Wilhelm von Sell

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Wilhelm Ludwig Bernhard Adolf Freiherr von Sell (born February 3, 1842 in Ludwigslust , † February 19, 1922 in Neubabelsberg ) was a Prussian major general .



He was the son of the Mecklenburg general of the infantry Adolf von Sell (1797-1891) and his wife Sophie, née Freiin von Massenbach (1804-1842).

Military career

Sell ​​attended the cadet schools in Potsdam and Berlin . Subsequently, on May 1, 1858, he was transferred to the Kaiser Franz Grenadier Regiment of the Prussian Army as a second lieutenant . On the occasion of the January uprising , Sell was assigned to the 3rd Guards Grenadier Regiment "Queen Elisabeth" from February 8 to April 9, 1863 , and with this association took part in securing the border with Congress Poland . From October 1, 1865 he graduated from the War Academy . However, he had to interrupt his studies due to the war against Austria the following year. Sell ​​was then deployed with his regiment near Alt-Rognitz and in the battle of Königgrätz . For his achievements he was awarded the Crown Order IV class with swords on September 20, 1866 .

After the peace treaty he returned to the War Academy, became Prime Lieutenant on March 22, 1868 and finished his training on July 31, 1868. The following year Sell was assigned to the General Staff for a year . During the mobilization in 1870 on the occasion of the war against France , Sell was entrusted with the command of the 7th company of his regiment. In the battle of Gravelotte he was able to prove himself particularly well, but had to give up his command injured. After his recovery he took part in the siege of Paris and the battles at Bondy and Le Bourget . Awarded the Iron Cross II. Class, Sell gave up the company after demobilization , was personal adjutant to Friedrich August , Hereditary Grand Duke of Oldenburg, and was promoted to captain in March 1872 . Upon his return to the regiment Sell rose on January 23, 1875 the company commander on, received on 12 June 1883. character as a Major , and on August 29, 1883, the patent for this rank. From December 4, 1883 to June 11, 1886 he was then commanded to serve at the directorate of the War Academy and was then appointed commander of the 2nd Battalion in the 4th Thuringian Infantry Regiment No. 72 in Torgau . On December 14, 1889, he was assigned the function of regular staff officer in the grenadier regiment "King Friedrich Wilhelm I." (2nd East Prussian) No. 3 . With his promotion to lieutenant colonel on January 27, 1890, he was confirmed in this position.

Under position à la suite of the 6th Pomeranian Infantry Regiment No. 49 , Sell was commissioned on February 23, 1892 with the leadership of this unit. On March 29, 1892 he became a colonel and regimental commander. Under position à la suite of the regiment, he gave up command on March 31, 1895 and was appointed commander of Thorn . In this position he received the character of Major General on April 18, 1896 and was appointed Commandant of Glatz two months later . On July 22, 1900 Sell was finally put up for disposal with the award of the star for the Order of the Crown, 2nd class with swords on the ring and with the statutory pension .


Sell ​​married Hedwig von Rosenstiel (* 1860) on April 23, 1881 in Marienwalde. The marriage resulted in four sons:
