Plaster from Rolsberg

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Coat of arms of the Barons Putz von Rolsberg

The Barons Putz (Butz) von Rolsberg , also called Butz von Rohlsberg, Rollsperg in old books , are an Austrian noble family originating from the Rhineland and mentioned as early as the 15th century.


Peter Butz von Rohlsbergh with coat of arms 15th century, depiction from the 17th century.

The oldest known ancestor of the barons Putz von Rolsberg was Peter Butz von Rohlsbergh , imperial captain, who died on December 12, 1419 in Drolshagen and was buried in the local church. He already had the family coat of arms. The epitaph was still preserved in 1950.

On March 20, 1472, a Peter Butz von Rollsberg was mentioned, who was confirmed his nobility. In the settlement below the ruins of Staufenberg (Gießen district), the Lords of Rolsberg built a stately castle man's seat, the so-called lower castle.

The family served in the military for a long time. So died Johann Butz of Rolsberg (* around 1585, † 1621) in imperial perform military service. He was married to Barbara von Schinder. His son Johann Heinrich Butz von Rolsberg (* around 1610, † 1645), Colonel Wachtmeister on horseback in the Cologne Colonel Electoral Colonel, died of his war injuries. He married Margaretha von Henkang. Throughout its history, it also hired several prominent ecclesiastical dignitaries and politicians.

In an imperial document dated August 23, 1694, the noble family was recognized as a 200-year-old and at the same time included in the imperial knighthood, which then received the Hungarian baronate and indigenousate on December 30, 1734 and finally on July 3, 1781 to the hereditary-Austrian and Bohemian baron class with "Hochgeboren" was raised.

Because of the assignment of the post office in Zlabings (Slavonice) the family moved to Moravia . They bought and sold various goods on site until they became lords of Leitersdorf and oil works in 1792. The Rolsbergs stayed there until they were expropriated and expelled by the Czechoslovak state in 1945 .

Short biographies

Document from the city of Drolshagen dated October 18, 1683

Gerhard Heinrich Butz von Rolsberg

Johann Heinrich son Gerhard Heinrich Ritter Butz of Rolsberg (1637-1710) was initially Kürassier under the bodyguard Pope Alexander VII. , Came in 1662 in the Austrian military service in gräflich Bräunerschen Regiment and fought excellently in the battle against the Turks at St. Gotthard in Hungary (1664). As a reward for his services, he was given the important post of postmaster in Zlabings (Slavonice) .

The magistrate of the city of Drolshagen confirmed his aristocratic origin on October 18, 1683.

On September 14, 1694, Gerhard Heinrich bought the nearby Kirchwiedern estate (Kostelní Vydří) with Brandlin in the Iglauer Kreis (until 1825) from Gottfried Ernst von Walddorf for 35,500, in 1709 the Borowna estate for 21,000 Rhenish guilders  (fl.) And built with his Wife Maria Helena b. Hiltprand von Reinegg built the St. Antons Chapel in the parish church of Zlabings (1708), which he designated as the burial place of his family.

At the suggestion of the visiting Carmelite general Karl Graf Slawata (1641-1712) zu Neuhaus , he had a chapel built on a hill near Kirchwiedern (1709), in which a picture of the Holy Virgin from Mount Carmel was placed for veneration. This marked the beginning of the pilgrimage church "Our Lady of the Mountains Carmel", which is still known today, and the associated Carmelite monastery in Kirchwiedern.

Because of his former military merits and because “the von Rolsberg family in the Archdiocese of Cologne was considered good 200 years earlier”, Emperor Leopold I elevated him to the knighthood on August 23, 1694 and at the same time awarded him the Incolat in the Bohemian countries .

Matthias Heinrich Butz from Rolsberg

His nephews Hermann Anton, who died early, and Matthias Heinrich von Poest made Heinrich Gerhard one of his universal heirs and Emperor Joseph I confirmed the knighthood and the Incolat for the Bohemian countries on December 4, 1706 with an improvement in the coat of arms.

Maires Castle, built in 1713 by Matthias Heinrich Butz von Rolsberg

Matthias Heinrich Baron Butz von Rolsberg (born January 20, 1673 in Zlabings; † August 20, 1748 at Maires Castle), also imperial postmaster at Zlabings, married on February 15, 1700 in Zlabings to Elisabeth Margaretha von und zu Goldegg and Lindenburg (1674 –1753) at Maires Castle; inherited the Kirchwiedern estate, also bought the neighboring Maires ( Maříž ) for 18,000 Rhenish florins in 1713 and built a new castle there from scratch. Therefore he sold Borovna in 1721 for a profit. Like the town, Maires Castle was destroyed in the 1950s when border fortifications (iron curtain) were built.

In 1737 he had a larger Marienkapelle built, donated by him with 200 Rhenish florins (guilders), and inaugurated by the suffragan bishop of Freienfels.

Emperor Charles VI. awarded him the Hungarian baronate and indigenous status on December 30, 1734.

The baron left the entire property to his six sons. Since three died early and two more became religious dignitaries, the entire inheritance fell to his son Hermann Anton. Hermann Anton Ritter Putz von Rolsberg, childless brother of Matthias Heinrich, built another chapel next to an altar dedicated to the painful mother in the Zlabings church (1711).

Hermann Anton Baron Butz von Rolsberg (* July 23, 1702 in Zlabings; † February 6, 1780 in Batelau), son of the above, married on February 6, 1736 in Zlabings with Maria Anna von und zu Goldegg and Lindenburg (* 1715, † 1780), was Herr auf Kirchwiedern and Maires and owner of the kk Post zu Zlabings. He was the only one who continued the sex.

Joseph Ignaz Baron Butz von Rolsberg (* 1708 in Zlabings, † 1793 in Olmütz, buried in Kirchwiedern), Matthias Heinrich's second son, from 1750 on as master of Kirchwiedern-Brandlin, left the goods to his brother Johann Matthias in 1769.

Joh. Mathias von Rolsberg

He was first an ensign in the Damnizian regiment, but then embarked on a spiritual career, was archdeacon of Troppau, archbishop councilor and consistorial assessor, cathedral and capitular lord in Olomouc, infuled provost at St. Mauritz.

From 1746 to 1752 Joseph Ignaz had the Marienkapelle extended to the church and a large monastery building for the Carmelite order and the rectory in Kirchwidern built in 1769.

Johann Mathias (Matthias) Baron Butz von Rolsberg (1712–1803), another son of Matthias, was an infulent Olomouc provost and vicar general, rector of the theological faculty in Olomouc.

Maximilian Josef Franz Putz from Rolsberg

Maximilian (born October 5, 1739 in Zlabings; † March 15, 1797 at Schloss Leiterdorf), son of Hermann Anton, was first from 1758 as a lieutenant during the Seven Years' War in the military, later in the political service, 1772 as district commissioner of the Hradian district 1774 imperial council and from 1777 to 1784 Olomouc district chief.

Leitersdorf Castle near Troppau, New Castle, in the 19th century

He sold Maires Castle (December 30, 1790) and in 1792 bought the episcopal fiefdom Leitersdorf near Troppau from the Archdiocese of Olomouc with a cadastral size of 443 hectares for 48,000 Rhenish fl.

Leiterdorf Palace (Old Palace) 1909

He also inherited from his mother-in-law Maria Katharina Franziska de Paula Barbara Countess von Osteschau Weiss-Ölhütten (Bílá Lhota) . The family was entitled to these allodial goods until they were expropriated and expelled in 1945.

Church and monastery of the Carmelites in Kirchwiedern (Kostelní Vydří), 2009

The late baroque church in the heart of the Carmelite monastery in Kirchwiedern, built 1787–1789, was commissioned and financed by him.

Emperor Josef II confirmed the Hungarian baron status of December 30, 1734 to the imperial council and district chief in Olomouc Maximilian Baron Butz von Rolsperg and also granted him the status of hereditary-Austrian and Bohemian baron with "Hochgeboren" in Vienna on July 3, 1781 because of of his noble and knightly sex, then because of his military and community service.

The baron married on October 25, 1770 in the castle chapel in Ratschitz Maria Anna Franziska de Paula Antonia Brigitta Contessa Braida di Ronsecco e Cornigliano (* October 7, 1751 at Ratschitz Castle ; † June 20, 1793 in Drnowitz).

Maximilian's two younger brothers also became spiritual dignitaries:

  • Adam Baron Butz von Rolsberg (1741–1826) first devoted himself to the war trade in the kk Harrachian regiment before joining the Kajetan order . He then became canon of Kremsier (1780), canon and capitular lord in Olomouc, the royal. Brno Cathedral Monastery and Capitular Lord. On November 19, 1825 in Kirchwiedern, together with his brother Anton, he founded a scholarship foundation for poor young people from Zwittau and the associated communities with an initial capital of 12,500 florins. They were supposed to attend the Olomouc high school and then study philosophy and theology. The grant recipients should keep the memory of the founder of the foundation and his brother alive and pray for them.
  • Anton Baron Butz von Rolsberg (born July 11, 1742 in Hungarian Hradisch (Uherské Hradiště) ; † January 13, 1815 in Olomouc), was pastor and dean in Zwittau, established the Zwittau Foundation, then Olomouc Canon, prelate and dean of the theological faculty von Olmütz, 1805 also provost of Kremsier .

Anton Freiherr Putz von Rolsberg (* July 8, 1771; † December 31, 1843), Maximilian's eldest son, became a Catholic clergyman. He was lord of Kirchwiedern and Lehen Leitersdorf, doctor of theology, provost of the collegiate chapter at St. Mauritz (1805-1812), prelate and archdeacon of the cathedral chapter, cathedral and capitular lord of Olomouc, archivist and librarian at the Olomouc metropolitan chapter, cardinal and prince-archbishop von Olmütz Rudolph von Österreich Council as well as infuled rector of St. Anna, also infuled abbot of Our Lady of Poroszló in Hungary. He was also the master of the lordship of Kirchwiedern , Leitersdorf with castle and Oelhütten (1841), which he assigned to his younger brother Josef after his ordination as a priest.

Emma von Rolsberg and Max Frölich von Frölichsthal

Philipp Maria Josef Franz Freiherr Putz von Rolsberg , kk Oberleutnant (born August 27, 1772 in Zlabings, † August 28, 1809 in Kremsier ), married since September 11, 1804 to Josefa Paulina Vincenzia von Magino (born November 1, 1778, † November 25, 1842), was the only one of Maximilian's three sons to breed the tribe. He was badly wounded in the battle of Wagram . In Kremsier, privately cared for in the house at Hauptplatz No. 36, he died a few weeks later, but of tuberculosis .

Josef Freiherr Putz von Rolsberg (September 15, 1777; † May 9, 1841) was a real Imperial Chamberlain and Gubernialrat zu Olmütz as well as Lord of Kirchwiedern and Leitersdorf with castle and oil works. In 1825 he sold Kirchwiedern to the church, and his uncle Adam set up a scholarship foundation there. In 1841, since he remained single and childless, he bequeathed the remaining properties, Leitersdorf and Oelhütten, to his nephew Maximilian Anton.

Maximilian Anton Putz from Rolsberg

Max von Rolsberg

Maximilian Anton Freiherr Putz von Rolsberg auf Leitersdorf (1804–1872) in Troppau (Opava) , kk chamberlain , was an Austrian economist, archiepiscopal council, commentator on the papal Gregorian ordinances and member of the Moravian state parliament and member of the House of Representatives of the Austrian Imperial Council (1871– 1872). He played a decisive role in the establishment of the farmers' cooperative for the production of sugar beet, the construction of the sugar refinery in Wawrowitz (Vávrovice), of which he was chairman (1869), and the establishment of the agricultural joint-stock company.

He was married to Antonia Edle Cornides von Krempach (1827–1870), daughter of Karl Edle Cornides von Krempach (1791–1869). The couple had five children, in addition to two daughters, three sons: Maximilian (1845–1865), Anton Karl (1847–1894), who married Anna Ottilie Countess von Bellegarde (1845–1929), and Karl Borromeo (see below). Anton's daughter Emma (born July 28, 1881 in Salzburg , † May 8, 1968 in Vienna) married on 11 January 1906 in Gorizia the then Austro-Hungarian cavalry captain Max Ritter (1918 Baron) Frölich Frölich Thal (born August 2, 1870 in Graz ; † December 17, 1933 in Kirchdorf an der Krems ). Only the youngest son Karl received the gender in the male line.

Karl von Rolsberg

Karl (Carl) Borromeo Ferdinand Putz von Rolsberg

Karl Borromäus Ferdinand Freiherr Putz von Rolsberg (1852–1921), was Rittmeister d. R., long-time member of the House of Representatives of the Austrian Reichsrat as well as Mr. auf Leitersdorf (Litultovice) and Weiss-Oelhütten (Bílá Lhota) . He was politically and socially committed to the rights of the Czech people and was very popular with them.

In his will, the baron decreed the division of his property and assets between his four children and their descendants.

The family was expelled from Czechoslovakia in 1946 . The descendants now live in Germany, France, Canada and Austria.

coat of arms

Coat of arms of the Ritter Putz von Rolsberg 1694
Coat of arms of the Barone Butz von Rolsberg 1734

1694: Square, 1 and 4 in gold an inward-turned brown bull, 2 and 3 in blue a draw well made of gray blocks with a water bucket. - On the helmet with blue and gold covers, a forward-growing armor with mustache and goatee, the balaclava covered with three ostrich feathers blue, white, yellow, in the armored right a brown partisan with gold tip and gold tassels holding diagonally to the right.

1734: Squared by gold and blue. 1 and 4 from the foot of a red ox growing inwards. 2 and 3 a draw well with two buckets made of silver, black jointed blocks on the green floor. Jewel: armored man growing out of the crown, turned forward, his left hand supported in his side, in his outstretched right a partisan standing on the crown. On the man's helmet four gold, red, silver, and blue ostrich feathers. - Ceilings: blue-gold. Shield and jewel like 1694, the baronate crown above the shield.

1781: Squared. 1 and 4 in gold from the foot of a brown ox growing inwards on a golden field. 2 and 3 in blue at the tips of a white rock, a round, white fountain made of ashlar stones and above a golden Zieheimer on a silver wheel. The shield is covered by a baronial crown. A right-turned, open crowned tournament helmet with a gold jewel rests on it. Crest: Right turned, armored, brown-bearded man with a golden halberd and a golden tassel on a brown stick in his right hand, the left one by the side, visible up to the knees. His balaclava has three ostrich feathers blue, silver, gold. The ceilings are blue and gold hanging down.


  • Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of the baronial houses . Volume 17, Justus Perthes Verlag, Gotha 1853.
  • German Adelsarchiv, Deutscher Adelsrechtsausschuss: Genealogical manual of the nobility. Volume 120, Verlag C. A. Starke, 1999, p. 327.
  • Pierer's Universal Lexicon. Vol. 14, 1857.
  • Maximilian Mayerhoffer: Family tree and proof of nobility of the Putz von Rolsberg family. Tannheim 1951.
  • Troppauer Heimatchronik. Episode 303, St. Otto-Verlag, Bamberg 1975.
  • Franz Joseph Schwoy: Topography of the Margraviate of Moravia: Prerauer, Znaymer and Iglauer districts. Printed by Joseph Hraschanzki, Vienna 1794.
  • Faustin Ens: Description of the location of the principalities of Jägerndorf and Neisse, Austrian Antheils and the Moravian enclaves in the Troppauer district. Verlag Carl Gerold, Vienna 1837.
  • Gregor Wolny : The Margraviate of Moravia. Described topographically, statistically and historically. VI. Volume, published by Karl Winiker, Brno 1846.

See also

Web links

Commons : Putz von Rolsberg  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Pierer's Universal Lexikon, Vol. 14, 1857, p. 241.
  2. German Castle Association: "Burgen und Schlösser", Volume 43, Braubach a. Rhine 2002, p. 196
  3. ^ Document from the city of Drolshagen from October 18, 1683 on the origin of the Butz von Rohlsberg family
  4. Johann Christian von Bellbach: "Udel Lexicon or manual on historical, genealogical, diplomatic, partly also heraldic news", Volume 2, L – Z, Verlag Bernhard Friedrich Voigt, Ilmenau 1826, p. 335
  5. Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of the baronial houses, Verlag Justus Perthes, Volume 17, Gotha 1853, p. 60, p. 359
  6. a b c Maximilian Mayerhoffer: Maximilian Mayerhoffer: Family tree and evidence of nobility of the Putz von Rolsberg family, Tannheim 1951 , Tannheim 1951.
  7. ^ Franz Joseph Schwoy: "Topography of the Margraviate Moravia: Prerauer, Znaymer and Iglauer Kreis", Volume 3, printed by Joseph Hraschanzky, Vienna 1794, p. 562
  8. ^ Note sheet of the Moravian-Silesian Society for the Promotion of Agriculture, Nature and Regional Studies, No. 2, Brno 1877
  9. ^ Gregor Wolny: The Margraviate of Moravia. Described topographically, statistically and historically. VI. Volume, Verlag Karl Winiker, Brno 1846, p. 521.
  10. ^ A b Wolny: Church Topography of Moravia, Department 2, S, 268, 288; Department 3, p. 8
  11. Adalbert Král von Dobrá Voda : "The nobility of Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia: Genealogical-heraldic repertory of all class surveys, predicates, promotions, incolats awards, coats of arms and coat of arms improvements of the entire nobility of the Bohemian crown, with sources and coat of arms evidence", Verlag I. Taussig, Prague 1904, p. 205
  12. Megerle: Nobility and Incolats awards in Moravia. In: Austrian Adelslexikon. II., P. 128.
  13. ^ Schwoy: Topography of Moravia. Vol. 3, pp. 464, 494, 563.
  14. ^ Carl Friedrich Benjamin Leupold: "General Nobility Archive of the Austrian Monarchy", Verlag Franz Anton Hoffmeister, Vienna 1789, p. 574
  15. ^ Helmut Loos: Music history between Eastern and Western Europe: Symphonics - music collections. Volume 10, Verlag Academia, 1997, p. 26.
  16. Josef Hrdlička, Markéta Hrdličková, Antonín Bína: Telč: Sights in and around the city. P. 51.
  17. ^ Gregor Wolny: Church topography of Moravia. 1st department, Olomouc Archdiocese. Vol. IV, self-published, Brno 1862, p. 13 ff.
  18. Christian Ritter d'Elvert: "On the Austrian administrative history with special consideration for the Bohemian countries", publisher of the histor. Extra Section, Brno 1880, p. 677
  19. ^ Gregor Wolny: The Margraviate of Moravia. Described topographically, statistically and historically. VI. Volume, Verlag Karl Winiker, Brno 1846, p. 660.
  20. Butzové for Rolsbergu / Butz of Rolsberg (Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in kostelní vydří - South Bohemia) - Coats of Arms on
  21. ^ Gregor Wolny: The Margraviate of Moravia. Described topographically, statistically and historically. VI. Volume, Verlag Karl Winiker, Brno 1846, pp. 130-131.
  22. ^ Letter of nobility from Putz von Rolsberg
  23. ^ Johann Georg Megerle von Mühlfeld: "Österreichisches Adelslexikon des eighteenth u. Nineteenth century containing all from 1701 to 1820 ”, Verlag Mörschner and Kasper, Vienna 1822, p. 42
  24. ^ Carl Friedrich Benjamin Leupold: "General Nobility Archives of the Austrian Monarchy", Verlag Franz Anton Hoffmeister, Vienna 1789, p. 575
  25. ^ A b Court and State Schematism of the Roman Imperial ..., Joseph Gerold Verlag, Vienna 1803, p. 501
  26. Christian Ritter d'Elvert: "On the Austrian administrative history with special consideration for the Bohemian countries", publisher of the histor. Extra Section, Brno 1880, p. 677
  27. ^ Father Gregor Wolny: Church topography of Moravia. 1st section, 4th volume, self-published in Brno 1862, p. 13
  28. “Schematism for the Margraviate of Moravia and Duchy of Silesia for the year 1827”, Verlag Johann Georg Gastl, Brno 1827, pp. 169–170
  29. Hof- und Staats-Handbuch des Kaiserthums Österreich, 2nd part, 4th section, kk Hof- und Staats- Aerarial-Druckerey, Vienna 1837, p. 19
  31. To Josef von Rolsberg
  32. Jsef owners of Leitersdorfberg
  33. Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of the baronial houses on the year, 81st year, Verlag Justus Perthes, Gotha 1931, p. 406
  34. AJ Gross-Hoffinger (Ed.): “The Eagle: General World and National Chronicle”, No. 178, Vienna July 28, 1840, p. 1423
  35. http:é z Rolsbergu [Statutární město OPAVA]
  36. military newspaper. XXI. Vol., No. 1 from January 1, 1868, p. 254.
  38. ^ Genealogical handbook of the nobility, contributors: Deutsches Adelsarchiv, Committee for Nobility Law Issues of the German Nobility Associations, German Nobility Law Committee, Verlag CA Starke, Marburg 1976, p. 121
  39. Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of the baronial houses. Volume 31, 1881.
  40. Troppauer Heimatchronik. Episode 303, St. Otto-Verlag, Bamberg, 1975, p. 81
  41. In the family archive : Testament of Karl Borromäus Ferdinand Freiherrn Putz von Rolsberg, Leitersdorf, November 10, 1919
  42. - Austria