Meinolf Schönborn

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Meinolf Schönborn (born June 23, 1955 ) is a right-wing extremist activist who is known as a supporter of the imperial ideology and for playing down the Holocaust . He works closely with the central Holocaust denier associationEuropean Action ”. In 1972 he joined the NPD . In 1984 he appeared for the first time as editor of the neo-Nazi bimonthly magazine Law and Truth , which he still produces today with his comrades. After a 1½ year break and moving to the former property of the neo-Nazi terrorist Manfred Roeder , who died in 2014, House Richberg in Schwarzenborn (Northern Hesse), “Law and Truth” has been appearing on the YouTube of the same name since November 30, 2017, accompanied by regular videos -Channel.

In 1985 he was involved in the founding of the militant party " Nationalist Front ", which was based on the tight organization of the SS and which he led until it was banned in 1992. Because of sedition and dissemination of right-wing extremist propaganda, he was convicted twice legally. In 2013, in the context of Jörg L.'s death, it became known that Schönborn was the head of the armed Reich Citizens' Group “New Order” .


Meinolf Schönborn is a trained machine fitter and was temporarily a non-commissioned officer in the Bundeswehr .

He joined the NPD in 1972. In 1981 he was elected to the state board of the Young National Democrats (JN) North Rhine-Westphalia. In 1982 he founded a “Förderkreis Junge Deutschland” (FJD). In 1983 he became regional chairman of the JN. Under his chairmanship, the racist agitation in the journal Klartext, published by the JN regional association, was intensified to such an extent that the JN federal executive board prohibited further publication. When Schönborn tried to continue publishing the plain text with his editorial team , he was deposed as state chairman and expelled from the NPD in November 1984. Schönborn continued to publish the magazine Klartext and initially promoted the Freedom German Workers' Party (FAP).

In 1984 Meinholf Schönborn took over the editing of the bimonthly magazine “Law and Truth” distributed by Herzebrock-Clarholz in North Rhine-Westphalia . In a self-portrayal it said: "We are [...] through the idea of ​​Reich and through the will to resist neglect, land grabbing by migrants and the over 66 years of foreign rule, united freedom-loving Germans who still want to be Germans." Schönborn organizes law and Truth - song evenings and larger meetings, mostly with Holocaust deniers and anti-Semites , including members of the international Holocaust denier association “European Action” . After a two-year break, the magazine has been published again since 2017 and has since been advertised via its own YouTube channel.

On November 16, 1985 Schönborn participated in the founding of the Nationalist Front (NF) as a nationwide party. Schönborn was initially NF General Secretary. After an internal dispute in early 1986, Schönborn replaced the previous NF chairman Bernhard Pauli and headed this “ideologically closed cadre party” until it was banned. In the same year he bought a house in Bielefelder Bleichstrasse, which he used as a NF center, and founded the Klartext publishing house , which was based there. This publisher was one of the first right-wing extremist music publishers in Germany and served to finance the NF.

On November 16, 1992, the then Federal Minister of the Interior, Rudolf Seiters , banned the Nationalist Front because of its "affinity with National Socialism" and its "aggressive and combative" agitation. Schönborn continued his political work even after the ban. Neither his FJD nor his Klartext-Verlag were affected by the ban. His training center, which had been moved to another building near Detmold-Pivitsheide since 1991 , continued the political activities without interruption, so that in June 1994 he was charged with continuing a prohibited organization. To avoid prosecution, Schönborn bought a house in Kvaers , Denmark . After demonstrations by residents against the presence of "German neo-Nazis", he cleared the house and was imprisoned in Gütersloh in November 1994 . In November 1995 the Dortmund Regional Court ruled . Schönborn was sentenced to two years and three months without parole. After an unsuccessful appeal before the Federal Court of Justice, Schönborn began serving his sentence in November 1996. After his release from prison, he took part in various NPD events. He has been running a toy store since 2001.

In 2006, the Dortmund Regional Court sentenced Schönborn to an 18-month suspended sentence for sedition and other propaganda offenses.

In 2009 he organized a “comradely celebration” in Thuringia on the occasion of the summer solstice . In December 2008 he organized a “ Yule Festival” in Erfurt for the winter solstice . In the invitation texts, Schönborn writes: "We ask not to give our enemies any reason to disturb our harmony and to refrain from uniforms and the wearing of currently forbidden signs." On July 7, 2012, a raid against a previously unknown group of violent neo-Nazis The apartment and business premises of Schönborn and his mail order business were also searched in three federal states. The background to the searches was an investigation by the Neuruppin public prosecutor's office for violating the weapons law and the formation of an armed group .

In February 2013, Report Mainz reported that Schönborn was one of the leaders of the “ New Order ” group . His partner rented the “Weißes Haus” hotel in Brandenburg, where training courses should take place for them. As early as 2012, Der Spiegel had reported that a woman had leased the 4500 m² property, behind which the investigators suspected Meinolf's partner. In one of the hotel rooms they had found weapons, including a ready-to-fire 7.65 mm pistol and a converted US carbine with a telescopic sight, as well as around 300 cartridges of different calibers. In the Richberg house in Schwarzenborn am Knüllköpfchen in Northern Hesse , a center of the neo-Nazi scene, which was taken over by the self-confessed Holocaust denier Ludmila Ivan-Zadeh (daughter of the internationally known Holocaust denier Michèle Renouf ) in 2014 after the death of the right-wing extremist Manfred Roeder , the new owner tries Meinolf Schönborn to establish a nationwide neo-Nazi and “Reichsbürger” meeting point. In May 2017, he was charged with using marks from unconstitutional organizations . (Status: 2017)


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Meinolf Schönborn. In: Thomas Grumke , Bernd Wagner : Handbook right-wing radicalism. Leske and Budrich, Opladen 2002, ISBN 3-8100-3399-5 , pp. 315-317
  2. ^ The death of Jörg L. Transcript of an article in the television magazine Report Mainz , background information on the neo-Nazi organization "New Order". In: January 16, 2013, accessed April 7, 2019 .
  3. Wolfgang Purtscheller : Aufbruch der Völkischen: the brown network. Picus Verlag , Vienna 1993, ISBN 3-85452-239-8 , p. 305.
  4. ^ Profile: Law and Truth (RuW). Status of the article: 1996. In: . Retrieved March 6, 2018 .
  5. a b c d David Anbich, Andreas Speit : "Holy German Empire". The imperial idea and the imperial ideology of the extreme right. In: Andreas Speit (Ed.): Reich Citizens. The underestimated danger. Ch. Links, Berlin 2017, ISBN 978-3-86153-958-2 , pp. 22-40, here p. 34f.
  6. Brauner Luther Event. In: . March 17, 2017. Retrieved October 25, 2018 .
  7. Jochen Bittner : The spy who went out into the cold . In: The time . No. 20/2002 , May 8, 2002 ( ; registration required [accessed on August 23, 2020]).
  8. ^ Imprisonment for neo-Nazis. Tagesspiegel from August 2, 2006
  9. ^ Rainer Holzkamp: Neo-Nazi Schönborn active in Thuringia. In: , June 18, 2009.
  10. EIL: Raid against neo-Nazis in three federal states ( Memento of the original from April 7, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. In: , July 7, 2012 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  11. Background on the neo-Nazi organization "New Order: The Death of Jörg L. In: , February 5, 2013
  12. ^ Neo-Nazis. Corpse in room 15 , Der Spiegel, July 9, 2012
  13. Sylke Grede: Ban on use this month? - Haus im Knüll develops into a seminar center for the right-wing scene . In: . May 20, 2017. Retrieved October 17, 2019.
  14. Sylke Grede: Right-wing extremist lady succeeds Roeder - daughter of well-known Holocaust denier bought House Richberg. In: . August 30, 2013, accessed November 9, 2019.
  15. ^ Neo-Nazi property in Hesse: District administrator wants to take action against the right-wing scene. In: May 23, 2017. Retrieved January 25, 2019 .