Only God Forgives

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German title Only God Forgives
Original title Only God Forgives
Country of production France
original language English
Publishing year 2013
length 90 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Nicolas Winding Refn
script Nicolas Winding Refn
production Lene Børglum
music Cliff Martinez
camera Larry Smith
cut Matthew Newman

Only God Forgives is a French - Danish thriller from the year 2013 . The Danish film director Nicolas Winding Refn directed and wrote the screenplay.

The film was nominated for a Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival in 2013. The cinema release in Germany was on July 18, 2013.


The American Julian Thompson runs a boxing club in Bangkok , which also serves as a hub for drug smuggling. In the first scene, Julian sends a fighter into the ring of his boxing club. While the young boxer appears to be making a good fight, drugs and money openly change hands in the crowd. When Julian's brother Billy kills an underage prostitute, the police officer Chang explains to the victim's father that he can do whatever he wants with Billy. He then smashes this head.

In an inter-scene you see Julian daydreaming while he is tied by the wrists of the high-class prostitute Mai in his chair. She sits down on the bed in front of Julian and satisfies herself.

Crystal Thompson, the mother of the two brothers, comes to Bangkok to identify Billy's body. She assigns Julian to find his brother's murderers. Julian questions the victim's father, Choi, about his role in Billy's murder. Choi explains to Julian that Lt. Chang was forced to kill Billy, who then chopped off his arm for letting his daughter work as a prostitute. With that he paid for his sins. Julian lets Choi live. But Crystal demands of him to find and kill Chang.

Liang, who trains at Julian's boxing club, later kills Choi on behalf of Crystal. The police then arrive at the boxing club. Among the police officers is Lt. Chang, who quickly finds out that Julian is not Choi's killer. Julian in turn suspects that Chang is responsible for his brother's death and pursues him through the streets of Bangkok, but loses him.

Meanwhile, Crystal hires a certain Byron to kill Chang. He sends three heavily armed killers who attack Chang in a restaurant, killing one of Chang's colleagues. Chang shoots two of the three attackers, overpowers the third by pouring hot frying fat in his face and then beating him up. He is then taken hostage in order to lead him to his boss Li Po. Chang executes him there, whereupon Li Po names Byron as the person who commissioned the attack. Chang finds Byron and, after torturing him, kills the stubborn man with a stab in the head.

Chang and his men visit Julian again, and he calls on him to fight. In the following boxing match, Julian is quickly defeated by the experienced and technically superior Chang. Crystal informs Julian that Chang is aware of her involvement in the murder. She fears Chang and asks Julian to protect her.

Julian gains access to Chang's apartment with the help of his friend Charlie Ling. Ling shoots the returning nanny and is shot by Julian when Ling, as instructed, attacks Chang's daughter. Julian takes one of his Dha swords from Chang's weapon collection and leaves the apartment.

At the same time, Chang and another policeman found Crystal at their hotel. Chang executes her. She previously revealed to his colleague that Julian murdered his own father.

On returning to the hotel, Julian finds his mother's body. In a daydream, he cuts a crack in her stomach with the stolen sword and lets his hand slide into it. Finally he stands in a field next to Chang, who raises his weapon to cut off his arms like the other delinquents. But before the cut is made, there is a cut to Chang singing karaoke in his favorite bar.


“Bloodthirsty revenge and retribution drama, [...] motifs from Greek tragedy and from the dramas of Shakespeare are trivialized to such an extent that they fit into the guise of an exploitation film, which in turn is polished to a high gloss with the means [sic] of elaborate arthouse cinema . "

“The film is at the same time strangely accessible and manically relieved: it cultivates aloofness, exploits its images as mystical surfaces and constantly indulges in pleasure. Refn is interested in the obvious, the stylish and the disturbing. Which is easy to misunderstand as clumsy simplicity. This is all the more erroneous as there is nothing authoritarian about his approach, only the hype with our eyes does that. Only God Forgives is also hardly suitable as an object of provocation , rather it arises from a gesture of masturbation and fetish, which this time is balanced in gloomy, often steep and red-lit rooms in Thailand. "

- Frédéric Jaeger : - the film page

“[...] the revenge thriller [...] is actually inedible. But that's exactly why it's one of the most watchable films of the year. […] Only God Forgives is a film without a hero, a story without a punch line, a thriller without a thrill. This makes the libidinal entanglements between the film, its makers and its audience all the more apparent. What do you want to get from a film? And how do you deal with it if he doesn't fulfill your wishes? Can something productive grow out of disappointment? "

- Hannah Pilarczyk : Spiegel Online

“The film Only God Forgives is a surreal obsession and revenge spectacle, Refn celebrates art as an act of violence. [...] Art as an act of violence, Nicolas Windign Refn takes this idea literally. He's filming Pulp Fiction, quite literally, even Ryan Gosling's face turned to a pulp in the end. Tarantino's films are playful flirtations against it. "

- Fritz Göttler : Süddeutsche Zeitung

Only God Forgives is rough, uncompromising, and repulsive in every way. Nevertheless, the viewer cannot avert his gaze due to the grandiose magnificence of the pictures. Deeper sense or not - the film is not one of Refn's best works, but it can skillfully distinguish itself from the current cinema uniformity. "

- Josephine Drews :


Only God Forgives was named Best Picture at the 2013 Sydney Film Festival . Nicolas Winding Refn was nominated for the Palme d'Or at the Cannes International Film Festival .


role actor German voice actor
Julian Ryan Gosling Tommy Morgenstern
Billy Tom Burke Detlef Giess
Chang Vithaya pans ring arm Hans-Jürgen Dittberner
Colonel Kim Sahajak Boonthanakit Sven Gerhardt
Crystal Kristin Scott Thomas Traudel Haas
Daeng Charlie Ruedpokanon Yoshij Grimm
Gordon Gordon Brown Thomas Hailer
May Yayaying Rhatha Phongam Julia Meynen


The film was released on DVD in the United States on October 22, 2013 . Only God Forgives has been available on DVD in Germany since November 18th.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Release certificate for Only God Forgives . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , June 2013 (PDF; test number: 139 201 K).
  2. ^ Only God Forgives. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film Service , accessed June 26, 2014 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  3. ^ Frédéric Jaeger: Only God Forgives. - the film page, May 23, 2012, accessed on July 19, 2013 .
  4. Hannah Pilarczyk: Brutal masterpiece "Only God Forgives": On the face. Spiegel Online, accessed July 20, 2013 .
  5. ^ Fritz Göttler: A season in purgatory: "Only God Forgives". Retrieved July 25, 2013 .
  6. Josephine Drews: Review: Only God Forgives. (No longer available online.), July 29, 2012, archived from the original on July 26, 2013 ; Retrieved July 29, 2013 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  7. ^ German dubbing of Only God Forgives . German dubbing files . Retrieved July 19, 2013.
  8. DVD release in the United States . Retrieved November 4, 2013.