Paula Hans

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Paula Hans (born November 28, 1986 in Dresden ) is a German actress and radio play speaker .


Paula Hans is the daughter of a professional musician and an art teacher. At a young age she performed as an acrobat in a children's circus. From 2006 to 2010 Hans graduated from the "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy" University of Music and Theater in Leipzig and after graduation went to the German Theater in Göttingen . She stayed here until 2013, in between there were trips to the Leipzig Theater and the German Theater in Hamburg . From the 2013/14 season to 2017, Hans belonged to the ensemble of the Schauspiel Frankfurt . In the 2018/19 season she will be a guest at the Schauspiel Frankfurt in “The Seventh Cross” and in “Peer Gynt” in 2019/20.

Under directors such as Volker Hesse , Felix Rothenhäusler , René Pollesch , Jorinde Dröse and Sebastian Hartmann , Hans played the viola in William Shakespeare's Was ihr wollt , Frida Foldal in John Gabriel Borkman by Henrik Ibsen , Lucile in Dantons Tod by Georg Büchner , Eve in Heinrich von Kleist's comedy vom Zerbrochnen Krug or Anja in the comedy Der Kirschgarten by Anton Chekhov .

Paula Hans worked in front of the camera before and during her acting training and has been on screen since then. As a teenager she also worked for a short time as a voice actress , including for Signe Lerche in the film Olsenbande Junior .

Filmography (selection)

Radio plays

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Claudia Schülke: The dogma of becoming an actress , Frankfurter Allgemeine from January 27, 2017 , accessed on October 7, 2017
  2. a b Profile at , accessed on October 7, 2017
  3. Acting profile Paula Hans at the Ute Nicolai agency , accessed on October 27, 2019