Panteleimon Krestowitsch Schuse

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Panteleimon Krestowitsch Schuse ( Arabic Bandali Saliba ibn al-Dschausi , Russian Пантелеймон Крестович Жузе * July 20 jul. / 1. August  1870 greg. In Jerusalem ; † 20 January 1942 in Baku ) was an Ottoman - Russian orientalist , religious scholars and University professor of Arab origin.


Schuse came from a Christian Arab family and lost his parents in childhood. He graduated from the high school of the Russian Orthodox Mission Society in Nazareth and then came to Russia . 1889-1892 he studied at the Bethany Spiritual Seminary in Sergiev Posad . In 1892 he entered the Moscow Spiritual Academy . In 1895 he moved to the Kazan Spiritual Academy, where he graduated as a theology candidate in 1896 . He stayed at the academy as an intern at the chair for Arabic and Islamic criticism until 1916. At the same time, he was a lecturer in French from 1899–1913 . In 1899 he defended his historical-critical investigation of the Muʿtazila as a master's thesis . In December, he took Russian citizenship. His other work dealt with the situation of Christians in Muslim states, with Islam and the Enlightenment , with the Christian influence on Muslim literature and with Georgia in the 17th century according to the portrayal of Patriarch Makarios. While serving in Kazan, he was sent to Egypt to study in 1897 and 1909–1910 . In addition to Arabic, Greek , Russian and French, he spoke German , English , Hebrew , Latin , Persian and Hindi . During the Kazan period he studied Tatar . 1901–1902 he published a Russian textbook for Arabs and in 1903 a two-part Russian-Arabic dictionary. In his History of the Jerusalem Church, he described the conflict between the Christian Arabs and the predominant Greeks . His efforts to get a professorship were unsuccessful because he was accused of secularism and friendliness towards Islam. During the First World War he was a military censor .

After the October Revolution , Schuse became a professor at Kazan University in 1919 . In 1920 he was appointed to the Chair of Arabic Language and Literature at the new Azerbaijan University in Baku, where he remained until 1937. Now he also studied Azerbaijani . In 1921 he received his doctorate in Arabic language and literature . In 1938 he became a research assistant at the Institute of History of the Azerbaijani branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in Baku. He continued his studies of the early history of Islam in Transcaucasia during the time of Arab rule. He translated Arabic treatises on this into Russian and published them.

Schuse had been married to Lyudmila Lavrentjewna Sujewa since 1902, with whom he had seven children: Georgi (1903–1942, geologist , killed in the German-Soviet War ), Vladimir (1904–1993, physicist ), Anastassija (1905–1981, biologist ) , Alexandra (1907–1931, historian ), Tamara (1909–2002, chemist ), Boris (1913–1988, geologist) and Olga (1914–2005, biologist).


Individual evidence

  1. a b Жузе (Пантелеймон Крестович, род. В 1871 г.) . In: Brockhaus-Efron . Ia, 1905, p. 757 ( Wikisource [accessed February 12, 2019]).
  2. a b c d e Pravoslawnaja Enziklopedija: ЖУЗЕ (accessed on February 12, 2019).
  3. Наш Баку - История Баку и бакинцев: Жузе Пантелеймон Крестович (Бандали ибн Салиба, калиба кикержаузи) - accessed February 12, 2019.
  4. М.А. Кострюков, М.З. Хабибуллин: Пантелеймон Крестович Жузе: жизненный путь и научное наследие видного наследие видного кредставителя кредставителя . In: Известия Алтайского государственного университета . tape 64 , no. 4–2 , pp. 95–98 ( [PDF; accessed February 12, 2019]).
  5. Schuse PK: Положение христиан в мусульманских государствах . In: Православный Собеседник . tape IX , 1897.
  6. Schuse PK: Ислам и просвещение . In: Православный Собеседник . tape XI , 1899.
  7. Schuse PK: Христианское влияние на мусульманскую литературу . In: Православный Собеседник . tape XVI , 1904.
  8. Schuse PK: Грузия в XVII столетии по изображению патриарха Макария . Kazan 1905.
  9. Schuse PK: Из истории Иерусалимской Церкви . Kazan 1910.