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List of characters in Titanic (1997 film)

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The following is a list of characters from the 1997 film Titanic.

1912 characters: Passengers on the RMS Titanic

Jack Dawson

Jack Dawson
Died(1912-04-15)April 15, 1912 (age 20)

Jack Dawson was born in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin in 1892 and is 20 years old during his voyage on the Titanic. When he was 15, his parents died and he traveled the world on his own. His travels took him to many places, including Los Angeles, California and Paris. He is a talented artist, who takes a talent in drawing people from life. He carries around his notebook and draws whatever he sees.

Somewhere along the line, Jack makes friends with an Italian immigrant named Fabrizio Di Rossi. Their travels bring them to Southampton on April 10th, 1912, the sailing day for the RMS Titanic. Desperate to go to America, Jack bets all he and Fabrizio have on two third class tickets to the Titanic. Jack's full house hand wins the pot, and Jack and Fabrizio make it to the Titanic at the last minute, occupying Cabin G-60, along with Bjorn and Olaus Gunderson, two Swedish brothers.

On April 12th, while relaxing, Jack and Fabrizio meet Tommy Ryan, an Irish immigrant also traveling third class. Jack looks up at the boat deck sees a first-class woman who immediately strikes him with her obvious beauty. Later that night, Jack stops the woman, Rose DeWitt Bukater, from committing suicide, although not without complications, and barely escapes the potential damage of a misconception. Caledon Hockley, Rose's fiancée, reluctantly invites Jack to have dinner with some first class passengers the next evening in gratitude. Jack accepts the offer, although he knows that he has nothing presentable to wear to a First Class dinner.

The next day, Rose seeks Jack out to thank him for saving her. They talk all day about their life goals, and at dinner, with the help of Margaret "Molly" Brown, Jack is made into a gentleman. Despite Ruth and Cal's attempts to humiliate him for being the third class passenger that he is, Jack charms the first class passengers and wins their respect, much to Cal and Ruth's chagrin. Afterwards he passes Rose a note telling her to meet him at the clock, where he invites her to a third class "real party". While at the party, Jack and Rose drink and dance with each other, Jack's thought and care allowing Rose to live, even for a few hours, the kind of freedom and lifestyle she had always dreamt of enjoying. Both were unknowingly being spied upon by Spicer Lovejoy, Cal's servant.

The next morning, April 14th, the final day, Jack attempts to talk to Rose, but Lovejoy and the bribed officers stop him from entering first class premises. Desperate to talk to her, he sneaks up to the boat deck with Fabrizio and Tommy helping him. Jack steals Arthur Ryerson's jacket and sneaks Rose into the gymnasium to speak to her. Rose refuses to speak to him anymore and says that she loves Cal and will marry him. Jack tries to convince her that she is nothing like the rest of her family, and that she must break free of their oppression. But Rose, as stubborn as she is, refuses to see his reasoning, and returns to Cal's side.

Later, while Jack is relaxing at the bow of the ship, and perhaps reflecting on Rose's reluctant rejection, Rose, after constantly witnessing the rigid control of upper class society and finding that she wants to leave it all behind once and for all, finds him there and claims that she has changed her mind. They share a passionate moment together and have their first kiss as the sun goes down, a scene that would become one of Hollywood's greatest and most memorable ever. This is the last time the Titanic will ever see daylight. Rose then asks Jack to draw her nude wearing only the diamond that Cal gave her, which Jack does. He starts out nervous but breaks through that quickly and draws with sure strokes. After Rose dressed, Lovejoy finds them in the hallway and chases them into the boiler room, where they lock the door on him. They make their way to the cargo hold where they make love in William Carter's brand new Renault traveling car. After, Jack is trembling. It could be argued that both Jack and Rose were virgins as Rose instructs Jack where to put his hands in the car scene, and earlier in the film during a conversation with Cal, it is made obvious that Rose has not yet slept with him. As well as this, Jack asks Rose if she is "nervous".

Around 11:40 PM, they return to the well deck of the ship where they share another passionate kiss, much to the amusement of the lookouts. While they are kissing, the ship hits a large iceberg and is critically damaged. After realizing the seriousness of the situation, Rose suggests warning her mother and Cal. When Lovejoy sees them coming, he sneaks the diamond into Jack's pocket, going along with a plan by Cal and Ruth to frame Jack. As soon as Jack enters the room that Cal is in, Cal demands a search for his "stolen" property. The master-at-arms finds the diamond in Jack's pocket and discovers that the jacket he is wearing belongs to Arthur Ryerson. Jack is then arrested (the master-at-arms had, in fact, been bribed to take part in the scheme and arrest Jack without questioning the absurdity of Jack possibly taking the diamond and returning to the crime scene with it) and locked up on E Deck with the master-at-arms in his office watching him.

The master-at-arms is sent away to control a riot in Second Class, and Lovejoy takes over watching him. He expresses his belief that the ship will sink, and delivers a message from Cal (a punch in the gut) before leaving Jack locked up in the room. Moments later, the room begins to flood. Fortunately, Rose finds him with Thomas Andrews' directions, and she is able to free him from the handcuffs with a fire axe. Cut off from their original way out, Jack and Rose look for another way back to the boat deck, reuniting with Fabrizio and Tommy in the process. Finally, they are able to break down a gate and make their way to the boat deck.

On the boat deck, they find Lifeboat 2, which is being loaded entirely with women and children, and Jack sends Tommy and Fabrizio to find another boat on the other side of the ship. While waiting on Lifeboat 2, they are found by Cal, who gives Rose his jacket. Cal reassures Rose that he and Jack will be able to get off the ship safely, and Rose is then put in the boat. While it lowers, at around 1:45 AM, Cal tells Rose that there is an arrangement for he and Jack to get off the ship. As the boat lowers, Cal tells Jack that he is a good liar. Jack says the same thing to him and then says that there isn't any arrangement. Cal says there is, but Jack won't benefit from it. He tells Jack that he always wins. Not able to leave Jack, Rose jumps back on the ship and runs to the Grand Staircase. When Cal sees them kissing, he grabs Lovejoy's gun and attempts and fires at them, chasing them down into a dining saloon. When he runs out of bullets, Cal gives up and realizes that Rose has the diamond in his coat.

Meanwhile, Jack and Rose enter the kitchen and down a rapidly flooding hallway, where they find a little boy crying and scared. They try to rescue him, but his father finds them and grabs him. Seconds later, two doors burst open and water floods the hallway. The boy and his father are presumed to have drowned while Jack and Rose are thrown against a metal gate. They swim away from that metal gate and to another where they find a terrified steward who has keys to the gate. The steward tries to open the gate, but he drops the keys and runs away. Jack grabs them and opens the gate seconds before the hallway floods completely. Jack and Rose make their way aft. It is now past 2 AM.

While on their way back, Jack and Rose run into Thomas Andrews in the first class smoking room, who has chosen to stay there and die, but gives Rose his life jacket. By the time they reach the aft well deck, all the lifeboats have been launched and the water has reached the forward boat deck, pushing it underwater and forcing the stern to rise out of the water. They decide to stay on the ship as long as possible and head to the poop deck. As they make their way "up" the stern, it continues to rise out of the water. Eventually, the ship is sticking out at such a steep angle that anyone not holding on to something slides down the deck. Jack and Rose hold onto the stern railing as the ship continues to rise out of the water. Soon, the pressure causes the ship to split in two pieces. The stern end is pulled into the air, sticking out of the water at a ninety degree angle, and sinks at 2:20 AM.

Once the Titanic is underwater, Jack and Rose find a floating door on the water to rest on which can only hold one person. While he slowly freezes to death, Jack makes Rose promise that she will survive this disaster, and that she will live a long and satisfying life (and she did). Eventually, he then dies of hypothermia and Rose lets his body sink into the ocean. After Jack's body is underwater, Rose swims to a whistle that Chief Officer Henry Wilde had on, and uses it to call for help. She is then rescued by a lifeboat under the command of Fifth Officer Harold Lowe.

Jack Dawson is played by Leonardo DiCaprio

Rose DeWitt Bukater

{{Infobox Person |name=Rose DeWitt Bukater |birth_date=1895 |birth_place=Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |death_date=1996age 100 |death_place=[[Atlantic Ocean, on the ship Keldysh }}

Rose DeWitt Bukater is born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1895 (the month is not stated) and is 17 years old during her first class passage on the RMS Titanic. Rose boards with her fiancé, Caledon Hockley, and her mother, Ruth. Although Rose does not love Cal, she is being forced into an arranged marriage to him by her mother. Since her father's death, according to Ruth, she and her daughter were left with nothing, except a "legacy of bad debts hidden by a good name", so she expects Rose to marry into money (Cal) in order to maintain the family's high social status and luxurious way of life.

Tired of the repetitive lifestyle she leads as a first class lady, and of people treating her as if she is a helpless child, Rose tries to commit suicide by throwing herself overboard. However, she is convinced to save herself by a young artist from third class named Jack Dawson. On the way up, Rose's foot slips from the railing and she begins to scream for help. Even with Jack's assistance, Rose's screams are heard by three of the ship's crew members, who rush to her aid. Instead, they find her and Jack sprawled out in a compromising position on the front deck. After being berated by Cal, Jack is slapped in handcuffs and nearly taken to the master-at-arms' office until Rose convinces her husband-to-be that Jack saved her life. After offering him $20, which Rose considers an insult, Cal invites Jack to dine with him and the rest of his acquaintances in the First Class Dining Room.

The next day, Rose seeks Jack out to thank him for what he did. They talk on the boat deck for hours about their lives, and in particular, Rose's hopes and dreams, that for the time being, she knows she will never be able to achieve. Rose learns that Jack is a very talented artist after flipping through his sketch book. She is shocked to learn that someone of Jack's poor standing was able to go to Paris, France. Rose also assumes that Jack has had a love affair with one of the subjects of his sketches; he denies the accusation, sarcastically replying that he only had a love affair "just with her hands".

Later, Jack teaches Rose how to spit "correctly" off the side of the ship, until the two are caught by her mother Ruth, the Countess of Rothes and Margaret "Molly" Brown. After the rest of the ladies go to dress for dinner, Molly takes Jack under her wing and dresses him in a black tuxedo that she had initially purchased for her son. While at dinner, Jack charms the entire table by explaining his way of life. Just before he returns to the lower decks, Jack leaves a note in Rose's hand saying, "Make it count Meet me at the clock!" In foreshadowing the film's ending, Jack stands at the top of the Grand Staircase beside "Honour and Glory Crowning Time", waiting for Rose. They meet there and sneak off to the steerage decks for a "real party".

At the party, they dance, not seeing Cal's manservant Spicer Lovejoy spying on them. The next morning, as they had breakfast together, Cal says (complainingly) "I hoped you would have come to me last night". After their previous talk where Cal states that there is nothing he would deny Rose, if she doesn't "deny" him (meaning he hopes they will sleep together soon). Rose states that she was too tired - Cal complains that her conduct the night before must have worn her out, implying that her behavior was not that of a first class lady. Cal loses his temper, explaining to Rose that even if she is not yet his wife by law, she is in practice and that she must honour him in the way a wife is required to honour a husband (implying that she has not done this yet). In the midst of his anger, Cal yells at her, throws their breakfast table aside, and tells her not to behave like that again. Then, while Rose's maid, Trudy Bolt, is fastening her corset in preparation for the church service, her mother interrupts and dismisses her. Ruth tells her daughter that she cannot see Jack again, for both their sakes, reminding Rose of all the debts left to them by her father.

That afternoon, April 14th, she is walking on the boat deck with her mother, Cal and Thomas Andrews, the builder of the ship, when Jack grabs her and sneaks her into the gymnasium to speak to her. Rose refuses to speak to him anymore and says that she loves Cal and will marry him. Jack tries to convince her that she is nothing like the rest of her family, and that she must break free of their oppression. But Rose, as stubborn as she is, refuses to see his reasoning, and returns to Cal's side.

Later, while having tea, she realizes that Jack was right and finds him at the bow of the ship. They share a passionate moment together and have their first kiss as the sun goes down. This is the last time the Titanic will ever see daylight. Rose then takes Jack to the sitting room of her suite and asks him to draw her nude wearing only the Heart of the Ocean necklace. When Jack is finished, she puts the diamond necklace in Cal's safe along with the sketch and a taunting note for him. However, Lovejoy finds them and chases them all the way down to the boiler room of the ship, where they lock the door on him. They then venture into the cargo hold, finding William Carter's brand new Renault traveling car. A few minutes later, the two make love in the backseat.

At 11:40 PM, they come back up to the well deck of the ship and share another passionate kiss, much to the amusement of the lookouts. While they are kissing, the ship hits a large iceberg and is critically damaged. Jack, Rose and even Thomas Andrews who is in his suite, feel the deathblow to the Titanic. Meanwhile, Rose suggests warning her mother and Cal about the collision. When they do, Jack is framed for stealing the diamond and is taken to the master-at-arms' office below decks, and Rose is taken to a lifeboat with her mother. Upon realizing that Cal is nothing more than a self-involved jerk and her mother, a typical first class woman only concerned for herself, Rose chooses to leave, determined to save Jack. After receiving instructions from Andrews, she finds Jack in a rapidly flooding room on E Deck. Shortly after 1:15 AM, she dismembers his handcuffs from the pipe with a fire axe, freeing him, and they make it back to the boat deck with Jack's friends, Tommy Ryan and Fabrizio De Rossi.

On the boat deck, they find Lifeboat 2, which is being loaded entirely with women and children, and Jack sends Tommy and Fabrizio to find another boat on the other side of the ship. While waiting on Lifeboat 2, they are found by Cal, who gives Rose his jacket. When Rose refuses to get on the boat and leave Jack, at around 1:45 AM, Cal tells her that he has an arrangement for him and Jack to get off the ship. As the two men watch the boat being lowered, Cal tells Jack that there is an arrangement, but he would not be benefiting much from it. Not able to leave Jack, Rose jumps back onto the ship and runs to the Grand Staircase, where she embraces Jack. Although Jack is glad to see her, he is afraid for both of them, now that the last of the lifeboats has left. Meanwhile, an enraged Cal takes Lovejoy's gun and chases the couple down the staircase into the flooding reception room, shooting at them. When he runs out of bullets, Cal gives up and realizes that Rose has the diamond in his coat.

As they go back upstairs, Jack and Rose hear a little boy crying in a rapidly flooding hallway. They try to rescue him, but his father finds them and grabs him. Seconds later, two doors burst open and water floods the hallway. The boy and his father are presumed to have drowned while Jack and Rose are thrown against a metal gate. They swim to another gate where their only hope of escape is a terrified steward with keys to the gate. The steward tries to open the gate, but he drops the keys and runs away. Jack grabs them and opens the gate seconds before the hallway floods completely. Jack and Rose make their way aft. It is now past 2 AM.

While on their way back, Jack and Rose run into Andrews in the first class smoking room, who has chosen to stay there and die, but gives Rose his life jacket. By the time they reach the aft well deck, all the lifeboats have been launched and the water has reached the forward boat deck, pushing it underwater and forcing the stern to rise out of the water. They decide to stay on the ship as long as possible and head to the poop deck. As they make their way "up" the stern, it continues to rise out of the water. Eventually, the ship is sticking out at such a steep angle that anyone not holding on to something slides down the deck. Jack and Rose hold onto the stern railing as the ship continues to rise out of the water. Soon, the water pressure causes the ship to split in two pieces. The stern end is pulled into the air, sticking out of the water at a ninety degree angle. The ship stays like that for a few seconds, floods with water, then starts to sink. Jack tells Rose to "The ship is going to suck us down, take a deep breath when i say. Kick to the surface and keep kicking. Do not let go of my hand!" But Jack and Rose get separated as Jack gets pulled into the suction for the ship. Still, Jack gets to the surface and finds Rose in trouble. One of the persons who was plunged into the water sees Rose and in desperation, grabs her to stay afloat. Jack gets the person off her and says he needs her to swim. The great ship finally sinks into the North Atlantic water at 2:20 AM.

In the water, Jack leads Rose to a floating door in the water that she floats on. While he freezes in the water, Jack makes Rose promise that she will survive, and never let go of that promise. Rose is singing "Come Josephine in my flying machine" when she hears a boat. She tries to tell Jack, but, there is no response from Jack. The boat starts to leave and Rose tries to call "Come back!" but she can barely talk much less call out. She unsticks her hand from Jack's hands "I'll never let go. I promise." And with that, she kisses his hand for the last time and watches Jack sink into the North Atlantic. Then, she swims to a whistle that Chief Officer Henry Wilde had on, and uses it to call a lifeboat to save her. She is then rescued by the lifeboat under the command of Fifth Officer Harold Lowe. While on the RMS Carpathia, she sees Cal, who is looking for her desperately. She hides her face in the blanket just as Cal looks over. He doesn't see her and walks away, assuming that she died. That is the last time she ever sees him.

On arriving in New York, she takes Jack's name when asked by a steward, calling herself Rose Dawson. She goes on to do everything that she had promised Jack she would do, riding astride a horse on the beach, going to Santa Monica Pier, flying a plane, and so forth. Rose becomes an actress, gets married, and has children, but she never forgets Jack. At the very end of the movie, Rose is seen as a young woman of 17 again walking through the glorious ship and into the hallway, where she is greeted by all the people who died on the ship, and lastly, by Jack himself, whom she kisses at the top of the staircase, giving way to thunderous applause. Whether she is dreaming or passed away (like Jack said she would do) remains unknown, as James Cameron (the director of the film Titanic) comments "it is to remain up to the viewer to decide whether Rose has passed away or is just dreaming." However, it should be noted that earlier in the film before making her promise, Jack tells Rose that she will die "an old lady, warm in her bed."

Rose DeWitt Bukater was played by Kate Winslet; the old Rose was played by Gloria Stuart.

Caledon Hockley

Caledon Hockley
Died1929 (age 47)

Caledon Hockley was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1882 as the son of French-American steel tycoon Nathan Hockley. He was educated at Harvard University and was vacationing in France when he bought the famous "Heart of the Ocean" diamond April 3rd, 1912, a week before he sailed on the RMS Titanic. He also believes that Pablo Picasso "won't amount to a thing" with his finger paintings.

A 30-year-old Cal is on the maiden voyage of the RMS Titanic, returning to the United States in order to marry his 17-year-old fiancée, Rose DeWitt Bukater in Philadelphia. Although he behaves snobbishly, arrogantly, and abusive towards her, he does show genuine concern for her well-being, as demonstrated by pleading for Rose to get into a lifeboat during the sinking.

On April 12th, Cal is informed that his fiancée is being assaulted. When he reaches the poop deck, where this is happening, he learns that third class passenger Jack Dawson actually saved her from falling off the end of the ship. As thanks, Cal invites Jack to dine with the first class passengers the next day. After this, Cal gives Rose the famous "Heart of the Ocean" diamond, as a reminder of his feelings for her. He then asks her to "open her heart to him."

At dinner on April 13th, Cal watches, embarrassed, as Jack gets the attention of the dinner table with his life story. He then leaves for the smoking room with the other gentlemen. Later that night, Cal does not know where Rose is, so he sends Spicer Lovejoy, his manservant, to find her. He comes back telling him that he saw Jack and Rose in the third class general room dancing. The next morning, April 14th, Cal yells at Rose for her "exertions below decks", throws their breakfast table aside, and tells her not to behave like that again.

Later, while taking a tour of the boat deck, Rose disappears. He sends Lovejoy after her, and at around 11:30 PM, finds a nude drawing of Rose, signed by Jack Dawson, and a taunting note in his safe from Rose ("Darling, now you can lock us both in your safe"). Cal and Lovejoy then devise a plan to get Jack arrested. After the ship hits an iceberg, Cal frames Jack for stealing the diamond (although he, Lovejoy and Ruth have secretly bribed the Master-at-arms to take part in the plan; he handcuffs Jack without further questioning), and Jack is arrested and trapped on the ship by the Master-at-arms. He then tries to get Rose into a lifeboat. After Rose remarks that half the people on the ship will die, he states "Not the better half," showing his contempt for the poor and underprivileged. Enraged, Rose spits in his eyes, and leaves to rescue Jack. Hockley was so shocked that he did not run after Rose.

Realizing that the ship is starting to fall apart, Cal and Lovejoy focus on getting into a lifeboat themselves. They return to Cal's suite and take the diamond and some money out of the safe. They then return to the deck to bribe first officer Murdoch for a place on Collapsible C. After giving him a pile of twenty dollar bills, Murdoch agrees to let him on the boat. As it is being loaded, Cal prepares to get in when Lovejoy arrives, telling him that he has found Rose waiting for a boat "with him". Cal leaves his chance of escaping the ship to find her.

When he finds them, he gives Rose the jacket that he had put the diamond and his "insurance money", forgetting that the diamond and his money is in it, and lies, telling her that he and Jack will be able to escape the ship in a different boat. When she gets in Lifeboat 2, she quickly jumps back onto the ship and embraces Jack at the Grand Staircase. Enraged, Cal takes Lovejoy's gun and begins shooting at them, chasing them down the Grand Staircase into the flooding reception room, where they escape into the dining room. When Cal reaches the reception room, he realizes that Rose has the diamond, but is afraid to go into the flooding areas. In a deleted scene, he sends Lovejoy after them, "promising" to give him the diamond if he can retrieve it, whereas in the novelization, he pistol-whips Lovejoy for telling him off.

With Lovejoy occupied in finding the diamond (weakened in the novelization), Cal returns to the boat deck in time to find Murdoch loading Collapsible A, one of only two remaining boats. However, Murdoch throws his money back at him, telling him "Your money can't save you any more than it can save me," and denies Cal entry into the boat, his only chance at surviving the disaster. Murdoch then kills an innocent man (Tommy Ryan) who has been pushed toward the boat and commits suicide when he realizes that he has done so. While the boat is being loaded by Chief Officer Wilde, Cal grabs a little girl and shows her to the officer, claiming that he is all she has in the world. Not questioning his credibility, Wilde lets him on. Before the boat can be lowered however, the water reaches the bridge rail and floods the forward deck, causing the boat to float off.

While still near the ship, people try to get on the boat, but Cal fiercely denies entrance to the boat to anyone once it has been filled, claiming that they will swamp it. While doing this, he witnesses the collapse of the first funnel, but is able to row the boat away from the sinking ship and save himself along with the other people in the boat. He then watches as the Titanic sinks with Jack, Rose and Lovejoy still on board.

On board the RMS Carpathia, Rose sees him looking for her, perhaps concerned, but she decides not to reveal herself to him. After surviving the Titanic disaster, he marries someone else and inherits his millions. Cal has at least two children. In late October 1929 the stock market crash occurs, and hit his interests hard. Unable to deal with the loss of presumably most of his wealth, Hockley, at the age of forty-seven, commits suicide by shooting himself in the mouth, or so Rose read. In a deleted scene, Old Rose reveals that "his children fought over the scraps of his estate like hyenas...". In the commentary for the DVD, Cameron states that his fate seems to fit his character, "that kind of people getting their just deserts."

Portrayed as the main antagonist of the film, Caledon Hockley is shown to be a snobbish, self-centered and proud man, who will do "anything it takes" to win the game or not lose either, clearly demonstrated by his attempt to murder his own fiancé after seeing her in love with a poor man. Another characteristic is his rather influential manner, making him able to find no difficulty whatsoever in bribing or even intimidating anyone into attending to his belongings or even his dirtiest work, such as countless stewards to keep Jack away from Rose, two stewards to abandon their posts and duty to personally escort Jack back to the Third Class deck, First Officer William Murdoch into allowing a place for him on a lifeboat for women and children (although Murdoch is later the only person in the entire movie to reject a bribe from Cal), and even the Master-at-arms to go along with his plan of framing Jack for "stealing" his diamond and handcuffing him in his office despite knowing the ship was sinking.

This has led Caledon Hockley to become one of the most controversial characters in the film, as fans have often wondered why a man of these characteristics was even on the Titanic and not in a prison cell (in the original script, Cal was to complete his monstrous nature by finally attempting to committing murder: clubbing Fabrizio De Rossi on the head with an oar to stop him getting on a boat, though Fabrizio eventaually dies when a funnel falls on him). These traits have also led fans to compare him with a similar villain: Gaston from Beauty and the Beast.

Caledon Nathan Hockley was played by Billy Zane.

Ruth DeWitt Bukater

Ruth DeWitt Bukater
DiedUnknown place and year

A typical example of an early 20th Century socialite, Ruth DeWitt Bukater is the mother of Rose DeWitt Bukater and the widowed wife of Rose's father. The unexpected death of Rose's father has left Ruth and Rose in financial ruin. In order to secure her and Rose's welfare, Ruth is intent on having her daughter marry the steel magnate Caledon Hockley.

Ruth boards the RMS Titanic along with Rose, Cal, Spicer Lovejoy, and Trudy Bolt, Ruth's maid. Although Jack saved Rose from "falling", she deeply hates and disregards Jack merely for his third-class status, and considers him a threat to her daughter's upcoming marriage. She shares a tender moment with Rose while she attempts to make Rose realize how much is at stake with the engagement. Upon hearing of her daughter's time with Jack at a steerage party, she demands that Rose no longer sees "that boy" whom she feels is endangering her and Rose's financial welfare.

When the ship hits an iceberg and starts to sink, Ruth considers the "drill" to be a nuisance. Upon hearing of her daughter's affair with Jack, she conspires with Cal and Lovejoy to frame Jack for stealing Cal's diamond and bribe the master-at-arms to go along with the plan. On the lifeboat deck, Ruth makes inconsiderate remarks about lifeboat seating. Disgusted, Rose defies her mother again and runs off to find and rescue Jack. Ruth, who had already gotten into a lifeboat, can do nothing more than to scream and beg for Rose to come back.

Ruth watches as the Titanic sinks, with her daughter still on it. She is in Lifeboat 6, with Margaret "Molly" Brown, whom she helped row away from the ship. The lifeboat does not return to pick up any survivors in the water.

It is unknown what happens to Ruth following the sinking. Since Ruth was penniless when she was on the Titanic, it is likely that she either had to spend the rest of her life seeking out a living as a maid or seamstress and ultimately died in poverty. If she gained any money from lawsuits against the White Star Line, it would only be for possessions lost. It is even possible that Ruth maintained the family's high social status, and luxurious way of life from Rose being an actress.

Ruth DeWitt Bukater was played by Frances Fisher.

Spicer Lovejoy

Spicer Lovejoy
Died(1912-04-15)April 15, 1912 (age 62)

Spicer Lovejoy, a former Pinkerton detective, is the valet and bodyguard of Caledon Hockley. According to Rose, Lovejoy was hired by Cal's father to "keep an eye on his little boy." He accompanies Hockley, Rose and her mother Ruth on the RMS Titanic, where he tells the porters where to put their luggage.

Later on, after Rose attempts to commit suicide and is saved by Jack, Lovejoy is seen tending to Rose along with Colonel Archibald Gracie. Despite surmising that Jack was lying, Lovejoy does not tell anybody, but remains suspicious of the rescue. Lovejoy is also ordered by Hockley to follow Rose wherever she goes, and he stumbles into the third class party, where he sees Rose dancing with Jack. Off-screen, Lovejoy informs Hockley of this.

Once again, Hockley orders Lovejoy to follow Rose, and once again does he catch her with Jack. Lovejoy angrily chases the laughing lovers all over the ship until finally losing them into the boiler rooms. Lovejoy reports back to Hockley, who finds a nude drawing of Rose, signed by Jack Dawson, and a taunting note written by Rose. Enraged, Hockley makes a plan with Lovejoy to get back at Jack and Rose for disgracing him. After the ship hits an iceberg and starts to sink, Hockley bribes the Master-at-arms and orders Lovejoy to place the diamond in Jack's pocket to frame him for theft. The master-at-arms is sent away to control a riot in Second Class, and Lovejoy watches Jack in the master-at-arms' office. He expresses his belief that the ship will sink, punches Jack in the stomach and leaves him in the room to drown.

Lovejoy finds Cal on the boat deck, and he still hasn't found Rose, but they realize that the ship is starting to fall apart. They then focus their attention to entering a lifeboat, and Cal returns to his suite to get the diamond and some money out of his safe. He then bribes First Officer Murdoch for a spot in Collapsible C. However, at the last minute, Lovejoy reports that he has found Jack and Rose waiting for a boat. They then leave their chance of escaping the ship to find Rose.

Later, when Cal sees Jack and Rose embracing in the Grand Staircase, he grabs Lovejoy's gun and chases them into the dining room. When he becomes afraid to go any further because of the rising water level, he leaves. There is a deleted scene where Cal send Lovejoy to chase after Jack and Rose in the dining room. He looks for them for a while but soon finds Rose, before he can ask her for the diamond (which is the reason Cal sent him to chase them) Jack comes from behind and defeats him in a combat by punching him in the gut (in revenge). They then run downstairs with Lovejoy running upstairs looking for them. The scene was cut for time and lack of test audience approval, but was compensated by an alternate scene in the novelization (he tells Cal off for going mad and is pistol-whipped in return).

Later on, Lovejoy returns quickly to try to escape from the sinking of the Titanic, but he is too late. By the time he makes it back up to the boat deck, the lifeboats are all gone. He stays on the deck until the ship splits in two pieces, with his face covered in blood and the deck breaks apart right between him. He manages to hold on to the ship momentarily, but due to his position, it is likely Lovejoy ended up in the water along with the other passengers if he even managed to escape the suction of water spilling into the huge crack. He is never seen after this, and it can be assumed that he dies along with the 1,500 others in the water.

Spicer Lovejoy was played by David Warner.

Margaret "Molly" Brown

Margaret Tobin Brown
Born(1867-07-18)July 18, 1867
DiedOctober 26, 1932(1932-10-26) (aged 65)

Among the characters based on real people, Margaret "Molly" Brown is a first class passenger whom Ruth classifies as "new money". The other first class women call her "vulgar" due to her loose, casual behavior, but she is very kind despite being frowned upon by them. When Jack is invited to dinner, she helps him out by giving him a tuxedo she bought for her son, and teaching him how to fit in with the other first class passengers. She apparently cared for him as a son, as she was shown to be quietly steaming through the insults thrown at Jack during dinner by Ruth. She is also known as "Unsinkable Molly".

When the ship hits an iceberg, she gets in Lifeboat 6, with Ruth helping her row away from the ship. In a deleted scene, she sits in the palm court and asks for some ice. Behind her, the iceberg is seen in the window. After the sinking, she tells the other passengers in Lifeboat 6 that they have to go back to pick up others from the ship (perhaps another way of showing her relationship with Jack), but Quartermaster Robert Hichens overrules her for panic of being swamped.

Margaret "Molly" Brown was played by Kathy Bates.

Fabrizio De Rossi

Fabrizio De Rossi
Died(1912-04-15)April 15, 1912 (age 20)

Fabrizio De Rossi was born in 1892 in Italy and is Jack Dawson's best friend. He believes that it is his destiny to go to America. When Jack wins the tickets, they board and meet Tommy Ryan, an Irish third class passenger.

When the ship hits an iceberg, he meets up with Jack at a locked gate. Jack, Rose, Fabrizio and Tommy join up and break down one of the locked gates, gaining entry to the higher points of the ship. In a deleted scene, Fabrizio meets up with Helga Dahl (his girlfriend) at a locked gate and asks her to come to the boats and save her life, but because of her Norwegian speaking parents that don't understand, Fabrizio refuses to let Helga go, with Fabrizio on the way to the deck, he tells Helga he'll never forget her. When they reach the boat deck, Jack sends Fabrizio and Tommy to check the other side of the ship for boats that are letting men on.

Fabrizio and Tommy find Collapsible A, but First Officer Murdoch is fiercely denying entry to the boat to men. However, someone pushes Tommy toward Murdoch and before thinking, he shoots Tommy. When he realizes that he has killed an innocent man, he shoots himself in the head. The boat is loaded by Chief Officer Wilde, and Caledon Hockley is let on when he fakes being the parent of a child. Before the boat can be lowered, however, the water reaches the boat deck and the ship threatens to pull the boat under. Fabrizio helps cut the ropes off of the boat, but the water washes him away from it and he is crushed by the falling funnel.

In the original draft of the script, Fabrizio is actually murdered by Cal, who tries to stop him swamping a lifeboat by fatally hitting him in the head with an oar and sarcastically telling him to swim to his destiny (America).

Fabrizio De Rossi was played by Danny Nucci.

Tommy Ryan

Tommy Ryan
Died(1912-04-15)April 15, 1912 (age 22)

Tommy Ryan was born in 1890 and is a third class passenger from Ireland. While on board, he befriends Jack Dawson and Fabrizio De Rossi. He also believes that Jack does not have a chance to get next to Rose DeWitt Bukater. In the third class party, he and some new friends from the third class discuss something and smoke cigarettes.

When the ship hits an iceberg, he, like everyone else in third class, is locked behind a gate. He, Jack and Fabrizio break through a different gate and get to the boat deck. While up there, he is in the crowd and First Officer Murdoch shoots him in the right lung when he is pushed towards the boat. When Murdoch realizes that he has killed an innocent man, he kills himself. As the sea sweeps over the deck, Fabrizio takes Tommy's lifebelt. The corpse floats up on the rising water, but is pulled into the A Deck Promenade, forever lost to the sea.

Tommy Ryan was played by Jason Barry.

John Jacob Astor

Colonel John Jacob Astor IV is called by Rose "the richest man on the ship". He and his wife Madeleine had been vacationing in Europe to avoid the publicity in America caused by Madeleine's pregnancy.

After the ship hits an iceberg and starts to sink, John and Madeleine stay aboard the ship for most of the sinking. In a deleted scene, John is seen in the gymnasium cutting his life jacket open to show Madeleine what is inside it. Finally, at 1:55 AM, Madeleine escapes the ship on Lifeboat 4, one of the last lifeboats remaining on the ship. She asks John to look for the family dog at the Grand Staircase. He releases them from the kennel before returning with the water at his heels to the Grand Staircase. He manages to climb the steps and secure his hold onto a post before the water reaches his knees. He is presumably drowned when the grand glass dome shatters and tons of water surge in, still clutching the post.

He was played by Eric Braeden.

Madeleine Astor

Born in 1893, the 19-year-old Madeleine Talmage Force is the second wife of John Jacob Astor IV. She is only seen in the first class dinner scene, but has a short conversation with Jack and Rose. Rose also points out to Jack (secretly) that Madeleine is her age and in 'delicate condition'. In a deleted scene, Astor can be seen in the gymnasium showing Madeleine what is inside a life jacket. While a pregnant Madeleine is saved, her husband goes down with the ship.

She was played by Charlotte Chatton.

Archibald Gracie

Colonel Archibald Gracie IV is a writer, amateur historian and first class passenger on the Titanic. He is first seen tending to Rose along with Lovejoy after Jack saves her life from committing suicide. He also makes a comment to Cal that "women and machinery don't mix," and congratulates Jack on his rescue.

When the ship hits an iceberg and starts to sink, he escorts ladies to lifeboats. During the final stages of the sinking, he finds himself near the overturned Collapsible B on the flooding boat deck. He is last glimpsed on the boat in the chaotic scene. In a deleted scene, Gracie is briefly seen aboard Collapsible B going towards the Carpathia and later onboard the ship. In early December 1912, almost eight months after the sinking, he died after his health was severely affected by the ordeal.

He was played by Bernard Fox.

Benjamin Guggenheim

Benjamin Guggenheim is a rich first class passenger on the Titanic. When the ship strikes an iceberg, he and his manservant, Victor Giglio, "dress in [their] best and are prepared to go down as gentlemen" in the Grand Staircase, and ask for a brandy. Later during the sinking, they are seen when A Deck of the Grand Staircase starts flooding. This is the last time they are seen.

He was played by Michael Ensign.

Irish mother

An unnamed third class mother with two children and no husband who has a cabin on G-Deck. We see them several times, including when they look for their room after boarding, waiting at a staircase during the sinking, and apparently being told an Irish bedtime story by the mother during the final moments in their room. They presumably died in their sleep not fully understanding what was going on, as the mother thought was best.

She was played by Jenette Goldstein.

Helga Dahl

Fabrizio De Rossi's new girlfriend on the Titanic. In many deleted scenes, he can be seen talking to her and dancing with her. When the ship hits an iceberg, she and her family are locked behind a gate below decks. It is unclear how they do so, but they make it to the poop deck of the ship. She stands at the end of the stern until the ship breaks in half, causing the stern to rise out of the water at a straight angle. Unable to hold onto the railing, she lets go and falls to her death moments before the ship's final plunge.

She was played by Camilla Overbye Roos.

Trudy Bolt

Trudy Bolt is Rose DeWitt Bukater's family's maid on the Titanic. She was going to join Rose's mother Ruth in a lifeboat, but when they were inside the Grand Staircase, Ruth sent her back to the cabin to turn on the heaters and make a cup of tea since Ruth thought this was only a drill. While Trudy was doing this, Ruth was put in a lifeboat. With the lifeboats all gone, Trudy remains trapped on board the ship. As the Titanic is about to break in half, she is shown sliding down the inside deck of the second floor into the freezing water.

She was played by Amy Gaipa.

Cosmo and Lucile Duff Gordon

Sir Cosmo Duff Gordon is a first class passenger on the Titanic. His wife Lucile is a designer of naughty lingerie which was considered a rarity and very racy as well for her time period. They are seen talking to Cal and Ruth in a scene set in the First Class dining room. When the ship strikes an iceberg, they escape on Lifeboat 1, and bribe the crew to leave with only 12 people aboard. In a deleted scene, after the ship is gone, someone in the boat says that they should do something to help the people in the water, but Sir Cosmo says that it is "out of the question".

Sir Cosmo was played by Martin Jarvis and Lucile was played by Rosalind Ayres, Jarvis' real life wife.

Countess of Rothes

A first class passenger on the Titanic who survives the sinking. She is in most of the eating scenes, usually talking with Ruth. She is also seen with Ruth and Molly Brown finding Rose with Jack on the First Class promenade deck. She can be seen talking to Ruth at first class dinner that evening on April 14. Also, she is the woman who asks the steward what has happened as a worried Thomas Andrews walks by. When the ship is sinking, she escapes on Lifeboat 8.

She was played by Rochelle Rose.

Wallace Hartley

The leader of the 4-member band on the Titanic. When the ship strikes an iceberg, they continue to play until the water reaches their feet on the boat deck and sweeps them off the deck into the freezing ocean. They said that nobody listens to them anyway, or at dinner either. The last song they play is Nearer My God to Thee. They also play Orpheus and Wedding Dance. Before their deaths, he admits playing with his fellow musicians has been the best thrill of his life. The freezing water works its way up the deck, and presumably sweeps them all off into the dark depths of the Atlantic.

He was played by Jonathan Evans-Jones.

Father Thomas Byles

A priest aboard the Titanic (Father Byles), who is present during the mass that morning on April 14th. While the ship is sinking later that night, he stays in third class to hear confessions and give last rites to people that were doomed to die. He was last seen quoting scripture on the deck to a group of passengers holding onto his hand. He was also seen reciting "Hail Mary" from the Catholic rosary as Jack and Rose are making their way to the stern. It is unknown how he died, although it is likely that he fell off the stern once it raised vertically in the air.

He was played by James Lancaster.

Isidor and Ida Straus

Two of the wealthiest people on the ship, having founded Macy's department store in New York, they have been married for forty years. In a deleted scene, Ida is offered a place on a lifeboat, but turns down the offer to remain with her husband. Isidor tries to persuade her to enter the lifeboat, but she refuses, saying "Where you go, I go." They are last seen in their flooding cabin on the bed in each other's arms. Ida is one of four first-class women to die on the Titanic. In real life, however, his body was later found to have been crushed by the smokestack. So it is likely he died in a similar way to Fabrizio De Rossi.

Ida was played by Elsa Raven and Isidor was played by Lew Palter.

The Cartmell family

A three person third-class family consisting of Bert Cartmell, his wife and his daughter Cora, the young girl that Jack dances with. Cora and her father are seen a few times, including before the start of the voyage, admiring the size of the Titanic, standing at the railing during the voyage being sketched by Jack, and Cora dancing with Jack during a third-class party.

In a deleted scene entitled "Cora's Fate", they are seen one more time. During the final stages of the sinking, Cora and her parents are trapped behind a gate in a quickly flooding hallway. This scene was taken out of the movie because James Cameron thought it would be too overwhelming for the audience to see that.

Cora was played by Alexandrea Owens. Bert was played by Rocky Taylor. The mother (seen only in the deleted scene) was uncredited.

Cal's crying girl

A young third class girl who was abandoned on the ship's deck. Cal spots her and plays the girl's father in order to board a lifeboat. His act was purely selfish, but it got him and the girl off the ship. The girl is later shown on the RMS Carpathia, resting on the shoulder of a tired young woman who was given the child by Cal.

She was played by twins, Amber and Alison Waddell.

Bjorn Gunderson

One of Sven's two friends who share a steerage room on the ship with Jack Dawson and Fabrizio De Rossi. He wonders about Sven's absence, but quickly becomes good friends with Jack, Fabrizio and Tommy Ryan. In the third class party, he unsuccessfully tries to communicate with Rose, who doesn't understand Swedish language, and also manages to beat Tommy in an arm-wrestling match. He is last seen in the crowd getting into Collapsible A. he survives He was played by Jari Kinnunen (who in real life is Finnish, not Swedish).

Olaus Gunderson

Bjorn (Björn) Gunderson's brother, whom he shares a steerage room with. Along with Bjorn, he is last seen in the crowd going to Collapsible A. It is never revealed if he survived the sinking or if he was swept off the deck by the water.

He was played by Anders Falk.


The original owner of either Jack or Fabrizio's ticket on the Titanic, he loses he and his friend Olaf's tickets in a game of poker. Jack's full house hand beats his two pair. He is then punched by Olaf for betting the tickets.

He was played by Dan Pettersson.


The original owner of either Jack or Fabrizio's ticket on the Titanic, he has a game of poker with Jack, Fabrizio and Sven, with Sven betting their Titanic tickets against everything Jack and Fabrizio have. Jack wins the hand, and Olaf punches Sven in the face as punishment for losing the hand.

He was played by Bjørn Olsen.

Ship's Officers, Crew, and Designers

Edward John Smith

Edward John Smith
Born(1850-01-27)January 27, 1850
DiedApril 15, 1912(1912-04-15) (aged 62)

The captain of the RMS Titanic. The maiden voyage of the Titanic is his last maritime voyage before his retirement. While he receives morse code messages of icebergs ahead on the bridge, he assures Rose that there is nothing to worry about, and orders more speed for the ship; his long experience on ships had led him to conclude that anything big enough to sink the Titanic could be easily seen early enough for them to get out of the way.

When the ship hits an iceberg, Captain Smith believes that it is his fault because he had the ship going too fast to get out of the way of the iceberg. He orders the mostly half empty lifeboats to return to the ship for more passengers, but they ignored him, and he says "The fools." He walks about the ship in dismay, horror, and sadness, seemingly having to be coaxed into making decisions. He steps onto the flooding bridge at about 2:10 AM. He takes one last look around and then steps into the wheelhouse, shutting the doors on his way in. We see him again, five minutes later, with the bridge completely submerged. The wheelhouse windows shatter, and he grabs onto the helm, drowning in the cataclysm of water.

Edward John Smith was played by Bernard Hill.

Thomas Andrews

Thomas Andrews, Jr.
Born(1873-02-07)February 7, 1873
DiedApril 15, 1912(1912-04-15) (aged 39)

The master shipbuilder of the RMS Titanic. While on the ship, he assures Rose that there is nothing wrong with the ship, and the crew has all the lifeboats they needed. He also conducts a grand tour of the ship for Rose, Ruth and Cal that afternoon on April 14th.

At 11:40 PM, the ship hits an iceberg and is critically damaged, and Andrews realizes that half the people on the ship are going to die. For a while, he runs around the ship telling people to get their life belts on and go to the boat deck immediately, as well as urging officers to fill the lifeboats with as many people as possible. He also tells Rose where to find Jack and how to get there. Later, he is seen by Jack and Rose, standing next to the clock in the first class smoking room. He gives Rose a life jacket so she doesn't drown in the icy water, and apologizes for not having made the ship stronger. He is last seen looking at his watch and adjusting the clock in the same room, then looking down and accepting his fate. He dies when the smoking room splits in half with the rest of the ship before taking the final plunge.

Thomas Andrews was played by Victor Garber.

J. Bruce Ismay

Joseph Bruce Ismay
Born(1862-12-12)December 12, 1862
DiedOctober 15, 1937(1937-10-15) (aged 74)

The managing director of the White Star Line, and the owner of the RMS Titanic. Ismay is considered responsible for allowing the ship to hit the infamous iceberg because of the fame of the ship.

While morse code messages were coming in of icebergs ahead, Ismay encourages Captain Smith to speed the ship, giving "newspapers a chance to marvel at her speed." When news is heard that the ship will sink, Captain Smith says to him "I believe you will get your headlines, Mr. Ismay." When the ship hits an iceberg, he slips onto Collapsible C just before First Officer Murdoch gave the order to take them down, and quickly sat down hoping to not be noticed. However, Murdoch had noticed, but said nothing. He is later seen in one of the lifeboats just before the power on the ship goes out, then one more time in the early morning on the way to the RMS Carpathia, looking shocked and tired like the rest of the survivors.

J. Bruce Ismay was played by Jonathan Hyde.

Chief Officer Henry Wilde

The senior officer on the Titanic. He assists in lowering the lifeboats until the water reaches the boat deck. Among the boats he loads are Lifeboat 2, which Rose boards and jumps off, and Collapsible A, which floats off deck before it can be attached to the davits. The water eventually reaches his waist, and he decides to abandon Collapsible A. While clambering aft through the freezing ocean, a wave sweeps him off the deck, where he grabs a chair in the ocean. Later on, he freezes to death with the chair, and Rose pushes him off after taking his whistle to signal for help. He sinks into the abyss quite quickly.

He was played by Mark Lindsay Chapman.

1st Officer William Murdoch

The first officer on the Titanic. While it is sinking, Caledon Hockley bribes him for a seat in a lifeboat. At first he accepts, but Cal leaves the lifeboat to find Rose DeWitt Bukater, his fiancèe. When Cal returns to get on the next boat, he throws his money back at him, claiming that his money won't save him. He then pushes him back and threatens to shoot any man who tries to get into the boat. One man tries to and Murdoch shoots him. Next, someone pushes Tommy Ryan toward the boat and Murdoch shoots Tommy in the right lung through his life jacket. When he realizes he has shot an innocent man, he first performs a salute, then he shoots himself in the head and falls back into the water dead. It is unknown if Murdoch really shot himself, some on board the Titanic during the actual sinking claim a wave swept him overboard, or enraged passengers may have pushed him overboard, but he was seen as a hero and saved many people. The filmmakers altered the facts for the purpose of the movie. Later the filmmakers went to Murdoch's home town in Scotland after the people became enraged and had to explain themselves about changing the facts for the movie.

He was played by Ewan Stewart.

2nd Officer Charles Lightoller

The second officer on the Titanic. He is first seen arguing with Captain Smith that with no breaking water it would be difficult to see the icebergs (and thus he's recommending that Titanic's speed should slow down); an advice that Smith listens to but decides to ignore; ordering Lightoller to maintain speed and heading. When Captain Smith orders him to load women and children first, he unfortunately takes it too far and only loads women and children, lowering the lifeboats half full if no women want to enter. Mr. Andrews, however, was able to convince Lightoller not to lower any boats unless they are full. Unlike Murdoch, who was unable to control the gathering crowd, Lightoller was able to frighten the men from boarding the lifeboats before women and children do. This act was a good lesson for Fifth Officer Lowe, who along with Lightoller, were able to successfully load more passengers than Wilde and Murdoch did. He is last seen hanging onto the overturned Collapsible B. In the extended Carpathia sequence, he is seen balancing on the sinking lifeboat that was full of many surviving men saved by him. Among those were Colonel Gracie, Harold Bride, Chief Baker Joughin and many others. He survives, making him the most senior surviving officer of the disaster.

One of the unique and interesting facts about Lightoller in this film is that he is seen speaking only to true characters; as not a single fictitious character shares a dialogue with him.

He was played by Jonathan Phillips.

3rd Officer Herbert Pitman

The third officer on the Titanic. He is in charge of Lifeboat 5 during the sinking. He is present when Thomas Andrews explains how Titanic will sink and how much time she has left. His only line in the film is "That's right sir." He later is seen helping in uncovering boats. He last is seen rowing towards the Carpathia while the sun rises in a recreation of a Ken Marschall painting.

He was played by Kevin De La Noy in an uncredited performance.

4th Officer Joseph Boxhall

The fourth officer on the Titanic. He is in charge of firing flares and mans Lifeboat 2 during the sinking. His only line in the film is, while the ship is rising out of the water and he is in the lifeboat: "Bloody pull faster, and pull!"

He was played by Simon Crane.

5th Officer Harold Lowe

The fifth officer on the Titanic. He has a brush with Ismay, who was urging him in a panic to lower away Lifeboat 5. Lowe stops him and responds "Get out of the way, you fool! Do you want me to drown the lot of them?" Lightoller orders him to load and man Lifeboat 14. After the ship has sunk, he transfers all of the passengers from his boat into a different boat and goes back to search for survivors. But he finds a man disguised as a woman and pushes him in the other boat in disgust. He finds Rose floating on a door and rescues her and five other people from the freezing ocean.

He was played by Ioan Gruffudd.

6th Officer James Moody

The sixth officer on the Titanic, and the only junior officer to die in the disaster. He is the officer who admits Jack and Fabrizio onto the ship only moments before it departs from Southampton. He is last seen answering the phone when the Titanic hits the iceberg. Although his death is never actually shown, it can be assumed he probably succumbed to the same fate as many of Titanic's victims, hypothermia.

He was played by Edward Fletcher.

Frederick Fleet

One of the lookouts on the Titanic. He is the one who spots the iceberg directly in the ship's path. Ringing the alarm bell three times, he telephones the bridge, but the ship still hits the iceberg. He leaves the ship on Lifeboat 6, but when he is unable to row the boat properly, Molly Brown takes over to show him how.

He was played by Scott G. Anderson.

Reginald Lee

One of the lookouts on the Titanic. He is with Frederick Fleet when the ship hits the iceberg directly in her path. They both spot Jack and Rose kissing each other on the ship's well deck much to their amusement.

He was played by Martin East.

Harold Bride

The junior wireless operator on the Titanic. In a deleted scene, the Californian tries to warn the ship about the icebergs, but Jack Phillips and Bride tells her to shut up. When the Titanic hits an iceberg, he takes messages to Captain Smith about which ships were coming to their assistance while Phillips begins sending out CQD. But Bride suggests that Phillips should send out the new distress call SOS, and jokingly said, "It might be our only chance to use it." When both bridge wings are drowned out by the sea spilling over, he abandons his cabin. Phillips stays as the water spills in, eventually managing to get out at some point.

He was played by Craig Kelly.

Jack Phillips

The senior wireless operator on the Titanic. In a deleted scene, the Californian tries to warn the ship about the icebergs, but Phillips and Harold Bride tells her to shut up. When the Titanic hits an iceberg, he begins sending out CQD while Bride takes messages to Captain Smith about which ships were coming to their assistance. But Bride suggests that Phillips should send out the new distress call SOS, and jokingly said "It might be our only chance to use it." He opts to stay behind and continue to call for help while Bride escapes. He clambers out when water begins to surge into the wireless room, only to succumb to hypothermia. Phillips did not survive the sinking. In history, he was dying of hypothermia after he was found by Lightoller's overturned Collapsible B.

He was played by Gregory Cooke.

Quartermaster Robert Hichens

The quartermaster who is at the wheel when the Titanic hits the iceberg. He is in charge of Lifeboat 6. He refuses to return and pick up people in the water after the ship has sunk, knowing that they will swamp the boat, although it is clear that he is more concerned for his own well-being than that of the passengers in the lifeboat: when Molly Brown says that there is plenty of room for more, he threatens to throw her overboard if she doesn't be quiet.

He was played by Paul Brightwell.

Quartermaster George Rowe

A quartermaster on the Titanic. He is the one who catches Jack when he is seemingly trying to rape Rose, but he is really saving her from committing suicide. He escapes the sinking ship on Collapsible C.

He was played by Richard Graham.


The chief-officer on the Titanic who arrests Jack twice during the voyage. He is first seen handcuffing Jack after he is accused of having assaulted Rose while in reality he had just saved her from falling off the back of the ship. The Master-at-arms asks Jack if Rose's testimony to defend Jack is true, and then frees him, patting him on the back.

The Master-at-arms is next seen after having been reported of the "theft" of Caledon Hockley's Le Couer de la Mer diamond, having been bribed by Cal, Lovejoy and Ruth to take part in their plan of framing Jack for stealing the jewel. Lacking any pride or self-respect, the Master-at-arms willingly accepts the bribe and goes along with the plan, handcuffing Jack without further questioning and trapping him inside his office, regardless of the fact that the ship has hit an iceberg and is sinking. The Master-at-arms is then informed of a riot occurring in Second Class, and Lovejoy offers to keep an eye on Jack so the Master-at-arms can go. The Master-at-arms, having done business with Lovejoy, entrusts Lovejoy with Jack's life (Lovejoy was carrying a gun) and the key to the handcuffs, and leaves to see to the problem.

He is last seen getting his comeuppance and falling to his death moments before the ship's final plunge, having lost his cap at some point.

He was played by Ron Donachie.

Leading Stoker Frederick Barrett

The leading fireman on the Titanic. He is seen multiple times in the boiler room. He also catches Jack and Rose entering there and tells them "You shouldn't be down there! It could be dangerous!" When the ship hits the iceberg, Barrett orders his stokers to shut the dampers and tries to get as many he can under the closing water tight doors. He escapes the ship on Lifeboat 13 as an oarman. He cuts the boat free from the falls as it drifts under Lifeboat 15 which begins its descent. He is last seen on board the Carpathia smoking with the steerage passengers, with Cal passing by him and looking for Rose.

He was played by Derek Lea.

Chief Engineer Joseph Bell

The chief engineer on the Titanic. He is later seen heating up his soup when he gives his engineers the order "full astern". Just before the Titanic hits the iceberg, Bell orders them to reverse the ship's engines once they slow down. He stays on board until the very end, assuring that the power stays on. He is last seen on board the ship, trying to use the breakers switch. He dies with his engineers when the ship splits in half and water floods into the engine room. His body was never recovered. He had a wife and one child, who were left behind after the tragic incident of the Titanic. As he was the chief engineer, it was understood that he would always go down with the ship.

He was played by Terry Forestal.

Chief Baker Charles Joughin

A baker on the Titanic who survives the sinking by drinking brandy in the freezing water. He fortifies himself with brandy and throws deck chairs overboard for flotation devices. He is sitting at the stern of the ship with Jack and Rose as it goes under the water. After hours in the water, he is pulled onto the overturned Collapsible B and is saved with virtually no bad effects from the brandy or the water.

He was played by Liam Tuohy.

1996 Characters

Rose Calvert (Old Rose)

Rose Calvert

Having survived the sinking, Rose spends the rest of her life doing the things that she and Jack talked about doing, like riding horses in Santa Monica, California, and becoming an actress. Eventually, she falls in love with and marries a man named Calvert and moves to Cedar Rapids, Iowa to start a family.

In 1996, about one month shy of 101 years old and living with her granddaughter, Lizzy Calvert, the portrait Jack sketched of her is discovered in the wreck of the Titanic. After contacting the recovery crew, Rose is invited to go out to the scene, where a search is underway for the Heart of the Ocean. Even though Rose already knows where the diamond is, she tells no one. After telling her fellow shipmates her Titanic story, she walks to the stern and drops the diamond overboard. Then Rose goes back to bed. She kept every promise she had made to Jack, and did everything they ever talked about doing. Throwing the diamond into the ocean to its proper resting place was a way of showing she had finally let go.

Old Rose is last seen in her bed, surrounded by pictures of her life's achievements. Whether she is dreaming or died in her sleep is left ambiguous (as the next - and final - scene is young Rose meeting up with Jack on the ship, to thunderous applause) and the audience is left to supply their own answer.

Rose Dawson Calvert was played by Gloria Stuart; the young Rose was played by Kate Winslet.

Brock Lovett

Brock Lovett is a treasure hunter in charge of a salvage team sent to find the blue diamond known as the Heart of the Ocean. In the film, his team is suffering of overtiming the schedule. This cost him a lot of money. Rose is his final hope in finding the diamond, but after hearing Rose's story, he calls off his search, realizing that, for all that he has spent the last three years thinking about the Titanic, he never really understood the full scale of the catastrophe until he heard it from Rose. In an alternate ending to the movie, Brock catches Rose standing on the stern of the ship as she was on the Titanic. She then pulls out the heart of the ocean and holds it over the rail threatening to drop it. Brock begs to touch it just once, and Rose agrees. She then pulls it away and throws it into the ocean. After a comical remark from Brocks team member, Brock begins laughing. The movie then ends as normal.

He was played by Bill Paxton.

Lizzy Calvert

Lizzy Calvert is the granddaughter of Rose Calvert, who takes care of her grandmother and accompanies her to the ship after Jack's drawing of Rose is discovered. After hearing her grandmother's story, she is seen talking to Brock Lovett as he calls off his search, apologizing for not being able to help him. In a deleted scene of the film, she angrily confronts Brock and warns him not to browbeat Rose. In the alternate ending of the film, she and Brock discuss about the Heart of the Ocean or the Blue Diamond as it is called in the movie.

She was played by Suzy Amis. In real life, she married James Cameron, the director of Titanic in 2000, three years after the movie's release. The couple now have four children.

Lewis Bodine

One of the men who went down with Brock Lovett to find the Blue Diamond. He is also seen with Rose when he explains how the Titanic sank with the 3-D animated film. He also informs Rose that his fellow shipmates never found a record on Jack.

He was played by Lewis Abernathy.

Bobby Buell

Brock Lovett's assistant. He is the one who gives Brock the crowbar that he opened the safe with and revealed the map with Jack Dawson's artwork and the picture of Rose, when she posed nude.

He was played by Nicholas Cascone.