Casino affair

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Original title Casino affair
Country of production GDR
original language German
Publishing year 1957
length 94 minutes
Director Arthur Pohl
script Arthur Pohl
production DEFA
AB Pandora Film Stockholm
music Martin Böttcher
camera Joachim Hasler
cut Hilde Tegener

Casino Affair is a joint production between DEFA and Pandora Filmgesellschaft Stockholm by Arthur Pohl from 1957, based on the novel “Spielbankaffaire” by Hans von Oettingen from the same year.


Ride an elegant bus through a seaside city. Stay in a luxury hotel, but without the promised sea view. Mannequins in a splendid cloakroom, one of them is the acting student Sybille, who finances her studies with the performances. After the show is over, the girls go to a casino. Here Sybille meets the lawyer Dr. Busch know, who would like to see you again, but meets with rejection. Since the tour manager wants to spend the night with her, she separates from the mannequins and drives back home.

At the drama school, Sybille met the young reporter Gerhard Fischer, who was supposed to write an article about the school. But also Dr. Busch reappears, and not by chance. He is looking for someone to use counterfeit tokens for him in the local casino. He was commissioned by Mr. Martinez, the owner of a large casino, who wants to expand his property. The intention is to unsettle the players in the smaller casino, because where fake tokens are used, your own money is not safe either. That is why it is published all over the city that things are not going well in the casino. Sybille is led by Dr. Busch asked to play for him as a well-respected attorney does not want to be associated with testing a new system. He buys the game chips for Sybille and gives her advice on how to bet. If Sybille loses, she has no harm. If she wins, she gets half of the profit.

In the meantime Sybille and Gerhard got to know each other better and got married. One of his big projects is to write a multi-part story about the machinations in the casinos. He cannot yet see his wife's involvement, but she also wants to withdraw from the casino. Only when Gerhard loses his post because it does not suit his superior that he does not want to be involved in his article about the casino affair does she meet again with Dr. Bush to play for him. In the meantime, however, Mr. Gallinger, the owner of the casinos, has risen behind who is using the wrong tokens. He has Sybille lured into his office, where she has to take all the guilt on herself in a document. Your advice that they only did everything on behalf of Dr. Busch does not help her any further, as he has since been murdered and he can no longer confirm that. The journalist Gerhard Fischer can no longer uncover anything, since the gentlemen of the casinos have long since agreed.


The novel Spielbankaffaire by Hans von Oettingen was published by Verlag der Nation in 1957 , based on the author's activity as press manager at a casino in Wiesbaden.

The film Casino Affair was shot on Agfacolor . After some responsible persons in the GDR were of the opinion that the West looks too beautiful in color, the outdoor photos were taken and the like. a. in Campione, Italy, and in Lugano , extra black and white copies were made for performances in the GDR. Such a copy premiered on September 13, 1957 in the Rostock cinema Hansa-Theater . It was shown in the Federal Republic of Germany from 1958 under the title Parking Lot for Great Desire , in color, of course.

The Leipzig Radio Dance Orchestra under Kurt Henkels and the DEFA Symphony Orchestra accompanied trumpeter Horst Fischer , drummer Fips Fleischer and singer Eva May.


In New Germany , Horst Knietzsch finds that this film does not differ from the series films of the capitalist countries and if so, then only that it was made less skilful. In the Neue Zeit , GK notices after the premiere that it is a film that surprises and delights in terms of theme and presentation. Because that is a beginning, not a completed one, but a first answer to the audience's constant question about films that are excitingly relaxing. The lexicon of international films wrote that the film was denounced in the GDR criticism as an example of revisionism and bourgeois infiltration and in the Federal Republic it was perceived as anti-Western propaganda. Trendy DEFA film that hardly entertains but rather strings together clichés of the capitalist West.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Horst Kietzsch in Neues Deutschland from September 24, 1957
  2. ^ GK in the Neue Zeit of April 27, 1978
  3. Casino affair. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used