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Eslarn market
Coordinates: 49 ° 36 ′ 54 ″  N , 12 ° 31 ′ 25 ″  E
Height : 490 m above sea level NN
Residents : (Dec 31, 2012)
Postal code : 92693
Area code : 09653

Pfrentschweiher is a district of the Eslarn market in the Upper Palatinate district of Neustadt an der Waldnaab .

Geographical location

Pfrentschweiher is located around five kilometers north of Eslarn on the Katharinabach, which is two kilometers further west from Pfrentsch and bears the name Pfreimd . The neighboring towns of Pfrentschweiher are Waidhaus in the northwest , Torfhäusl in the southeast , Büchelberg in the south and Öd in the southwest Thomasgschieß and Pfrentsch in the west.


When the Leuchtenberg landgraves Ulrich and Johann began to build the 1400 daily work (about 4.8 km²) large Pfrentschweiher in 1362 , the subjects from Eslarn and the surrounding area were called upon to do hard labor. The Weiherdocke was created by Italian carpenters. The Pfrentschweiher should serve the fish farming, the irrigation of the area and the operation of the many hammer mills and mills on the Pfreimd. In the Middle Ages it was the largest artificial reservoir in Bavaria. He belonged to the Pleystein lordship .

In 1418 the Landgraves zu Leuchtenberg sold the Pfrentschweiher to the Count Palatine Johann von Neunburg due to financial difficulties . The Hussites , who invaded the country in 1426, abandoned the beneficiary and stole the fish. In the years 1605 to 1615, a new dock made of large ashlar stones was built in Pfrentsch, where the bridge over the Pfreimd goes today.

Even during the Thirty Years War , the area was looted and devastated several times.

The Pfrentschweiher was not a great economic success. Although the death penalty was fish theft and a gallows was erected on the pond dam in 1723 as a warning, the stealing of the fish by the residents of the area could not be prevented. Finally, in 1840, the pond was fished for the last time and drained.

The first meadow building school in Bavaria was built in 1855 in the area of ​​the Pfrentschweiher. Today the state estate "Pfrentsch" is located here , which belongs to the state teaching and research institute Almesbach bei Weiden.

On December 31, 1990 Pfrentschweiher had a resident and was part of the Burkhardsrieth branch .

Individual evidence

  1. Tourist Information, Eslarn Town Hall, reference date: December 31, 2012
  2. Fritsch hiking map of the Northern Upper Palatinate Forest Nature Park, scale 1: 50,000
  3. Hans Schlemmer: History of the Eslarn market. Book and offset printing Spintler Weiden, Regensburg, 1960, p. 26
  4. a b 1362 - The Pfrentschweiher. Local history working group Waidhaus, accessed on September 10, 2017 .
  5. Manfred Müller (Ed.): Register of the diocese of Regensburg. Verlag des Bischöflichen Ordinariats Regensburg, 1997, p. 161

Web links

Commons : Pfrentschweiher  - collection of images, videos and audio files