Petit Rouge

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Petit Rouge
Synonyms Petit Rouge d'Aoste, Oriou - for more see the Synonyms section
Petit Rouge
Art Grape vine ( Vitis vinifera subsp. Vinifera )
Berry color black
VIVC no. 9200
List of grape varieties

Petit Rouge is an autochthonous red wine variety from the Aosta Valley wine region , Italy . The Enfer d'Arvier , Chambave Rosso and Torrette are wines made from this grape variety. The variety ripens late and produces dark-colored (ruby red to purple) red wines with ripe, soft tannins . Its characteristics are also the sharp acidity and a slight bitterness. It probably came to Valais from the Aosta Valley at the beginning of the 20th century . DNA analyzes at the “Istituto agrario di San Michele all'Adige”, today Fondazione Edmund Mach in San Michele all'Adige , also revealed a second-degree relationship to the old Resi grape variety, which is native to the Swiss Alps .

A study published in 2002 suggests that the Mayolet , Petit-Rouge, and Vien de Nus varieties are closely related and likely descended from the same ancestors. The previously expressed assumption that Petit-Rouge is known in Switzerland under the name Humagne Rouge could not be confirmed on the same occasion.


The Petit-Rouge belongs to a group of grape varieties that have been able to maintain themselves in the geographical island location of the Alpine regions of Italy and the Valais in Switzerland. The following varieties belong to this group:


The Petit-Rouge grape variety is also known by the following synonyms: Orion Gris, Oriou, Oriou Curare, Oriou Gris, Oriou Lombard, Oriou Picciou, Oriou Voirard, Petiou Rodze, Petit Rouge d'Aoste, Petit Rouge de Chatillon, Piccion Roza, Picciou Oriou, Picciou Radzo, Picciou Rouge, Picciou Rouzo, Picciourodzo, Picciourouzo, Pitchou Rodza, Ricciou Rouge, Rouge, Rouge du Valais, Voirard d'Aoste.


autochthonous grape variety of the Aosta Valley

See also


  • Pierre Galet : Dictionnaire encyclopédique des cépages . 1st edition. Hachette Livre, Paris 2000, ISBN 2-01-236331-8 .
  • Giulio Moriondo: Vini e Vitigni Autoctoni della Valle d'Aosta. (139 pages) . 1st edition. Institut Agricole Régional, Aosta 1999.

Individual evidence

  1. Sur les traces du cépage romain Raetica grâce à l'ADN ( Memento of July 14, 2006 in the Internet Archive ) by José F. Vouillamoz (in French)
  2. Biodiversity of grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) grown in the Aosta Valley (PDF; 330 kB) by M. Labra, G. Moriondo, A. Schneider, F. Grassi, O. Failla, A. Scienza and F. Sala, in Vitis 41, pages 89-92
  3. Petit-Rouge in the database Vitis International Variety Catalog of the Institute for Grapevine Breeding Geilweilerhof (English), April 2020