Sierra Leone Football Association

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Sierra Leone Football Association (SLFA)
SLFA NeuesLogo.jpg
founding 1967
FIFA accession 1967
CAF membership 1967
president Isha Johansen
Secretary General Abdul Rahman Swaray
National teams Men
Logo of the SLFA until mid-2013

The Sierra Leone Football Association (SLFA) is the highest football body in Sierra Leone . The association was founded in 1967 and joined FIFA and the African Football Association in the same year .

The association was suspended by FIFA from October 5, 2018 to early June 2019.

With the Football Academy of Sierra Leone, the SLFA maintains its own football academy for the purpose of promoting young talent. Since 2009 there has been a privately funded football academy, the Craig Bellamy Tombo Football Academy . This was recognized by the SLFA. It closed in April 2017 due to financial irregularities.

The SLFA organizes the national Premier League , the 2nd Division, the FA Cup , the National Female League (First Lady Trophy) and the national teams.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ FIFA suspends the Sierra Leone Football Association. FIFA, October 5, 2018.
  2. FIFA lifts suspension against Sierra Leone., June 3, 2019.
  3. Bellamy's Football Academy Shuts Down Suddenly in Sierra Leone !!! The Organizer, April 20, 2017.