Walther Illner

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Walther Illner (born September 21, 1874 in Leipzig , † September 24, 1959 in Düsseldorf ) was a German painter .


Walther Illner was born in Leipzig in 1874 as the son of Richard Illner , who became known as an illustrator with the woodcuts for Brehm's animal life . He first attended the arts and crafts school in Leipzig and trained as a lithographer . From 1899 Illner settled in Munich . He studied first in Moritz Weinholdt's drawing school and with Ludwig Schmidt-Reutte and then from 1900 to 1903 with Ludwig Herterich at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich.

From 1903 to 1905 Walther Illner stayed in the Dachau artists' colony . There he met the painters Ludwig Dill , Adolf Hölzel and Leo Putz, among others . From 1905 to 1906 Walther Illner completed his training in Hermann Prell's studio in Dresden . He became a member of the Dresden Art Cooperative and the General German Art Cooperative . Walther Illner was a member of the Grün-Weiß artist group that was created around 1910 .

Around 1911 Walther Illner became a member of the Munich artists' cooperative . Until 1920 he took part in numerous exhibitions of the Munich artists' cooperative. In 1913 he was appointed to Darmstadt by Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig of Hesse and received the title of professor at the technical university there . During this time Illner worked in the vicinity of the Darmstadt artists' colony .

In December 1923 he moved to Rotterdam and in November 1924 he settled in Amsterdam . In the Netherlands he joined the artist group Association of Visual Artists Laren-Blaricum . Therefore he moved first to Blaricum in 1932 and to Laren in the same year . In 1935, this group split up into several artist groups due to criticism that the admission conditions were too mild. Illner became a member of the Gooischen painter association. This group had strict admission requirements.

In 1937 Walther Illner settled in Düsseldorf . In April 1943 his house in Düsseldorf was destroyed by a bomb strike. He moved to rural Wermelskirchen .

Exhibitions (selection)

  • 1908: Munich annual exhibition
  • 1908: Portrait exhibition of German contemporary artists, Sächsischer Kunstverein Dresden
  • 1909: Large watercolor exhibition in Dresden, shown: The walk .
  • 1909: First art exhibition in the Künstlerhaus Dresden, Kunstgenossenschaft Dresden
  • 1910: Exhibition of the Grün-Weiß group in Dresden, shown: Christ on the cross . Portrait Miss. B. Summer . House in the park . On the terrace . Study head . Nude study . Nude study .
  • 1911: Large watercolor exhibition in Dresden
  • 1911: Art exhibition Dresdner Kunstgenossenschaft, shown: female head .
  • 1911: Anniversary exhibition in Munich
  • 1912: Walther Illner solo exhibition, Galerie Del Vecchio , Leipzig
  • 1912: Modern works of art from private ownership , Sächsischer Kunstverein Dresden
  • 1912: Munich annual exhibition
  • 1913: Large watercolor exhibition in Dresden, shown: Study head . Study head .
  • 1913: Artist portrait exhibition in the Glaspalast in Munich
  • 1914: Darmstadt artist colony exhibition in Darmstadt
  • 1917: Hessian art exhibition, Darmstadt
  • 1918: Deutsche Kunst Darmstadt, May 18 to October 18, Municipal Exhibition Building, Mathildenhöhe
  • 1918: Great Berlin art exhibition
  • 1919: Munich art exhibition in the Glaspalast
  • 1920: Munich art exhibition in the Glaspalast
  • 1925: Amsterdam
  • 1926: Stedelijk Museum the Maastricht
  • 1940: Autumn exhibition of Düsseldorf artists


In addition to several paintings on buildings, Walther Illner created numerous portraits of well-known people as well as portraits of children, especially from 1911 onwards. During his time in the Netherlands , he also made numerous flower pictures. In the war years there were fewer portrait commissions. During this time Illner painted genre portraits and personalities in literature and music such as Goethe, Eichendorf, Beethoven and Furtwängler. Until the end of the 1940s, numerous landscape paintings were made.

Works in detail (selection)

Graphic work

  • 1899: Cover of the magazine Dolle Krabbe. Small Witzblatt Library , Volume IV
  • 1904: Poster for Bauernkirta of the Association of German Art Students in Munich
  • 1905: Poster for Schwabinger Bauernkirta
  • 1905: Poster for the Leipzig trade fair

Monumental painting

  • 1907: Frescoes in the Ministry of Justice in Dresden
  • 1908: Frieze in the ballroom of the Künstlerhaus in Dresden
  • 1909/1910: Ceiling paintings The Music and Joy , Dresden City Hall


There are also numerous portraits of children.


  • 1905: First prize for designing the poster for the Leipziger Messe
  • 1905: First prize in the tender for a large mural in the Ministry of Justice in Dresden
  • 1907: Small gold medal from the Dresden Academy
  • 1910: Second prize, design of the dome of the parish church of St. Nikolaus in Immenstadt , German Society for Christian Art in Munich


Web links

Commons : Walther Illner  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Catalog of the Great Watercolor Exhibition in Dresden 1909 . Heinrich, Dresden 1909, p. 11 , ill. In the list of figures ( slub-dresden.de ).
  2. ^ Willy Doenges : Exhibitions - Dresden . In: Cicerone . Volume 3, 1911, p. 677-678 .
  3. Ernst Schur : The graphic arts: to the history of their development . In: Art for everyone . Volume 21, No. 9 . Bruckmann, Munich 1906, p. 200 Ill . ( uni-heidelberg.de ).