14th century BC Chr.
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14th century BC Chr. |
13th century BC Chr. |
12th century BC Chr. |
The 14th century BC Chr. Began v on 1 January 1400. And ended on December 31, 1301 BC. Chr.
Age / Epoch
- Around 1400 BC The late Mycenaean period begins in what is now southern and central Greece . Its phases A and B (14th and 13th centuries BC) represent the high point of Mycenaean culture, palace centers arise in different regions (see also Mycenaean palace times ).
- The Bronze Age in Central Europe covers the period from 2200 to 800 BC. The Middle Bronze Age lasted in Central Europe from about 1600 BC in absolute chronological terms. BC to 1300 BC Chr.
Events / developments

The stern of the Uluburun ship as a model
- Around 1390 BC Chr. Was Kurigalzu I. rulers of Babylonia and founded the new capital Dur Kurigalzu .
- Around 1379 BC The Colossi of Memnon were built in West Thebes .
- In the late 14th century BC A great plague broke out in Asia Minor , in the kingdom of the Hittites . Among other things, the Hittite kings Šuppiluliuma I and Arnuwanda II died from it. The plague prayers of the subsequent Hittite king Muršili II are impressive testimonies to this long-lasting plague.
- Around 1340 BC Chr .: Hittites conquer and destroy Qatna .
- In 1338 BC The bust of Nefertiti is made.
- Destruction of the city of Milet V in the late 14th century, evidenced by a layer of fire up to 40 centimeters thick. Possibly this goes back to a campaign of Muršili II , who, according to his annals, took place around 1315 BC. Chr. Millawanda conquered.
- Towards the end of the century, the Uluburun ship sinks off the southwest coast of what is now Turkey.
Note: The years of government cannot be precisely determined in this century. Therefore, these are approximate estimates.

Pharaoh Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten) in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo
Pharaohs of Egypt
- Thutmose IV. (1400-1390 BC)
- Amenhotep III (1390-1353 BC)
- Akhenaten (1353-1336 BC)
- Meritaton (1336-1335 BC)
- Semenchkare (1335-1332 BC)
- Tutankhamun (1332-1323 BC)
- Eje II. (1323-1319 BC)
- Haremhab (1319–1292 BC)
King of Amurru
- Abdi-Aširta (around 1380 BC)
Kings of Assyria
- Aššur-bel-nišešu (1407-1399 BC)
- Aššur-rim-nišešu (1398-1391 BC)
- Aššur-nadin-ahhe II. (1390-1381 BC)
- Eriba-Adad I. (1380-1354 BC)
- Aššur-uballiṭ I. (1353-1318 BC)
- Enlil-nirari (1317-1308 BC)
- Ārik-dēn-ili (1307–1296 BC)
Kings of Babylonia
- Kadašman-Ḫarbe I. (1403-1390 BC)
- Kuri-galzu I (1390-1374 BC)
- Kadašman-Enlil I (1374–1359 BC)
- Burna-buriaš II. (1359-1333 BC)
- Kara-Hardaš (1333 BC)
- Kuri-galzu II (1332-1307 BC)
- Nazi Maruttaš (1307–1282 BC)
King of Byblos
- Rib-Hadda (1375-1355 v. Chr.)
Kings of Elam
- Igi-ḫalki (around 1400 BC)
- Paḫir-Iššan (around 1374 BC)
- Untaš-Napiriša (around 1340-1300 BC)
Kings of the Hittite Empire
- Arnuwanda I (1400-1375 BC)
- Tudḫaliya II. (1375-1355 BC)
- Tudḫaliya III. (1355 BC)
- Šuppiluliuma I. (1355-1320 BC)
- Arnuwanda II (1320-1318 BC)
- Muršili II. (1318-1290 BC)
King of Kadesh
- Aitakama (1355-1312 BC)
Kings of Mittani
- Šuttarna II. (1400–1375 BC)
- Artaššumara (1375-1370 BC)
- Tušratta (1370-1350 BC)
- Artatama II. (???? BC)
- Šattiwazza (1350-1320 BC as Heth. Vassal king of Šuppiluliuma I. )
- Šattuara I. (from 1320 BC as Heth.Vassal king of Mursili II. )
King of Nuḫašše
- Tette (1338–1322 BC and 1320–1312 BC)
Kings of Ugarit
- Ammistamru I (???? - 1349 BC)
- Niqmaddu II. (1349-1315 BC)
- Niqmepa (1313-1265 BC)
- Teje , Great Royal Wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep III. and mother of Akhenaten
- Nefertiti , main wife of Akhenaten
- Kikkuli wrote the oldest surviving hippological script.
- Girl from Egtved , Bronze Age grave find of a young girl, died around 1370 BC. In Jutland
- Trindhøj Man, Bronze Age grave find of a man who died around the middle of the 14th century BC. In Jutland. (Almost all burials carried out in a tree coffin in Scandinavia date, as far as dendrochronologically dated, from the period between 1391 and 1344 BC)
Inventions and discoveries
- Water clocks demonstrated in Karnak , Egypt
Web links
Commons : 14th century BC Chr. - collection of pictures, videos and audio files
Individual evidence
- ↑ Penelope A. Mountjoy : Mycenaean Pottery - An Introduction , Oxford University School Of Archeology, 2nd ed. 2001, ISBN 0-947816-36-4 , p. 4 (time table).
- ↑ Klaas R. Veenhof : History of the Ancient Orient up to the time of Alexander the Great. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2001, ISBN 3-525-51685-1 , p. 176
- ^ Colossi of Memnon . In: nil-kreuz-fahrt.de . Retrieved February 18, 2012.
- ^ Epidemics in the Middle East . In: imperiumromanum.com . Retrieved February 18, 2012.
- ^ WD Niemeier, Miletus in the Bronze Age article on the Heidelberg University page
- ↑ Bronze Age Oak-Coffin Graves. In: Archaeologica. Volume 77, Issue 1, December 2006, John Wiley & Sons, p. 187.