North Macedonian-Portuguese relations

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North Macedonian-Portuguese relations
Location of North Macedonia and Portugal
North MacedoniaNorth Macedonia PortugalPortugal
North Macedonia Portugal

The nordmazedonisch-Portuguese relations include the bilateral relationship of Northern Macedonia and Portugal . The countries have had diplomatic relations since 1994.

The relationships are considered problem-free, but not yet very intense. The countries are partners in a number of multilateral organizations such as the Council of Europe and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe . North Macedonia also wants to join the EU, to which Portugal has been a member since 1986. Also the NATO , the Portugal co-founded in 1949, Northern Macedonia wants to join, and there has been an observer.

In 2018, 55 citizens of North Macedonia were registered in Portugal, with 21 most of them in the greater Lisbon area. In 2008, three Portuguese were consularly registered in North Macedonia.


Until Macedonia became independent from Yugoslavia in 1991, the relationship was determined by Yugoslav-Portuguese relations .

On November 15, 1994, the two states established direct diplomatic relations. On January 16, 1996 , Heitor Manuel Prestes Maia e Silva , Portugal's ambassador based in Belgrade, was accredited in Skopje. Since then, the Portuguese representative for Serbia in North Macedonia has been double-accredited .


North Macedonia does not have its own embassy in Portugal; the North Macedonian representation in Paris is responsible. An honorary consulate for North Macedonia has been set up in the Portuguese capital, Lisbon .

Portugal also does not have its own diplomatic representation in North Macedonia; the country belongs to the administrative district of the Portuguese embassy in the Serbian capital Belgrade . Portugal has not yet opened consulates in North Macedonia (as of 2018).


The Portuguese Chamber of Commerce AICEP has no representation in North Macedonia; the AICEP office in Belgrade is responsible. In 2015, 54 Portuguese companies were operating in North Macedonia.

In 2015, North Macedonia imported goods worth EUR 3.088 million from Portugal ( 2014 : 1.887 million, 2013 : 1.900 million, 2012 : 1.433 million, 2011 : 1.579 million), of which 71.1% were textiles, 10.4% paper and cellulose paste, 6.0% machines and devices, 2.0% plastics and rubber, and 1.3% wood and cork.

During the same period, Portugal imported goods worth EUR 3.534 million from North Macedonia ( 2014 : 9.153 million, 2013 : 12.134 million, 2012 : 12.601 million, 2011 : 22.135 million), of which 28.7% were metals, 3, 7% food, 2.0% machines and devices, 0.3% minerals and ores, and 0.1% plastics and rubber.

This put Portugal in 37th place in North Macedonia's foreign trade, both as a buyer and as a supplier. In Portugal's foreign trade, North Macedonia ranks 132nd as a buyer and 121st as a supplier.


The Portuguese cultural institute Instituto Camões is active in North Macedonia, in particular with a teaching position at the University of Skopje .


The North Macedonian national soccer team and Portugal's national team have met twice so far (as of July 2019), the first time on April 2, 2003 in Lausanne, Switzerland. The game ended 1-0 for Portugal. The second encounter took place in Leiria, Portugal on May 26, 2012, it ended in a draw 0-0.

The North Macedonian women's national soccer team and the Portuguese women's selection have not yet met. The North Macedonians have not yet entered the Portuguese Algarve Cup (as of July 2019).

Occasionally, North Macedonian players also play for Portuguese clubs, such as national player Srgjan Zaharievski at SC Campomaiorense 2000/01.

Web links

Commons : North Macedonian-Portuguese Relations  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Overview of North Macedonian-Portuguese relations on the website of the Diplomatic Institute of the Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs , accessed on August 3, 2019
  2. List of foreign citizens in Portugal (by district) at the Portuguese immigration office Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras, accessed on August 3, 2019
  3. Website on North Macedonian-Portuguese migration (Table A.3) at the Portuguese Scientific Observatório da Emigração, accessed on August 3, 2019
  4. List of North Macedonian representations worldwide on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia, accessed on August 3, 2019
  5. a b c d Overview of Portugal's economic relations with North Macedonia , PDF access from the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce AICEP, accessed on August 3, 2019
  6. Overview of the activities of the Instituto Camões in North Macedonia , website of the Instituto Camões cultural institute, accessed on August 3, 2019