We grandchildren

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Original title We grandchildren
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1992
length 95 minutes
Age rating FSK 6
Director Bruno Jonas
script Bruno Jonas
production Matthias Wendlandt
music Nick Woodland
camera Hans-Günther Bücking
cut Helga Borsche

Wir Enkelkinder is a German film satire from 1992 by and with Bruno Jonas . A number of cabaret colleagues from the Munich Lach- und Schießgesellschaft appear at his side, especially Dieter Hildebrandt .


The film is a cabaret-satirical journey through time through the Federal Republic of Germany from 1957 to 1987. At the center of the story are the two former school friends Ulli Lasser and Willi Steiger. In many ways they were similar, but both are said to have very different paths in life in the old Federal Republic. During their first love, where they were both shy and inhibited, they were on the same track, but even here the gentle, progressive Ulli hardly dared more than dream of the class crush Claudia. When they entered adulthood, their paths diverged one day: while the conformist, conservative Willi opted for a career as a politician at the “CLU”, a corruption of the CSU , Ulli, the idealistic do-gooder, preferred to study for teaching. At university, willy-nilly, he is almost absorbed by the student movement and, quite unwillingly, falls into the clutches of a Maoist group. Regulated by others, Ulli even has her future wife dictated to her: Renate.

The marriage promptly turns into a failure, but Ulli, who has gone through the entire development of the end of the 60s and 70s from flat sharing and anti-war demonstrations to Maoism to the women's movement and eco-paxler scene, completes his studies with success. But now he is faced with new problems. With his “Maoist past” he falls under the radical decree and has no chance of being accepted as a teacher in the school service. His undoing was a conviction for "insulting the Federal Republic" during his Maoist Sturm und Drang period, and his participation in various demonstrations also brought him into the focus of state security. Since his conviction, Ulli has had a criminal record. But now old friend Willi is on the spot and gets him a job as an editor at the CLU house broadcaster Bayerischer Rundfunk , where he works under the line-loyal director Dr. von Wuest is just starting to make a career. At the same time, Willis' rapid decline begins, and it ends like Uwe Barschel in a bathtub.

Production notes

We Grandchildren premiered on November 5, 1992.

Michael Fengler was production manager. Werner Achmann designed the buildings and furnishings and was advised by Rolf Zehetbauer .

Several well-known contemporaries appeared in guest roles, including the forger of the Hitler diaries Konrad Kujau and the two former "young filmmakers" directors Klaus Lemke and Thomas Schamoni .

The cast of Hildebrandt as head of Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR), a kind of Helmut Oeller parody, is not without piquancy, as the CSU- close BR had rubbed against this for decades due to Hildebrandt's unions-critical cabaret appearances. In 1986, Oeller had tried in vain to discontinue Hildebrandt's satirical program windshield wipers . When it did not succeed in this ARD-wide, the BR unceremoniously disengaged from the current ARD program.


“A satirical review through 30 years of post-war Germany (1957-1987). A profound fun that takes up an abundance of topics, lovingly ridicules on its private level and also takes up explosive incidents in its partisan politics. A feeling for satirical exaggeration on the right object resulted in a largely enjoyable review. "

Individual evidence

  1. “Muzzle for Hildebrandt” on deutschlandradiokultur.de
  2. We Grandchildren in the Lexicon of International Films Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used

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