Sören Link

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Sören Link (2016)

Sören Link (* 28. June 1976 in Duisburg - Hamborn ) is a German politician of the SPD and since 2012 the mayor of Duisburg.

Origin and studies (1976 to 1998)

Sören Link did his Abitur in 1995 at the Kopernikus-Gymnasium in the Duisburg district of Walsum . After completing his basic military service , Link studied political science at the University of Duisburg-Essen from 1996. Sören Link dropped out of political studies in 1998 without a degree.

SPD politician since 1993

Link joined the SPD in 1993 as a 17-year-old high school student and was chairman of the Jusos in Duisburg for many years . He is a member of the executive committee of the SPD sub-district of Duisburg.

Civil servant in Düsseldorf (1998 to 2005)

From 1998 to 2001 Link completed an apprenticeship at the Düsseldorf District Government , which he completed in 2001 with a degree in administrative management (FH) . There he was responsible for personnel matters for teachers at comprehensive schools.

Since June 1, 2005, Sören Link has been on leave as a senior civil servant at the Düsseldorf district government.

SPD member of the state parliament (2005 to 2012)

Sören Link was a member of the state parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia from 2005 to 2012. He was a full member of the school committee, the interior committee and the main and media committee. Since 2010, Link has been the SPD parliamentary group's spokesman for school policy. As a deputy member, he was a member of the committees for family, children and youth, for local politics as well as for economy, medium-sized businesses and energy. Link's constituency had a turnout of 48.5% in the 2010 state elections; Link received 53.2% of the first votes.

Lord Mayor of Duisburg (2012 until today)

Mayor election 2012

After the referendum on the election of the Lord Mayor of Duisburg , the SPD Duisburg announced on March 13, 2012 the candidacy Links for the office of Lord Mayor. In the election on June 17, 2012, he received 48.3% of the vote, ahead of his CDU opponent Benno Lensdorf , who achieved 21.12%. However, he missed an absolute majority and ran for the runoff election on July 1, 2012 , which he won with 71.96% of the vote (voter turnout 25.75%).

Mayor election 2017

On September 24, 2017, Link was re-elected with 56.88% in the first ballot against the CDU candidate Gerhard Meyer.


After a controversial police operation in the milieu of Turkish origin on Reinerstraße in Duisburg-Bruckhausen, Link clearly backed the actions of the Duisburg police. Link commented on the police operation with the words: “A constitutional state cannot accept that larger groups of people hinder emergency services, be it the police, public order office or fire brigade . Anti-social remains anti-social - regardless of which country someone comes from, ”said the Duisburg mayor immediately after the incident. The Turkish community in Duisburg demanded an apology from Link. A spokeswoman for the mayor said, “that Mr. Link did not comment on the behavior of an individual and did not evaluate it. His remarks refer to the turmoil that has arisen from a large group of people and that a constitutional state cannot accept. "

Individual evidence

  1. Archived copy ( Memento of July 13, 2017 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Sören Link on the NRWSPD website
  3. State elections 2010. (PDF 7.8 MB) Final results in North Rhine-Westphalia. In: booklet 3. Informatition und Technik ( IT.NRW ), May 2010, pp. 290–292 , archived from the original on April 3, 2014 ; Retrieved on June 17, 2014 (top position and bottom lights :): “Participation in the electoral districts (LTWK) in NRW. 68th LTWK Essen IV ; 69.8% ( Manfred Kuhmichel ), 63rd LTWK Duisburg IV : 48.5% ( Sören Link ) and 62nd LTWK Duisburg III : 46.7% ( Ralf Jäger ) "
  4. State Returning Officer of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia: State Election 2012. (PDF 17.46 MB) Final results in North Rhine-Westphalia. In: Issue 3 (Order No. B793 2012 51). Informatition und Technik ( IT.NRW ), June 2012, pp. 296–298 , accessed on July 2, 2014 : “Top position and bottom lights: voter participation in the state electoral districts 2012 (LTWK) in NRW. 68th LTWK Essen IV : 69.7% ( Peter Weckmann ), 75th LTWK Gelsenkirchen II : 50.0% ( Markus Töns ), 63rd LTWK Duisburg IV : 46.8% ( Sören Link ) and 62nd LTWK Duisburg III : 45.5% ( Ralf Jäger ) - further results for the state elections NRW 2012 "
  5. SPD candidate is in runoff against CDU opponents . In: Der Spiegel from June 17, 2012, accessed on July 22, 2012.
  6. SPD candidate becomes mayor: Sören Link is elected . In: WDR from July 2, 2012, accessed on July 22, 2012.
  7. Sören Link remains Lord Mayor of Duisburg , Rheinische Post from September 25, 2017, accessed September 25, 2017
  8. Ulf Lüdeke: After tough police action: Mosque boss is running against Duisburg's mayor In: Focus Online . July 31, 2017, accessed October 14, 2018 .
  9. https://www.waz.de/staedte/duisburg/duisburgs-ob-link-sieh-keinen-grund-fuer-entschuldigung-id211082773.html

Web links

Commons : Sören Link  - collection of images, videos and audio files