Persons of the Saefkow-Jacob-Bästlein-Organization
The Saefkow-Jacob-Bästlein-Organization was one of the largest resistance organizations in Germany during the Second World War . It was formed in Berlin and had contacts in many other regions. It is therefore also referred to in the literature as the KPD's operational management . But not only communists belonged to the groups of the Saefkow-Jacob-Bästlein organization .
Of the 506 known people, around 200 belonged to the KPD before 1933, 22 to the SPD or SAP and around 200 were non-party; every fourth was a woman. 160 men and women were unionized before 1933, over 60 of them in the DMV .
For the people who worked outside of Berlin, the respective location or region is indicated.
- Bernhard Almstadt (1897–1944), managing director of Arbeiter-Sport-Verlag, death sentence
- Judith Auer (1905–1944), stenographer, KWO , death sentence
- Willi Bänsch (1908–1944), locksmith
- Elli Bänsch
- Bernhard Bästlein (1894–1944), precision mechanic, death sentence
- Karl Baier (1887–1973)
- Julius Balkow (1909–1973), mechanical engineer, sentenced to seven years in prison
- Gustav Basse (1894–1944), mechanic, engineer, executed on November 6, 1944 in the Brandenburg-Görden prison
- Richard Bergow (1896–?), Plasterer, arrested July 12, 1944, liberated April 14, 1945
- Ernst Beuthke (born March 3, 1903, † August 11, 1943 in the industrial courtyard of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp), fighter in Spain
- Charlotte Bischoff (1901–1994), shorthand clerk, Die Innere Front
- Margarete Blank (1901–1945), Leipzig, doctor
- Max Borrack (1901–1945), commercial agent, death sentence
- Marta Borrack , sentenced to two years in prison
- Hermann Bruse (1904–1953), Magdeburg, painter and graphic artist, death sentence
- Hermann Danz (1906–1945), Magdeburg, blacksmith, death sentence
- Franz Demuth (1895–1971), Hamburg / Berlin
- Georg Dimentstein (1897–1945), Berlin, artist, death sentence
- Georg Dünninghaus (1893–1953), KPD functionary
- Otto Engert (1895–1945), Leipzig, carpenter, death sentence
- Fritz Emrich (1894–1947), tailor
- Siegfried Forstreuter (1914–1944), tool lathe operator in Berlin, KPD member, death sentence
- Alfred Frank (1884–1945), Leipzig, painter and graphic artist, death sentence
- Max Grabowski (1897–1981) The inner front
- Otto Grabowski (Berlin) , (1892–1961) The Inner Front
- Otto Grabowski (Wildau) , Wildau (1901–1944)
- Grete Groh-Kummerlöw (1909–1980), Plauen, textile worker
- Auguste Haase (1899–1945), Zepernick, death sentence
- Bruno Hämmerling (1896–1944), KWO , death sentence
- Willi Heinze (1910–1945), tailor, death sentence
- Wolfgang Heinze (1911–1945), Leipzig, lawyer, death sentence
- Reinhold Hermann (1885–1945), printer
- Willy Hielscher (1904–1945), death sentence
- Paul Hinze (1906–1945), butcher, death sentence, arrested in April 1944
- Paul Hirsch (1907–1945), toolmaker, arrested in July 1944, escaped on the way to the VGH , died in August 1945 while a Soviet prisoner of war
- Josef Höhn (1902–1945),
- Arthur Hoffmann (1900–1945), Leipzig
- Caesar Horn (1914-1945),
- Franz Jacob (1906–1944), machinist
- Hans Jendretzky (1897–1992), locksmith
- Paul Junius (1901–1944), machine fitter , Askania Werke , death sentence
- Hugo Kapteina (1903–1945), designer
- Gerhard Kaun (1911–1944)
- Hans Kiefer (1905–1966), carpenter
- Helene Kirsch (1906–1999), metal worker
- Kurt Kresse (1904–1945), Leipzig
- Johannes Kreiselmaier (1892–1944), Senior Medical Officer, Berlin, sentenced to death by the People's Court
- Karl Ladé (1909–1945), designer, Askania-Werke in Berlin-Mariendorf
- Maria Langner (1901–1967), writer, she was sentenced to prison
- Hugo Launicke (1909–1975), construction worker
- Georg Lehnig (1907–1945), mechanic
- Otto Lemm , Wildau
- Emil Leo , Frohnau
- Walter Leu (1908–1944), machine fitter
- Eva Lippold (1909–1994), Magdeburg, stenographer
- Arthur Magnor , supported Willy Hielscher
- Hildegard Margis (1887–1944), author
- Hubert Materlik (1895–1944), worker
- Franz Moericke (1885–1956), model maker
- Theodor Neubauer (1890–1945), Thuringia, sociologist,
- Gertrud Neuhof (1901–1987), Frohnau, stenographer
- Erwin Nöldner (1913–1944), locksmith
- Johannes Pauka (1897–1945), saddler
- Rudolf Peter (1889–1945), bookbinder
- Fritz Plön (1906–1944), welder
- Magnus Poser (1907–1944), Thuringia
- Lydia Poser (1909–1984), Thuringia
- Erich Prenlau Niederlehme
- Friedrich Rödel (1904–1945), Magdeburg
- Kurt Rühlmann (1903–1945), locksmith, death sentence
- Georg Sacke (1902–1945), Leipzig, historian
- Anton Saefkow (1903-1944)
- Willi Sänger (1894–1944), worker sportsman, courier to Leipzig to the Schumann-Engert-Kresse Group , death sentence
- Johann Schellheimer (1899–1945), Magdeburg
- Alfred Schmidt (1891–1985), Leipzig, brewery worker
- Franz Schmidt , (? –1944), KWO , death sentence
- Paul Schütze , Wildau
- Egmont Schultz
- Marga Schumacher , Frohnau
- Georg Schumann (1886–1945), Leipzig, toolmaker, death sentence
- Martin Schwantes (1904–1945), Magdeburg
- Georg Schwarz (1896–1945), Leipzig
- Rudolf Seiffert (1908–1945), Siemens
- Wilhelm Selke (1893–1945), Ullstein, death sentence
- Hans Ludwig Sierks (1877–1945), Leipzig
- Ernst Siebert (1916–1994), The Inner Front
- Kurt Sindermann (1904–1945), Dresden
- Willi Stoph (1914–1999), bricklayer
- Johanna Steinbach (1894– after 1968), Kreuzberg, partner of Bruno Hämmerling and mother of Ursula Marx, survived the Ravensbrück concentration camp
- Stanislaus Szczygielski (1902–1945), death sentence
- Gertrud Temlitz , Schönow
- Ferdinand Thomas (1913–1944)
- Ella Trebe (1902-1943)
- Herbert Tschäpe (1913–1944),
- Elli Voigt (1912–1944), Schönow, death sentence
- Fritz Voigt (1906–?)
- Helmut Wagner (1911–1944), executed in Brandenburg prison on December 4, 1944
- Marta Wagner
- Lisa Walter
- Georgi Vasilyev , organizer of resistance in several POW camps, the escape with the help of the early summer of 1944 Willy Hielscher and Arthur Magnor succeeded
- Gustav Wegener (1908–1944), death sentence
- Arthur Weisbrodt (1909–1944)
- Wilhelm White (1901–1946)
- Richard Wenzel (1904–1980)
- Emil Wölk (1903-1944)

Memorial plaque for Paul Hirsch , Paul Junius , Karl Ladé , Kurt Rühlmann , Stanislaus Szczygielski , Hermann Wolff and Walter Zimmermann in Berlin-Mariendorf
- Walter Zimmermann ( February 8, 1910 Berlin - January 8, 1945 Brandenburg prison ). Zimmermann was a member of the SPD and worked as a precision mechanic at the Askania works in Mariendorf . There, together with Paul Hirsch , Paul Junius , Karl Ladé and a few other people who already knew each other from organized workers' sports, he formed the core of the Saefkow-Jacob-Bästlein organization . Karl Lade, Kurt Rühlmann and Walter Zimmermann moved to the branch of the Askania works in Weißensee in 1943/44 , where they continued to be involved in the resistance. The group supported foreign forced laborers , collected food, medicine and clothing for them, distributed leaflets with news from " enemy broadcasters " about the actual course of the war and carried out a series of sabotage activities in the factory, which manufactured precision instruments essential for the war effort. 21 members of the group were arrested by the Gestapo during a wave of arrests , including Walter Zimmermann on July 25, 1944. They were charged with high treason , favoring the enemy and failing to report these crimes. All those arrested were sentenced by the People's Court on November 30, 1944 , four of them, Karl Ladé, Kurt Rühlmann, Stanislaus Szczygielski and Walter Zimmermann, to death.
- Gerhart Ziller (1912–1957), mechanical engineer, 1944–45 in Sachsenhausen concentration camp and in Leipzig prison
- Paul Zobel (1891–1945), publishing editor
See also
- People of the "Red Chapel"
- Persons of July 20, 1944
- People of the Bästlein-Jacob-Abshagen group
- List of resistance fighters against National Socialism
- Ursel Hochmuth : Illegal KPD and movement “Free Germany” in Berlin and Brandenburg 1942–1945. Biographies and testimonials from the resistance organization around Saefkow, Jacob and Bästlein. (= Writings of the German Resistance Memorial Center. Series A, Analyzes and Representations, Volume 4); Hentrich and Hentrich: Teetz 1998, ISBN 3-933471-08-7
- Annette Neumann, Susanne Reveles, Bärbel Schindler-Saefkow: Berlin workers' resistance 1942–1945. "Away with Hitler - end the war!" The Saefkow-Jacob-Bästlein-Organization. Berlin Association of Those Persecuted by the Nazi Regime - Bund der Antifaschisten und Antifaschistinnen eV: Berlin 2009
- Annette Neumann, Bärbel Schindler-Saefkow: The Saefkow-Jacob-Bästlein-Organization 1942 to 1945 , in: Hans Coppi , Stefan Heinz (ed.): The forgotten resistance of the workers. Trade unionists, communists, social democrats, Trotskyists, anarchists and forced laborers . Dietz, Berlin 2012, ISBN 978-3-320-02264-8 , pp. 144–157
Web links
Individual evidence
- ^ Annette Neumann: Operating cells of the Saefkow-Jacob-Bästlein organization
- ↑
- ↑ Wildauer Rundschau ( Memento of the original from March 2, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.
- ^ Hans-Rainer Sandvoss : The "other" capital of the Reich . Lukas Verlag, Berlin 2007, ISBN 3-936872-94-5 , p. 588 .
- ^ Hans-Rainer Sandvoss: The "other" capital of the Reich . Lukas Verlag, Berlin 2007, ISBN 3-936872-94-5 , p. 592 .
- ^ Annette Neumann: Operating cells of the Saefkow-Jacob-Baestein organization . Lecture on January 22, 2009 (PDF; 28 kB) pp. 6–8 , accessed on April 4, 2015 .
- ^ Hans-Rainer Sandvoss: The "other" capital of the Reich . Lukas Verlag, Berlin 2007, ISBN 3-936872-94-5 , p. 592 .