizen Culture Prize for "Afghanische Frauen eV". Accessed on March 26, 2020 .
  12. ... and all because I'm a woman ... Accessed March 26, 2020 .
  13. Participation as a human right - a follow-up report. Retrieved March 25, 2020 .
  14. Süddeutsche Zeitung: MünEinwanderer refugees facilitate integration. Retrieved March 27, 2020 .
  15. Awarding of the Bavarian Constitutional Medal on Monday, December 16, 2013, in the Bavarian Landta. Retrieved March 25, 2020 .
  16. The drop knows nothing about the sea. A story of love, strength and freedom. My Afghan heart. In: Retrieved March 24, 2020 .
  17. ^ Trudering - art exhibition - oil paintings in the cultural center. Retrieved March 25, 2020 .
  18. October 10, 2017 - October 25, 2017 - Exhibition GlasKLAR. Bavarian State Parliament, accessed on March 24, 2020 .
  19. ^ Süddeutsche Zeitung: Artwork of the month. Retrieved March 24, 2020 .
  20. ^ Süddeutsche Zeitung: Glass paintings and glass music. Retrieved March 24, 2020 .
  21. KUNSTRAUM VAN TREECK | Gustav van Treeck workshops for mosaic and glass painting. Retrieved on March 29, 2020 (German).