Saint Norbert Church (Magdeburg)

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Saint Norbert Church

The Sankt-Norbert-Kirche is the Catholic church in the Magdeburg district of Buckau in the Karl-Schmidt-Strasse No. 5. The church, named after Saint Norbert von Xanten , belongs to the cathedral parish of St. Sebastian of the Magdeburg diocese .



The church is built in neo-Gothic style as a three-aisled hall church.

The foundation stone was laid on June 30, 1885. The new building had become necessary because the previously used St. Norbert chapel in Kapellenstrasse and a mission house located there turned out to be too small.

The property had already been purchased in 1883 for 34,000 marks . Donations totaling 56,000 marks were collected across Germany for the new building .

The construction was carried out according to plans by Hilger Hertel the Elder. Ä. from Münster . A neo-Gothic three-aisled hall church was built, 42 meters long and 18 meters wide. Red clinker bricks were used as building material . However, due to lack of funds, the construction was not completed. Two yokes and the bell tower were not built. Instead, a roof turret was built.

Provost Kaspar Friedrich Brieden consecrated the church on August 16, 1896 for temporary use. The final consecration took place on May 10, 1898 by Bishop Hubert Theophil Simar .

Pastor Joseph Alois Behre (1874–1960) came from the parish of Dalhausen in the Weserbergland. He worked at the Sankt-Norbert-Kirche from 1912 to 1926, then until 1951 pastor of St. Kilian in Vörden . Due to his pastoral services and his social commitment, Behre was appointed clerical councilor by Lorenz Cardinal Jaeger (Archdiocese of Paderborn) and an honorary citizen by the communities of Dalhausen and Vörden. In 1918 a relic of Saint Norbert from the Strahov Abbey in Prague was given to the Saint Norbert Church.

Damage in World War II

The church suffered little damage during World War II . Window panes were destroyed by air strikes. When the US troops attacked Magdeburg on April 18, 1945, two tank shells struck . The damage was repaired in the course of 1946.

The time in the GDR

On May 9, 1948, a Way of the Cross created by Erika Wiegand was consecrated. In 1954 and 1955 the church roof was re-covered.

Caused by a short circuit under the organ , a fire broke out on February 23, 1965. The damage was repaired within a year.

Since the foundation of the diocese of Magdeburg

On April 1, 2006, the Magdeburg Mitte community association was established, comprising the parishes of St. Adalbert , St. Johannes Baptist , St. Norbert and St. Sebastian. On May 2, 2010, today's cathedral parish of St. Sebastian emerged from the community. The St. Marienstift Chapel also belongs to this parish today.

See also


  • Hans-Joachim Krenzke: Churches and monasteries in Magdeburg. City Planning Office Magdeburg, 2000.
  • Ferdinand Pretz, Wolfgang Gerlich, From the Chronicle of St. Norbert Church in Magdeburg-Buckau , 1998

Individual evidence


Coordinates: 52 ° 6 ′ 23.8 "  N , 11 ° 38 ′ 12.8"  E