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Stannite from the Fabulosa Mine, Larecaja Province, La Paz Department, Bolivia (crystal size 2 mm)
General and classification
chemical formula Cu 2 FeSnS 4
Mineral class
(and possibly department)
Sulfides and sulfosalts
System no. to Strunz
and to Dana
2.CB.15a ( 8th edition : II / C.06)
Crystallographic Data
Crystal system tetragonal
Crystal class ; symbol tetragonal-scalenohedral 4 2 m
Space group I 4 2 m
Lattice parameters a  = 5.443  Å ; c  = 10.73 Å Please complete the source as an individual reference!
Formula units Z  = 2 Please complete the source as an individual reference!
Twinning after (111)
Physical Properties
Mohs hardness 4th
Density (g / cm 3 ) 4.3 to 4.5
Cleavage indistinct
Break ; Tenacity uneven, brittle
colour steel gray with olive green tint
Line color black
transparency opaque
shine Metallic luster
Other properties
Chemical behavior decomposes into ENT 3

Stannite , also known in mining as tin grit or tin-copper luster or synonymously as stannin , cassiterolamprite or volfsonite , is a mineral from the mineral class of sulfides and sulfosalts with the chemical formula Cu 2 FeSnS 4 . Stannite crystallizes in the tetragonal crystal system , but mostly occurs in coarse, granular masses of steel-gray color and only very rarely forms crystals in the shape of a tetrahedron. Some stannites can contain up to 2% indium through substitution .

Stannite is not one of the stannite salts of stannic acid .

Etymology and history

The mineral name is derived from the chemical element tin ( Latin stannum ), which is contained in stannite. The mining of stannite is for the 3rd millennium BC. In Tajikistan . Stannite was first chemically investigated in 1797 and 1810 by Martin Heinrich Klaproth . He examined ore from St Agnes in Cornwall , which is also considered a type locality .


In the Strunz system , stannite is classified as sulfides and sulfosalts. It is counted among the sulphides with a ratio of metal to sulfur, selenium or tellurium of 1: 1. In the eighth edition , it formed a group with barquitasite , briartite , černýite , famatinite , ferrokësterite , hocartite , kësterite , kuramite , luzonite , permingeatite , petrukite , pirquitasite , rhodostannite , sakuraiite , toyohaite and velikite . In the ninth edition , the sulfides are also subdivided according to cations, where stannite mt černýite, ferrokësterite, hocartite, idaite, kësterite, kuramite, mohite, pirquitasite, stannoidite and velikite form a subgroup of metal sulfides with a ratio of metal to sulfur, selenium or tellurium of 1: 1 and zinc , iron , copper or silver .

In the systematics of minerals according to Dana it forms with černýite, briartite, kuramite, sakuraiite, hocartite, pirquitasite, velikite, kësterite, ferrokësterite and barquillite the stannite subgroup of sulphides - including selenides and tellurides - with the composition Am Bn Xp, with ( m + n): p = 1: 1.

Modifications and varieties

Stannite and kesterite form a mixed crystal row in which iron and zinc can be exchanged for one another. In stannite, iron predominates, while kësterite contains more zinc. In addition, a rare zinc-containing variety is known.

Education and Locations

Stannite is a typical mineral of tin-bearing hydrothermal veins , where it occurs mostly inferior to cassiterite . Other common accompanying minerals are sphalerite , galena , arsenopyrite , chalcopyrite and pyrite .

A large number of stannite sites are known. In addition to the type locality, Cínovec in the Czech Republic , Broken Hill and Zeehan in Australia , Oruro , Chocaya and Cerro Rico in Bolivia , Keystone in the United States , Fredericton in Canada and Yizhang in the People's Republic of China are among the important stannite deposits.

Crystal structure

Stannite crystallizes in the tetragonal crystal system in the space group I 4 2 m with the lattice parameters a = 5.443  Å and c = 10.73 Å as well as two formula units per unit cell .


As an ore in its own right , stannite is rather insignificant, but is also extracted when quarrying cassiterite deposits . Stannite can be of local importance for Cu production.

See also

Web links

Commons : Stannite  - collection of images, videos and audio files


  • P. Ramdohr, H. Strunz: Klockmanns textbook of mineralogy. 16th edition. Enke Verlag, Stuttgart 1987, ISBN 3-432-82986-8 .
  • G. Strübel, SH Zimmer: Lexicon of Minerals . Enke Verlag, Stuttgart 1991, ISBN 3-432-92722-3 .
  • Museum Bochum: miners among hunters and collectors. In: Aid. Issue 4-1999, p. 60.
  • Stannite. In: Anthony et al.: Handbook of Mineralogy. 1, 1990, p. 101 (pdf) .

Individual evidence

  1. Webmineral - Stannite (English)
  2. Martin Heinrich Klaproth: Chemical investigation of the tin gravel. In: Contributions to the chemical knowledge of mineral bodies. Volume 5, 1810, pp. 228-230, doi: 10.3931 / e-rara-20566 (free full text).
  3. ^ List of minerals according to Dana at
  4. Kësterite-Stannite Series at (Eng.)
  5. Zincian Stannite at (Eng.)