What is gone is gone

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Original title What is gone is gone
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2012
length 87 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
JMK 10
Director Christian Lerch
script Christian Lerch based
on the novel Bellboy or: I owe Paul a summer from Jess Jochimsen
production Anatol Nitschke ,
Helge Sasse
music Milena Fessmann
camera Stefan Biebl
cut Anja Pohl

Was weg is, is weg is a German feature film by Christian Lerch from 2012. The cinema release in Germany was on March 22, 2012.


1968: A farm in a small village in southeast Upper Bavaria . Uncle Sepp shows his sister Erika's children a new invention in the workshop. When the “Pursurgator”, a machine for the final solution of the energy question, is switched on, he receives a violent electric shock and falls lifeless to the ground.

18 years later; 1986, the time of resistance against the WAA Wackersdorf , the anti-nuclear power movement , by Greenpeace and Robin Wood . Erika Baumgarten looks after her brother Sepp on the farm, who is in a coma and is artificially ventilated - he obviously did not survive the unsuccessful test of the invention.

Hansi Baumgarten sells insurance and shows off with a red 6-series BMW and C-network cell phone .

Lukas Baumgarten lives in a room with Pastor Ben, who is a staunch opponent of nuclear power. He wants to travel to New Zealand to work on a Greenpeace ship to save the whales; his rucksack is packed, he said goodbye to his mother Erika briefly on the phone.

Paul Baumgarten confuses and irritates his surroundings by thinking of himself as Jesus or by saying things like Mühlhiasl : “When the devil's name is on the roofs, death blows over from the east.” He is a little mentally retarded and works as a helper Butcher Franz Much, who runs an inn together with his aerobically-tempered wife Gini, which slides into bankruptcy with a debt of around DM 100,000. Hansi Baumgarten gives him the idea of ​​cutting off an insured part of the body in order to pay off the debt. Much is putting it into practice. His dog runs away with the evidence, the severed arm, causing a chase.


"Turbulent-macabre, sometimes silly comedy that brushes myths of Heimatfilm against the grain and entertains them with lovingly drawn characters and laconic dialogues."

" What is gone, is gone is a parable on the irretrievable, free from lard and nostalgia, deeply provincial and at the same time universal, because it addresses the uneasiness of globalization and its upheavals."

“Above all, Christian Lerch's directorial debut has a light wind blowing from the south, a touch of Austrian-black humor. Unfortunately only a fan, a hunch from Wolf Haas and Wolfgang Murnberger , from Ulrich Seidl and Josef Hader , but you shouldn't scare away the Bavarian cinema audience. "

- Florian Sendtner : Mittelbayerische Zeitung

The German Film and Media Evaluation FBW in Wiesbaden awarded the film the title valuable.


As a cameo , Jochimsen appears as an opponent of nuclear power in two scenes.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Release certificate for what is gone, is gone . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , January 2012 (PDF; test number: 131 355 K).
  2. Age rating for What is gone, is gone . Youth Media Commission .
  3. a b Bartholomäus Grill: Today we have no fun! A strong Heimat film: 'What is gone is gone'. Die Zeit, March 30, 2012, accessed on June 23, 2017 : "'Was weg is, is weg' is Christian Lerch's first directorial work."
  4. a b Florian Sendtner: SatAn on the roof and an arm in the freezer. In: Culture. Mittelbayerische Zeitung, March 23, 2012, accessed on June 23, 2017 : "... it is the time when you can have a satellite antenna mounted on the house with" SatAn "written on it, and a nuclear power plant explodes in Chernobyl."
  5. What is gone is gone in the lexicon of international filmsTemplate: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used