Parc natural de la peninsula de Llevant

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Parc natural de la peninsula de Llevant
View over Aubarca to Talaia Moreia
View over Aubarca to Talaia Moreia
Parc natural de la península de Llevant (Spain)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Coordinates: 39 ° 45 ′ 27 ″  N , 3 ° 21 ′ 17 ″  E
Location: Balearic Islands , Spain
Next city: Artà
Surface: 16.7196 km²
Founding: 2001
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The Parc natural de la península de Llevant ( Castilian : Parque natural de la península de Llevant , "Natural Park of the Llevant Peninsula") is a nature reserve in the northeast of the Spanish Balearic island of Mallorca , in the region ( comarca ) Llevant .

Today 1,671.96 hectares large nature park was introduced by Decree 127/2001 of the Government of the Balearic Islands ( Govern de les Illes Balears provided) on 9 November 2001 under protection. It is considered a natural area of ​​special interest ( Àrea natural d'especial interès / ANEI) according to Act 1/1991 of the Balearic Parliament and a special bird protection zone ( Zona de Especial Interés para la Avifauna / ZEPA) according to Directive 79/409 / EEC of the European Commission .


Geographical location

Information board at s'Alqueria Vella

When it was founded in 2001, the Natural Park of the Eastern Peninsula (Llevant) covered an area of ​​21,507 hectares, of which 16,232 hectares were land and 5,275 hectares were sea. Excluding settlement areas, the nature park extended almost over the entire peninsula of Artà within the municipal areas of Artà , Capdepera , Son Servera up to and including smaller areas of Sant Llorenç des Cardassar , Manacor and Santa Margalida . It reached from the Cap de Ferrutx in the north to the Punta de n'Amer peninsula in the south and from the Torrent de na Borges near Son Serra de Marina in the west to the most easterly point of Mallorca, the Punta de Capdepera .

The objections of the private owners of the affected lands forced the Balearic government to limit the protection zone on December 22nd, 2003 within the framework of Law 10/2003 to goods in public hands. This reduced the area of ​​the nature park by 92.23%. Today's park area of ​​1671 hectares is mostly located in the municipality of Artà, with 1658 hectares, in the north of the Massís d'Artà mountain range with the mountains Puig Morei ( sa Talaia Freda ) and Puig de sa Tudossa to Cap de Ferrutx . The northern coastline from the western Cape Roquetes to the beach of s'Arenalet des Verger as well as the separated area of ​​only 13 hectares at the Cap des Freu in the municipality of Capdepera are designated as nature reserves. The Artà Natural Park is one of the public estates of Aubarca (also Albarca ), Es Verger and S'Alqueria Vella .


Plant kingdom (flora)

The largest part of the northeastern natural park of Mallorca is bushland , also called Garriga , dominated by sprouting plant species such as dwarf palms ( Chamaerops humilis ) and dissgras ( Ampelodesmos mauritanica ). The open vegetation is the result of the former pasture management of the country estates in the north of the municipality of Artà, for the purpose of which fire was used to regenerate the areas. The frequent burning of the pastures to keep the areas open for sheep and goats led to the displacement of the forests that are actually native here. These, consisting of stone oaks ( Quercus ilex ) and Aleppo pines ( Pinus halepensis ), could only hold themselves in a few depressions and on the courses of the torrents , the torrents.

Balearic St. John's Wort
Wild goats on the coast

In the course of developing tourism in Mallorca, the agricultural operation in less profitable areas of the island was given up. Extensive olive , almond , fig and carob tree cultures also remained in the Llevant Nature Park . The endemic plant species in the diverse landscape of the Parc natural de la Península des Llevant include the Balearic St. John's wort ( Hypericum balearicum ) and the marine germander ( Teucrium marum subsp. Occidentale ).

Animal world (fauna)

Some of the animals are also found only endemic to the Balearic Islands . These include a species of snail ( Iberellus balearicus ), the cave pseudoscorpion ( Chthonius balearicus ), the Balearic green toad ( Bufo viridis balearica ) and the Balearic warbler ( Sylvia balearica ). In addition to these rather inconspicuous species, however, the large number of wild goats are striking, for which the open landscape and the rocky coast offer a suitable habitat. Much less visible to the human eye are the colonies of the Mediterranean sea turtles ( Testudo hermanni hermanni ), whose populations are recovering in the nature park.

The abundant bird populations on the Llevant peninsula are striking. Coral gulls ( Larus audouinii ), shags ( Phalacrocorax aristotelis ) and cormorants ( Phalacrocorax carbo ) nest in the nature park . Booted eagles ( Hieraaetus pennatus ), peregrine falcons ( Falco peregrinus ) and Eleanor's falcons ( Falco eleonorae ), more rarely osprey ( Pandion haliaetus ) and Egyptian vulture ( Neophron percnopterus ) are native to birds of prey . Attempts are currently being made to relocate red kites ( Milvus milvus ), from which young animals have been released for this purpose.


Several hiking trails lead through the nature park. These can be reached from the MA-3333 road from Artà in the direction of the Ermita de Betlem , where the junction to the entrance of the s'Alquera Vella estate is five kilometers after Artà on the right . At s'Alquera Vella d'Avall , a parking lot has been created for visitors to the nature reserve. From here two paths lead east to the Aubarca estate (Albarca) and north over the remains of the Campament dels Soldats to Puig de sa Tudossa . There is a marked circular hiking trail on the Aubarca estate , while from Puig de sa Tudossa there are two different routes to reach the beach of s'Arenalet des Verger .

Another way to reach the Parc natural de la Península de Llevant is to use the coastal path Caminet del Carabiners (Camí dels Carabiners) , starting from Cala Estreta towards the west. This narrow rocky bay is at the end of the road from Artà via sa Duaia to the beaches of Cala Torta and Cala Mitjana . At the end of the coastal path, about 5.5 kilometers from Cala Estreta , is the s'Arenalet des Verger beach on Penya Roja (“Red Rock”). The nature reserve at Cap des Freu between Cala Agulla and Cala Mesquida in the municipality of Capdepera, below the 271 meter high Talaia de son Jaumell, is located away from the closed nature reserve area in its current extent .

Web links

Commons : Parc natural de la península de Llevant  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Govern de les Illes Balears / Conselleria de Medi Ambient: Península de Llevant - Natural Park , information sheet
  2. ^ Decree Conselleria de Medi Ambient
  3. Grup d'Ornitologia Balear (GOB) for the downsizing of the nature park: introduction
  4. Decret 127/2001, de 9 de novembre, pel qual es declaren el parc natural de la península de Llevant i les reserves naturals de Cap Farrutx i Cap Des Freu. In: Boletín Oficial de las Islas Baleares. November 9, 2001, accessed April 11, 2020 .
  5. a b Natural Park of the Llevant Peninsula