Santuario di Trezzo (Dumenza)

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Santuario di Trezzo
place Dumenza
Architectural style Baroque
Construction year 1526
Coordinates 46 ° 1 '18.7 "  N , 8 ° 47' 46.2"  E Coordinates: 46 ° 1 '18.7 "  N , 8 ° 47' 46.2"  E
Exterior view
View from the church
inside view
Fresco and main altar

The Santuario di Trezzo , completely Santuario della Beata Vergine Maria Assunta di Trezzo (German Shrine of the Assumption of Trezzo ), also called Madonna di Trezzo , is a Roman Catholic Marian pilgrimage church and a former Benedictine convent in the municipality of Dumenza in the province of Varese in Italy region Lombardy . The baroque building from 1526 is located near the border between Italy and Switzerland and is therefore a Marian shrine and cultural asset of cross-border importance. Organizationally, the church belongs to the parish of San Giorgio in Dumenza, which in turn is part of the Archdiocese of Milan .

Location and surroundings

The church stands in the east above the district of Trezzino at 568  m slm on a wooded slope on hiking trail 172, which leads from Dumenza to the Monte Clivio hill and to Astano in Switzerland. The state border between Italy and Switzerland is around 700 meters to the southeast from the sanctuary. The ascent from Dumenza to the church leads via Via Crucis , a way of the cross with a total of 432 steps and 13 station chapels . The 14th station is the sanctuary itself. From the forecourt of the church you have a good view of the Val Dumentina and Lake Maggiore .


According to legend, the origin of the church goes back to a miracle that occurred during the plague epidemic of 1348 . A sixteen-year-old youth from Dumenza, who had been deaf and dumb since she was born , had goats grazed at the current location of the church and called the mother of Jesus to ask her to end the plague. Then the Virgin Mary actually appeared to her and instructed her to urge the population to pray, to repent and to build a church at the place of the apparition. The youngster was miraculously cured of her deafness and rushed to the village of Dumenza, where she announced what she had experienced. Since she was suddenly able to hear and speak again, the villagers believed her. The news of the miracle soon spread to the neighboring villages, whereupon a long procession went to the place of the apparition. After the promise to build a church in this place, the plague suddenly disappeared.

Saved as historically true that the church on April 29, 1526 Francesco Landino, Titular Bishop of Laodicea and Suffragan of Ippolito II. D'Este (1509 to 1572), the Archbishop of Milan , dedicated been. Traditional notarial documents also prove that a Benedictine convent without an enclosure had existed behind the sanctuary at the latest since 1528 . In 1567, due to internal disputes, the monastery was visited by Bishop Gerolamo Politi, a delegate to Archbishop Charles Borromeo of Milan (1538–1584). The abbess of the monastery, Anna de Daverio, had previously fled to Luino because of the dispute with her religious sisters , where she has since been under the protection of Countess Rusca. Archbishop Karl Borromeo traveled personally to Trezzino in 1574 and closed the monastery due to persistent grave grievances. While the nuns were transferred to Milan and the monastery property was sold to private individuals, the Marian shrine remained in the parish .

In 1578 Bernardino Taruggi (1540-1605), a delegate of Archbishop Charles Borromeo, visited the sanctuary again, where he ordered the renovation of the church in the Baroque style. Later the church was given a new vault and otherwise heavily redesigned.

Since then, the Marian shrine has been associated with various alleged miracles. Paolo Bacchetta (1600–1672), the pastor of Astano, is said to have escaped three bandits during a robbery on February 19, 1656 thanks to the invocation of the Madonna of Trezzo. The scene was captured on a contemporary, three-part oil painting that is now in the brotherhood chapel "Oratorio della Confraternita del Rosario" in the parish church of San Pietro in Astano.

The most famous miracle is said to have occurred on August 15, 1798, when the tailor Francesco Zanetti from Astano , who was seriously ill with tuberculosis and walking on crutches, was miraculously cured during a visit to the shrine.

Building description

Originally the main entrance was in the western side wall, near the church tower . Today the church is entered through the north entrance portal , created in 1950 by Pietro Luvini. The large fresco of the Mother of Jesus Christ as a protective cloak Madonna dates from the 16th century. Mary's cloak is carried by two angels. Below that are nuns on the right and a chaplain and parishioners on the left . The fresco is surrounded by baroque stucco from the 18th century, which contains golden spiral decorations and a total of eleven angels.

Under the fresco is the altar , on which an eternal light burns. In the glass coffin under the altar lies a painted fig tree statue of the deceased Jesus Christ from the 17th century. The fresco and altar are flanked by two wooden statues in wall niches, of which the left represents Catherine of Siena and the right Rosa of Lima . In the middle of the apis vault hangs a wooden cross from the 17th century.

To the left of the choir is the side burial chapel with another altar on which a richly decorated marble tabernacle stands. The fresco above is by C. Radice from 1872. In the nave there are two other frescoes from the 18th century. One shows Mary with the baby Jesus between the saints Gratus of Aosta and Anthony the Great and has fallen into disrepair. The second represents the marriage of Mary and has apparently been heavily repainted.

The church tower originally only contained a single church bell. This was three new bells of the Bianchi of Bizzozero replaced that on 1 August 1914. consecrated were.

The Via Crucis Way of the Cross with its 13 station chapels goes back to the 17th century. The frescoes in the chapels were restored in 1903 by Carlo Moroni (1882–1939) from Cuggiono , and in 1988 the majority were replaced by high reliefs .


  • Parrocchia di San Giorgio: Santuario BV MARIA Assunta in Trezzo . Tipografia Josca, Varese (brochure n.d.).
  • Santino Trezzini: Cronistoria di Astano . Consiglio Parrocchiale Astano, Astano 2010.

Web links

Commons : Santuario di Trezzo  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Parrocchia di San Giorgio: Santuario BV MARIA Assunta in Trezzo . Tipografia Josca, Varese, S. 1 (brochure n.d.).
  2. Chiesa della Beata Vergine di Trezzo on the website of ChieseItaliane . Retrieved September 10, 2018.
  3. Geoserver of the Swiss Federal Administration ( information )
  4. a b c Parrocchia di San Giorgio: Santuario BV MARIA Assunta in Trezzo . Tipografia Josca, Varese, S. 3 (brochure no year).
  5. Santuario di Trezzo at . Retrieved October 2, 2018.
  6. Santino Trezzini: Cronistoria di Astano . Consiglio Parrocchiale Astano, Astano 2010, p. 158-159 .
  7. ^ Parrocchia di San Giorgio: Santuario BV MARIA Assunta in Trezzo . Tipografia Josca, Varese, S. 4 (brochure no year).
  8. Santino Trezzini: Cronistoria di Astano . Consiglio Parrocchiale Astano, Astano 2010, p. 157 .
  9. ^ Teodoro Amadò: Astano. Gli edifici sacri . In: Almanacco Malcantonese e Valle del Vedeggio . Edizioni Bernasconi, Agno 2002, p. 74 .
  10. Santino Trezzini: Cronistoria di Astano . Consiglio Parrocchiale Astano, Astano 2010, p. 160 .
  11. a b c Parrocchia di San Giorgio: Santuario BV MARIA Assunta in Trezzo . Tipografia Josca, Varese, S. 2 (brochure no year).