Stralsund: retaliation

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Episode in the Stralsund series
Original title retribution
Stralsund (TV series) .jpg
Country of production Germany
original language German
length 90 minutes
classification Episode 10
First broadcast October 29, 2016 on ZDF
Director Lars-Gunnar Lotz
script Sven S. Poser ,
Marianne Wendt ,
Christian Schiller
production Wolfgang Cimera
music Oliver Kranz
camera Jonas Schmager
cut Nico Montano Goertz

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Retribution is a German television film by Lars-Gunnar Lotz from 2016. It is the tenth film contribution in the ZDF crime film series Stralsund . Katharina Wackernagel , Wanja Mues , Alexander Held and Michael Rotschopf play the main roles of the investigators as well as the role of a new colleague Karim Günes . The main guest roles include Jan Henrik Stahlberg , Lucas Gregorowicz , Robert Gallinowski , Audrey von Scheele , Katharina Nesytowa and Anian Zollner .


Detective chief Gregor Meyer, chief detective Max Morolf and some colleagues use KPI live cam to observe a mission in the port area of ​​Stralsund led by detective detective Nina Petersen. A man is arrested there who is handling highly dangerous poison. At around the same time, a minibus with students from the Ostsee-Internat-Stralow starts moving. Morolf wants to know from Meyer why he still has to do office work, the commission had long since rehabilitated him. Meyer asks him to come into his office. There he wants to know the truth about the death of Robak, whom Morolf shot "in self-defense", as the commission found. Morolf hesitantly admits that he also took revenge for Robak shooting Anna Breetz, his great love, seven years ago. Meyer insists that he will only sign the commission's report if Morolf signs an application for transfer in return. After Meyer has signed, Morolf also signs the requested paper. His thoughts go back to the past and to Anna Breetz and the evening when he promised her that everything would definitely turn out well, when she had confessed that she was not only responsible for herself.

Meanwhile, Nina Petersen interrogates ex-pilot Richard Derfler, from whom a large amount of poison has been seized. He blocks everything, when asked why he took ricin of all things to endanger people, he replies succinctly that anthrax was over. After Petersen has left the interrogation room, she runs into her colleague Chief Detective Karl Hidde, who has survived the operation on his stump well and is now glad that he had it done because his leg is noticeably better.

In the meantime, the school bus has been attacked by a man pretending to have broken down, takes all the cell phones and takes one of the schoolgirls under his control. When leaving the bus, he said in the direction of the trainee driving the bus: “Thank you very much for your help, Mr. Geiger”, whereupon he stammered in horror, “This is against the agreement”. "Exactly" against the masked gangster, and shoots Geiger before he rushes off with his hostage. Petersen and Uthman arrive at the scene a little later and question the excited girls. Nina Petersen is surprised that Morolf is also present without paying any further attention to him. One of the girls says that the perpetrator and violinist must have known each other and tells of the words that were exchanged between the two before the fatal shot was fired. The kidnapped girl is Lena Gundelach, whose father, according to the school director Zöllner, is on an oil rig in the North Atlantic and whose mother is no longer alive. Petersen and Uthman encounter oddities, for example half of the monthly school fees are transferred from an anonymous account. Zöllner says that Lena is picked up by a man about once or twice a month, no, his name is not Gundelach. In the meantime, Hidde has phoned Gundelach, who says that the girl had only been accused of paying school fees for her, that was the only connection. It turns out that the anonymous account belongs to Max Morolf. He pays the other half of the school fees. Meanwhile we also know who Lena's mother was - Anna Breetz. Petersen explains to his colleague Uthman that Breetz was the secretary of a Frankfurt construction company. She had been recruited to get to him faster, but was exposed and unfortunately shot. Hidde throws in that Morolf, on the other hand, miraculously remained alive, whereupon Meyer replies that he pulled him out of “Pawel's” line of fire in time. Uthman wants to know who "Pawel" is and learns from Hidde that he is the East German drug baron and a friend of Max. Morolf could only have been smuggled into his organization because of his long-standing acquaintance with Pavlovsky, in order to prove his connections to the highest police circles . “What he didn't succeed in”, Hidde interjects smugly. It is added that the man who Morolf shot four weeks ago belonged to "Pawels" people, who was set on the woman who is about to testify against him, because she happened to witness a drug delivery. Tatiana Komerenkowa is under police protection, but it is certain that "Pawel" will do everything possible to prevent her testimony.

Max Morolf is now with Jan Pawlowski, who is under house arrest. He coldly explains to Morolf that he would have to do his job if he wanted to see Lena again, that he had had enough time. His lawyer then gives Morolf a pistol that works like an insulin syringe. He had to shoot the cannula in his arm, then you would always know where he was. Morolf has no choice. When Meyer learns that Morolf has visited “Pawel”, it is immediately clear to him and his team what is behind it. He is supposed to finish what Robak could not do, to silence the witness Komerenkova. That means the highest level of alert. Morolf has meanwhile removed the cannula from his arm with a knife. Petersen suspects that Morolf could only try eating. An ampoule with the poison seized on the ship is missing and Morlock was in the KTU . The kidnapper now forces Lena to record a video clip addressed to Max. At the same time, Pavlovski's lawyer Erik Feldmann reports that the witness is still alive. The drug lord is certain that he will not appear in court tomorrow for health reasons, whereupon Feldmann replies that the medical officer has not forgotten his generosity in the past.

Nina Petersen says to Meyer, "Pawel" has all the trumps in hand, first Max has to eliminate the witness and then the police would eliminate Max, the perfect game. Shortly thereafter, Nina receives a call from Max who asks her to help him find Lena, otherwise "Pawel" would have her killed. He refers to the video, which must contain a reference and which he forwarded to her. He can never harm the witness, he assures Nina and will face herself as soon as Lena is safe. Then the conversation breaks off. Petersen watches the video closely with Uthman and has a suspicion as to where Lena might be hidden. Even before the informed SEK has arrived, Petersen and Uthman manage to free Lena and shoot the kidnapper in self-defense.

Meyer and Hidde now know who their colleague Morolf stole the poison for. He put it inconspicuously in "Pawel" 's drink during his morning visit. Meyer, who is staying with Hidde at Pawlowski's, said that when he shot Anna, he not only hit her but also Max, that she was the love of his life and that Max was never the same after her death. Hidde wants Meyer to promise that Morolf will be charged with the murder of Pawel. The already doomed man slits his throat with a shard without Meyer or Hidde being able to prevent it. Meyer told Hidde that he should inform the LKA that Pavlovsky had judged himself. Hidde replies: “Nothing is being covered up here, Mr. Meyer.” And so he immediately notifies his colleagues. Max Morolf, who was able to say goodbye to Lena, is arrested.


Production notes, background

The film was produced by Network Movie , Film- und Fernsehproduktion Wolfgang Cimera GmbH & Co. KG, Cologne, production management: Andreas Breyer, production management: Ralph Retzlaff, responsible ZDF editor Martin R. Neumann .

Retaliation was filmed in Stralsund , Hamburg and the surrounding area between April 1 and May 2, 2016 . Lars-Gunnar Lotz is directing this series for the fourth time after Kreuzfeuer , The attack and Schutzlos .

Hans Czerny wrote on Prisma on the occasion of the broadcast of the repetition of the episodes Defenseless and Retaliation that in 2010, when the first Stralsund episode was shown, nobody suspected that they were "at the start of a successful crime thriller format". In the meantime, twelve films have already been broadcast and two more ( brothers in arms and shadow lines ) are in the box.


The film premiered on October 29, 2016 in prime time on ZDF .

On March 29, 2018, Studio Hamburg Enterprises released this episode along with episodes 9, 11 and 12 on DVD.


Audience rating

When it was first broadcast, 5.84 million viewers tuned in, corresponding to a market share of 18.9%.


Volker Bergmeister , who had already rated the previous episode Schutzlos , on which this episode is based, for , wrote that Stralsund - retaliation continues where the team led by Commissioner Nina Petersen left off. He also praised: “Excitement, action and intelligent entertainment are guaranteed. The thriller works independently for those who haven't seen episode 9 thanks to the clever installation of flashbacks. Anyone who knows 'defenseless' will not be bored for a second. One of the strongest cases in the ZDF series, a kind of interim finale! ”Bergmeister went on to say that it was not easy to make a sequel and also to take Stralsund's horizontal narrative into account, saying that“ the challenge was accepted - and won across the board ". "A trick" was cleverly chosen by introducing Karim Uthmann, played by Karim Günes, to the team of investigators who asked his colleagues about the previous history. The effect is "not artificial, but flows into the story". Bergmeister drew the praiseworthy conclusion: “The tenth episode also offers everything that has characterized this series for years: fast-paced action, staged very calmly and precisely by Lars-Gunnar Lotz; plenty of tension up to the dramatic and also surprising showdown; a finely woven story with interwoven details (the poison anthrax still plays a role); a team of investigators that has been carefully put together and that has been sent dramaturgically over the years and changed according to the content. "

Focus Online said that it was "almost a thriller", and one "literally stuck to the screen". Poser and Lotz, who have already filmed several episodes of this series together, staged “a cleverly structured, somewhat too nested and slightly overloaded crime thriller, which always has a threatening undertone and sometimes a somewhat rude language”. The actors were praised, who would “all act superbly” - “above all Wanja Mues [...], who played the dubious investigator with a dubious past very intensely”.

TV Spielfilm pointed the thumbs up, gave one of three possible points for claim and action, two for suspense and wrote: “A very solid TV crime thriller that sharpens the front lines in the team, maintains a diffuse feeling of threat and leads to the ' Who is guilty? '- The finale will be really great. ”Conclusion:“ Good atmosphere, strong resolution. ”

The film service found: "Excitingly constructed, dramatically impressive (TV series) crime thriller."

Tilmann P. Gangloff wrote an evaluation for the Rheinische Post and praised the fact that the film begins “with an attractive parallel montage”. Gangloff also praised the "cleverly integrated flashbacks" with which the events from Schutzlos would be summarized. In the end, Morolf stated that this was the end, which "luckily" only refers to this case. “Anything else would also be extremely regrettable,” said Gangloff, especially since the team “had reinforcement with the comparatively young Karim Günes (Karim Uthman)”. The director, who also shot the last two 'Stralsund' films, continues “seamlessly on the level that Martin Eigler established with his first five episodes”.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Stralsund - retaliation see page
  2. ^ Stralsund: retaliation at crew united
  3. Crime series "Schutzlos" and "Vergeltung": Stralsund double pack on ZDF see page
  4. Stralsund: Defenseless, retaliation, no way back, see the phantom . DVD cover Stralsund, episodes 9-12
  5. Volker Bergmeister : Series "Stralsund - Retaliation". Wackernagel, Held, Mues, Stahlberg, Lars-Gunnar Lotz. Won all along the line see page Accessed on August 25, 2019.
  6. Stralsund - retaliation see page Retrieved August 25, 2019.
  7. ^ Stralsund: Retaliation see (including 14 film images). Retrieved August 25, 2019.
  8. ^ Stralsund: retaliation. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed February 22, 2020 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  9. ^ Tilmann P. Gangloff : ZDF series "Stralsund". Nobody is innocent In: Rheinische Post , October 29, 2016. Retrieved on August 25, 2019.