20th century BC Chr.
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22nd century BC Chr. |
21st century BC Chr. |
20th century BC Chr. |
19th century BC Chr. |
18th century BC Chr. |
The 20th century BC Chr. Began on 1 January 2000 v. And ended on December 31, 1901 BC. Chr. This corresponds to the period from 3950 to 3851 before today , or the interval from 3632 to 3546 radiocarbon years .
Age / Epoch
- Subboreal (3710-450 BC).
Early Bronze Age in Central Europe (from 2300/2200 BC to 1600 BC) - Bz A2 (2000 to 1600 BC). Real bronze is now being used in weapons and equipment.
- A prince is buried in Leubingen (Thuringia). The wooden burial chamber was dendrochronological to 1942 ± 10 years BC. Dated. The grave goods are typical of the early Bronze Age Aunjetitz culture .
- Onset of the Bronze Age in northern China .
- Middle Bronze Age (2000 to 1700/1600 BC) in Greece .
- The Middle Helladic begins in what is now Greece.
Events / developments
- 20th century BC Chr .:
- Wessex culture flourished in the south of England . It is characterized by rich grave goods in burial mounds. It is also the carrier culture for the further expansion of Stonehenge .
- The Longshan culture in China is gradually coming to an end (beginning around 3200 BC , finally disappearing in 1850 BC).
- The Aryans invade north-west India via the Hindu Kush .
- Farmers and shepherds migrate south from Ethiopia and settle in Kenya .
- The Hebrews , the ancestors of the Israelites, establish themselves in Palestine .
- The ancestors of the Italian peoples appear on the Italian peninsula .
- In the eastern Mediterranean, there is a brisk trade in bars of copper and tin between the Aegean Sea , the Levant and Cyprus .
- Around 2000 to 1900 BC BC, but in some cases probably as early as 2200 BC. Chr .:
- Indo-European groups immigrate to Greece , possibly in several batches .
- 2000 to 1800 BC Chr .:
- 2000 to 1700 BC Chr .:
- Larger urban settlements, which are often fortified, are emerging on the Cyclades . Trade relations exist with Greece and the Anatolian coast and metallurgy is developing.
- The Indo-European Hittites , who from 2500 BC After immigrating to Asia Minor via the Caucasus (but possibly also from the Balkans via the Bosporus ), they establish themselves in eastern Anatolia alongside the Hatti , an amalgam of the local populations, and the Hurrites, and gradually absorb the non-Indo-European Hats. Originally speaking an agglutinating language and organized in a matriarchal manner, the Hurrites were from 2500 BC onwards. BC immigrated from the Caucasus and founded smaller kingdoms in Syria and Palestine. Under Mesopotamian influence they adopted the cuneiform script and with it Akkadian .
- The Luwians developed their own hieroglyphic script consisting of more than 400 characters. This is then from the 14th century BC. Chr. Used in monumental inscriptions and seals.
- Middle Minoan phase in Crete. There is a lively trade exchange with Egypt by means of sailing ships . Trade goods are stone vases, ivory, Egyptian seals against Cretan pottery, copper, tin, linen, wool, wood etc. Regular trade was also carried out with the Cyclades ( Thera , Melos and Kea ) and Aegina (and from there further with Attica and Thessaly ) . There was even a Minoan colony on Kythira , through which trade with the Peloponnese ( Lerna and Agios Stefanos ) took place.
- Around 2000 BC Chr .:
- Remnants of the Indus culture (Cemetery H culture, the last phase of Harappa 3C) mix with indigenous peoples. This gives rise to the Vedic tradition of Hinduism , which began around 1500 BC. Begins (early Vedic period).
- The propagation wave of the Austronesians from Taiwan (from 4000 BC) towards the Philippines (northern Philippines around 3000 BC) finally reaches the Indonesian archipelago ( Sulawesi , Borneo , Timor ).
- Indo-Iranian tribes settle in Bactria .
- Ceramic originating from Iran is found for the first time in the Ganges Basin.
- Probable foundation of Judaism by the patriarch Abraham .
- 1996 BC Chr .:
- Around 1995 BC Chr .:
- 1994/1938 BC Chr .:
- Mentuhotep IV is murdered by his palace guard.
- The Egyptian Pharaoh Amenemhet I founds the 12th dynasty after civil war-like turmoil .
- 1974 to 1965 BC BC, also 1918 to 1909 BC Chr .:
- Sesostris I ruled together with his father Amenemhet I. The co-regency was introduced to enable a more problematic succession to the throne.
- 1974 to 1935 BC Chr .:
- 1973 to 1766 BC Chr .:
- Lifetime of the Patriarch Regu (also Re'u), father of Serug , according to the Jewish calendar .
- 1957 BC Chr .:
- Sesostris I conquered Lower Nubia . It penetrates to the 2nd cataract . The southern border of the Middle Kingdom now runs at Abu Simbel and is secured by various fortresses such as Buhen .
- 1941 to 1741 BC Chr .:
- Lifetime of Patriarch Serug , father of Nahor , according to the Jewish calendar .
- 1934 BC Chr .:
- According to Irish mythology ( Annals of the Four Masters ), Sláine mac Dela becomes the High King of Ireland . But he died in 1933 BC. He was followed by his brother Rudraige mac Dela .
- 1914 to 1879/1876 BC Chr .:
- Under Pharaoh Amenemhet II , Egypt maintained trade relations with Crete and Lebanon .
- 1911 to 1792 BC Chr .:
- Lifespan of Patriarch Nahor , father of Terah , according to the Jewish calendar .
Natural events and disasters
- February 27, 1953 BC Chr .:
- Conjunction of all planets visible to the naked eye (with a spread of only 4.3 °).
- 20th century BC Chr .:
- GRIP data point to a dry, warm phase that began in the previous 21st century BC. Chr. Had used. The δ 18 O values reach an interim maximum of −34.7 ‰. According to Bircher (1986), the warm phase H6h1 prevails in the Alps.
Inventions and discoveries
- 20th century BC Chr .:
- On Crete are Cretan hieroglyphs developed.
- Around 2000 BC Chr .:
- First evidence of dentistry in China .
- The two-wheeled, much lighter chariots with spoked wheels and rims, invented by the Sintaschta culture , are used for the first time in Mesopotamia in armed conflicts. The spreading Aryans bring them to India. Together with the horse they are introduced into Anatolia by the Hittites.
- The clinical picture of schizophrenia is described for the first time (in previous texts of the Ebers papyrus ).
- Glass is used more often.
- The potter's wheel is used in Crete .
- The Cemetery-H culture (Harappa 3C phase) provides the first reliable evidence of cremation . This practice, which was continued in Hinduism , is already known from the Schönfeld culture .
- Start of metal processing in Peru . Corn cultivation is intensifying in the Peruvian Andes , while ceramics are making their first appearance.
- In Korea the from is relatively late China originating millet cultivation introduced.
- Around 1950 BC Chr .:
- Around 1900 BC Chr .:
- In Guatemala , cocoa is domesticated for the first time by the mokaya culture .
- 20th century BC Chr .:
- Kolona on Aegina : This important trading center, which was politically modern for its time, is girded by mighty fortifications. The vases from the Cyclades are forwarded here to the Greek mainland. In addition to ceramics, stone mills are also made in the town. These local products are exported to Attica , Boeotia , Argolis and Evia . It is worth mentioning the discovery of a complex blast furnace for metal processing and the identification of the ceramics.
- Gwisho in Zambia : The resident hunter-gatherers operate grave sticks to expose roots and tubers. You know arrows made of wood, the tips of which are made of reed soaked in poison.
- Grave 108 of Roonka Flat in Australia : burial of an adult Aboriginal and a child. The clothing consists of pelts pinned together, the edges of which are decorated with bird feathers. Those buried wear jewelry made of bones and collars, and traces of ocher can also be seen. The adult's skull is adorned with a headband, which has two rows of lined up and pierced wallaby teeth.
- From 2000 to 1800 BC Chr .:
- From 2000 to 1700 BC Chr .:
- The first Minoan palaces are founded in Crete ( Knossos , Phaistos , Malia , Agia Triada and Kato Zakros ). The first urban centers emerged from former village settlements.
- Around 1986 to 1795 BC Chr .:
- Under the 12th Dynasty, rock tombs were excavated in Beni Hasan .
- 1984 to 1975 BC Chr .:
- 1974 to 1965 BC BC, also 1918 to 1909 BC Chr .:
- At el-Lisht between Dahshur and Meidum his pyramid is built for Amenemhet I. At the same time, Itj-Taui, a new capital, is emerging on the border between Lower and Upper Egypt .
- 1974 to 1935 BC Chr .:
- The ancient Assyrian king Ērišum I had a temple built in Aššur for the city god Aššur . A building with two brew kettles is also being built.
- 1972 BC Chr .:
- Under Sesostris I , a temple was built in Heliopolis with the oldest surviving obelisk in Egypt at the entrance pylon.
- 1965 to 1950 BC Chr .:
- For the Pharaoh Sesostris I, the Sesostris I pyramid is laid out in el-Lisht .
- 1945 BC Chr .:
- The White Chapel is being built for Sesostris I in the temple complex of Karnak for the Sedfest .
Works of art
- Around 2000 BC Chr .:
- During the Jōmon period (Jōmon V), a dogū is created in Kurokoma , which is now kept in the Tokyo National Museum.
- Around 2000 to 1900 BC Chr .:
- In Mohenjo-Daro ( Indus culture ), the torso of the so-called Priest King is created , which is now exhibited in the National Museum of Pakistan in Karachi . Also worth mentioning are the copper statuette of the dancer and the torso of a dancer who anticipated the later representations of Shiva ( Nataraja ).
- 1985 to 1795 BC Chr .:
- A hippopotamus statuette is found in Mair (grave B3) in the grave of the Hereditary Prince Senbi from the 12th dynasty . It is now in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City .
- Around 1950 BC Chr .:
- Ornate pumpkin bottles are made in Huaca Prieta , Peru .
- 1928 to 1895 BC Chr .:
- In the grave of Chnumhotep II in Beni Hasan, the so-called harvest scene is installed as a wall painting , which Nina de Garis Davies reproduced as a tempera facsimile .

Statue of Mentuhotep II
Note: The years of government cannot be precisely determined in this century. Therefore, these are approximate estimates. The ages of the Mesopotamian rulers follow the Middle Chronology .
Pharaohs of Egypt
- 11th Dynasty:
- Mentuhotep II. (2008–1957 BC, also 2061–2010 BC)
- Mentuhotep III. (1957–1945 BC, also 2013 to 2001 BC)
- Mentuhotep IV. (1945–1938 BC, also 2001 to 1994 BC)
- 12th Dynasty:
- Amenemhet I (1938–1909 BC, also 1994 to 1965 BC / founder of the 12th dynasty )
- Sesostris I (1919–1875 BC, also 1975 to 1930 BC)
- Amenemhet II. (1877 / 76–1843 / 42, also 1929–1895 BC)
Kings of Assyria
- Šalim-aḫum (2000 to 1985 BC)
- Ilu-šūma (1984–1975 BC)
- Ērišum I. (1974–1935 BC)
- Ikūnum (1934 to 1921 BC)
- Šarru-kīn I (1920–1881 BC)
King of Ešnunna
- Bilalama (around 1995 BC)
- Išar-Râmâšu
- Uṣur-Awassu (around 1950 BC)
- Azuzum
Kings of Isin
- Išbi-Erra (2017–1984 BC)
- Šū-ilišu (1984–1975 BC)
- Iddin-Dagān (1974–1954 BC)
- Išme-Dagān (1953–1935 BC)
- Lipit-Ištar (1934–1924 BC)
- Ur-Ninurta (1923–1895 BC)
King of Larsa
- Emisum (2005 to 1978 BC)
- Samium (1977 to 1943 BC)
- Zabaya (1942 to 1934 BC)
- Gungunum ( 1933-1907 BC)
- Abisare (1906–1896 BC)
Governor (šakkanakku) of Mari
- Hitlal-Erra (around 2000 BC)
- Hanun-Dagan
- Ibbit-Lim (around 1950 BC)
Archaeological cultures
Cultures in North Africa
Egypt :
Middle Kingdom (2077 to 1781 BC)
- 11th dynasty (2160 to 1994 BC, also 2077 to 1938 BC) in Thebes
- 12th Dynasty (1994 to 1837 BC, also 1938 to 1781 BC)
Middle Kingdom (2077 to 1781 BC)
Nubia :
- Kerma culture (3500 to 1450 BC) in Upper Nubia
- C group (2150 to 1540 BC) in Lower Nubia
Cultures in Africa
Ghana and Ivory Coast :
- Kintampo culture (2200-700 BC)
Cultures in Mesopotamia and the Middle East
Mesopotamia :
- Isin period (2017 to 1924 BC)
- Isin Larsa Period (1924 to 1792 BC)
Iran :
- Jiroft culture (4000 to 1000 BC)
- Elam : Old Elamite Period (2700 to 1600 BC)
Syria :
- Tell Brak (6000 to 1360 BC)
- Tall Leilan (5000 to 1726 BC)
- Tell Chuera (5000 to 1200 BC)
- Mari (2900 to 1759 BC)
Turkey :
Troy :
- Troy IV (2100 to 1950 BC)
- Troy V (1950 to 1800 BC)
Troy :
Bahrain :
- Dilmun culture (3000 to 600 BC)
Cultures in East Asia
China :
- Longshan culture (3200 to 1850 BC) on the middle and lower Yellow Rivers
- Baodun culture (2500 to 1700 BC) in Sichuan
- Disappearance of the Qijia culture (2400 to 1900 BC) in Gansu and Qinghai
- Lower Xiajiadian Culture (2200 to 1600 BC) in northeast China and Inner Mongolia
- Erlitou culture (2000 to 1500 BC) in Henan and Shanxi
- Zhukaigou culture (around 2000 to 1500 BC) in Inner Mongolia
- Xia Dynasty (2200 to 1800 BC)
Korea :
- Late Jeulmon Period (2000 to 1500 BC)
- Go-Joseon (2333-108 BC)
Japan :
- Late Jōmon Period - Jōmon V (2050 to 1050 B.C.)
Vietnam :
- Đa-Bút culture (4000 to 1700 BC)
- Phùng Nguyên culture (2000 to 1500 BC)
- Dong Son culture (2000 BC to 200 AD)
Hồng Bàng dynasty (2879 to 258 BC)
- Early Hồng Bàng dynasty (2879 to 1913 BC)
- Middle Hồng-Bàng dynasty (1912 to 1055 BC)
Thailand :
- Ban Chiang culture (2100 BC to 200 AD, however, it was not re-dated until 1500 BC)
Cultures in South Asia
India :
Indus culture : Harappa phase
- Harappa 3C (2200 to 1900 BC)
- Painted Gray Ware culture (2170 to 900 BC) in the Ganges plain
Bara culture (around 2000 BC) in the eastern part of the Indus culture
- Copper hoard culture (around 2000 BC) in northern India
Indus culture : Harappa phase
Rajasthan :
- Ahar Banas culture (3000 to 1500 BC)
Balochistan :
- Mehrgarh (7000 to 1700 BC)
- End of the Kulli culture (2500 to 1900 BC)
Cultures in Central Asia
Turkmenistan and Afghanistan :
- Oasis culture (2200 to 1700 BC)
Kazakhstan and Western Siberia :
- Andronovo culture (2300 to 1000 BC)
- Sintashta culture (2100 to 1800 BC)
Siberia :
- Okunew culture (approx. 2500 to 1500 BC) in southern Siberia
- Samus culture (around 2000 BC) in Western Siberia
- Susgun culture (approx. 2000 to 1500 BC) in northern Siberia
Cultures in Europe
Northeast Europe :
- Rzucewo culture (5300 to 1750 BC) in the Baltic States and Poland
- Narva culture (5300 to 1750 BC) in Estonia , Latvia, and Lithuania
Eastern Europe :
- The Kura Araxes culture (3500/3000 to 2000/1900 BC) in the Caucasus is coming to an end
- Abashevo culture (2500 to 1800 BC) in northern Russia
- Srubna culture (approx. 2000/1800 to 1100 BC) in the Ukraine and southern Russia
Southeast Europe :
Greece :
- Mainland Greece, Middle Helladic phase MH (2000 to 1550 BC)
- Cycladic culture (3200 to 1100 BC), Middle Cycladic phase MK (2000 to 1550 BC)
Crete :
- Middle Minoan phase MM IA (2000 to 1900 BC)
Greece :
Central Europe :
- The Vlaardingen culture (3350 to 1950 BC) in the Netherlands is disappearing
- End of the bell beaker culture (2600 to 2200 BC) in central, western and southern Europe; however, it survived in Great Britain until 1800 BC. Chr.
- Unterwölblinger Group (2300 to 1800 BC) in Lower Austria
- Straubinger Group (2300 to 1600 BC) in southern Germany and Switzerland
- Aunjetitz culture (2300 to 1550 BC) in Germany , the Czech Republic , Slovakia and Austria
- Adlerberg culture (2100 to 1800 BC) in southern Germany
- Wieselburg culture (2000 to 1600 BC) in Austria, Slovakia and Hungary
- Hilversum culture (1950 to 1185 BC) in the Netherlands
Western Europe :
Megalithic cultures :
- Los Millares culture (3200 to 1800 BC) with Los Milares site
- Vila Nova de São Pedro (2700 to 1300 BC)
British Isles (from 3800 BC)
- Wessex culture (2000 to 1400 BC) in central and southern England - Wessex I (2000 to 1650 BC)
Stonehenge :
- Stonehenge 3 IV (2280 to 1930 BC)
- Stonehenge 3 V (1930 to 1600 BC)
- Italy : Saint Martin de Corléans (3000 to 1900 BC) near Aosta
- Malta : Tarxien necropolis (2500 to 1500 BC)
Megalithic cultures :
Southern Europe :
- Corona Moltana necropolis (3200 to 1600 BC) in Sardinia
- Gaudo culture (2500 to 1800 BC) in southern Italy
- El Argar culture (2300 to 1500 BC) in southeastern Spain
- Bonnanaro culture (2200 to 1600 BC) in Sardinia
- Castelluccio culture (2200 to 1450 BC) in Sicily
- Polada culture (2200 to 1270 BC) in northern Italy
Cultures in america
Greenland and Northeast Canada :
- Independence I culture (2400/2300 to 1800/1000 BC)
- Saqqaq culture (2500/2400 to 900 BC)
North and Central America :
- Archaic period . Establishment of mounds in the eastern forest areas from 4000 BC. Chr.
- Ortoiroid culture (4950 BC to 300 AD) in the Caribbean ( Saba , Vieques , Puerto Rico )
- Mokaya culture (1950 to 900 BC) in Guatemala
South America :
- Chinchorro culture (7020 to 1500 BC) in northern Chile and southern Peru
- Valdivia culture (3950 to 1750 BC) in Ecuador - late stage, phases 6 and 7 (2381 to 1907 BC)
- Norte Chico culture (3500 to 1800 BC) in Peru
- San Agustín culture (3300 BC to 1550 AD) in Colombia
- Huaca Prieta in Peru (3100 to 1800 BC)
- El Paraíso in Peru (2540 to 1105 BC)
Individual evidence
- ↑ Hermann Bengtson : Greek History from the Beginnings to the Roman Empire. CH Beck, 1977, ISBN 3-406-06660-7 , p. 20
- ↑ Tinner, W. u. a .: Climatic change and contemporaneous land-use phases north and south of the Alps 2300 BC to 800 AD . In: Quaternary Science Reviews . tape 22 , 2003, p. 1447-1460 .
- ↑ Bircher, W .: Dendrochronology applied in mountain regions . In: Berglund, BE (Ed.): Handbook of Holocene Palaeoecology and Palaeohydrology . Wiley, Chichester 1986, pp. 387-403 .
- ^ Carl Waldman and Catherine Mason: Encyclopedia of European peoples, Volume 1. Infobase Publishing, 2006, ISBN 0-8160-4964-5 , p. 523
Web links
Commons : 20th century BC Chr. - collection of pictures, videos and audio files