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Čachnov does not have a coat of arms
Čachnov (Czech Republic)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Basic data
State : Czech RepublicCzech Republic Czech Republic
Region : Pardubický kraj
District : Chrudim
Municipality : Krouna
Area : 351 ha
Geographic location : 49 ° 45 '  N , 16 ° 4'  E Coordinates: 49 ° 44 '37 "  N , 16 ° 3' 54"  E
Height: 650  m nm
Residents : 72 (2011)
Postal code : 539 43
License plate : E.
Street: Pustá Kamenice - Svratouch
Railway connection: Svitavy – Žďárec u Skutče
Former hunting lodge
Train station

Čachnov (German Czachnow , 1939–45 Tschachnau ) is a district of the municipality of Krouna in the Czech Republic . It is located five kilometers northeast of Svratka and belongs to the Okres Chrudim .


Čachnov is located on a left tributary to the Čachnovský potok brook in the north of the Saar Mountains ( Žďárské vrchy ) in the CHKO Žďárské vrchy nature reserve . The extensive wooded area of ​​the Karlstein Forest extends to the south and west. The Svitavy – Žďárec u Skutče railway runs north of the village . The Bukovina (756 m nm) and the Spálený kopec (766 m nm) rise in the southeast, the Bubnovaný kopec (780 m nm) and the Karlštejn (783 m nm) to the south, and the Otava (735 m nm) in the southwest U Oběšeného (737 m nm) and in the west of Kořenný kopec (667 m nm).

Neighboring towns are Porostliny and Pec in the north, Pustá Kamenice , Radčany and Na Kopci in the Northeast, Ruda in the east, Damašek, Pustá Rybná , Březiny and České Milovy in the southeast, Karlštejn , Naděje and Česká Cikánka in the south, Svratouch and Paseky in the southwest, Kameničky and Filipov in the west and Bahna, Humperky, Fortna, Krouna and Pleskotka in the northwest.


The Čachnov settlement was founded at the beginning of the 18th century by an iron hammer belonging to the Richenburg estate . Count Philipp Kinský had a baroque hunting lodge with a zoo built in Čachnov in 1770, which soon lost its importance with the completion of the Karlštejn Palace . In 1789 there were 25 houses in Čachnov; the village was the seat of a Rychtář , who was also responsible for the village of Ruda. The new owner of the estate, Karl Alexander von Thurn und Taxis , had the zoo closed in 1827 and the hunting lodge converted into a forester's lodge. Čachnov became the seat of one of the five manorial forest districts that, according to the new forest organization of 1830, managed by far the largest forest stretch of the manor - the Čachnower or Karlstein Forest (6656 yoke, 1167 square fathoms).

In 1835, the in consisted Chrudim District Dominikaldorf located Čachnow of 20 houses, where 126 people lived. In the place there was a stately forester's house and the buildings of the abandoned Meierhof with a tree nursery and a shooting house. The parish was Wüst Kamenitz . In 1843 the village had 119 inhabitants. Until the middle of the 19th century, Čachnow remained subject to the rule of Richenburg .

After the abolition of patrimonial Čachnov formed from 1849 with the district Ruda a municipality in the judicial district of Hlinsko . From 1868 the municipality belonged to the political district of Chrudim . In 1869 Čachnov had 114 inhabitants and consisted of 18 houses. In 1897 the local railway Zwittau – Polička was extended to Skutsch ; At the beginning of the 20th century, the Čachnov railway station was built. In 1900 there were 142 people living in Čachnov, in 1910 there were 165. After the establishment of Czechoslovakia in 1918 a school was built in Čachnov. At that time, the Josias Eissler & Sons company set up a large sawmill in Čachnov. In 1930 Čachnov had 339 inhabitants. In 1949 the community was assigned to Okres Polička, and since 1961 it has belonged again to Okres Chrudim. On January 1, 1976, it was incorporated into Krouna. On June 24, 1995 three fully loaded freight wagons rolled from the Čachnov train station onto the steeply sloping railway line in the direction of Krouna, where they collided with an oncoming passenger train at the Krouna stop; 19 people died in the Krouna train accident. In the 2001 census, 71 people lived in the 35 houses in Čachnov.

Local division

The districts of Čachnov and Ruda form the cadastral district of Čachnov.


  • Former hunting lodge Čachnov, today it serves as a farm building of the East Bohemian State Forests.
  • chapel


Web links

Commons : Čachnov  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.uir.cz/katastralni-uzemi/618179/Cachnov
  2. ^ Johann Gottfried Sommer : The Kingdom of Bohemia; Represented statistically and topographically. Volume 5: Chrudimer Kreis. Prague 1837, p. 253
  3. Před 15 lety si srážka u Krouny vyžádala 19 obětí. June 23, 2010, accessed July 7, 2020 .
  4. 25 let od tragédie na kolejích. Cestou na zábavu zemřeli kvůli nedbalosti železničářů. June 22, 2020, accessed July 7, 2020 .