Salt pits near Sülldorf

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Coordinates: 52 ° 1 ′ 39 ″  N , 11 ° 34 ′ 11 ″  E

Relief map: Saxony-Anhalt
Salt pits near Sülldorf
Salt meadow near Sülldorf

The salt bodies in Sülldorf are a nature reserve in the unified community Sülzetal in the district Borde in Saxony-Anhalt .

The nature reserve with the registration number NSG 0149 is 23  hectares in size. It is completely part of the FFH area "Sülzetal bei Sülldorf". The area has been under protection since the beginning of 1995 (date of regulation: February 9, 1995). The responsible lower nature conservation authority is the district of Börde.

The nature reserve, which consists of two parts, is located southwest of Magdeburg in the Magdeburg Börde . It extends west and east of Sülldorf along the Sülze and the Seerennengraben and includes two salt marshes as an important inland salt point . In the area of ​​the nature reserve there are several spring areas in which water rises from the salt-bearing Zechstein underground. There is a high concentration of salt due to excessive superficial drying. Large areas are devoid of vegetation or only populated by very halo-tolerant plants. Samphire and beach sod can be found here . Areas with lower salinity may be a. ingested by stem-fruited salt marmoset , winged chickweed and beach aster. In addition, celery and beach Aster find.

Moist to wet locations are dominated by swaths of salt - beach aster societies with salt chickweed , beach trident , common salt swaths and beach milkweed . Flat flooded areas are occupied by reed beach rushes with salt pond rush.

The areas less affected by salt are occupied by reeds , glossy areas and meadows. Furthermore, semi-arid grassland societies can also be found in the area of ​​the orchards above Sülldorf. Step here u. a. Real bedstraw , field litter and reddish cinquefoil .

Various halobionte, haliphilic and halotolerant insects can be found in the salt areas , including halobiont ground beetles , various bank and soft bugs , grasshoppers such as short-winged and long-winged swordhoppers , great golden insects , dragonflies such as southern rush damsel and small pitch dragonfly and various straw flies .

Parts of the formerly extensive salt marshes have become reed due to a lack of grazing. The nature reserve largely borders on agricultural areas and the residential areas of Sülldorf.

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