Susgun culture

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Prehistoric cultures of Russia
Kunda culture 7400-6000 BC Chr.
Bug Dniester culture 6500-5000 BC Chr.
Dnepr-Don culture 5000-4000 BC Chr.
Sredny Stog culture 4500-3500 BC Chr.
Ekaterininka culture 4300-3700 BC Chr.
Fatyanovo culture around 2500 BC Chr.
Copper Age
North Caspian culture
Spa culture 5000-3000 BC Chr.
Samara culture around 5000 BC Chr.
Chwalynsk culture 5000-4500 BC Chr.
Botai culture 3700-3100 BC Chr.
Yamnaya culture 3600-2300 BC Chr.
Afanassjewo culture 3500-2500 BC Chr.
Usatovo culture 3300-3200 BC Chr.
Glaskovo culture 3200-2400 BC Chr.
Bronze age
Poltavka culture 2700-2100 BC Chr.
Potapovka culture 2500-2000 BC Chr.
Catacomb tomb culture 2500-2000 BC Chr.
Abashevo culture 2500-1800 BC Chr.
Sintashta culture 2100-1800 BC Chr.
Okunew culture around 2000 BC Chr.
Samus culture around 2000 BC Chr.
Andronovo culture 2000-1200 BC Chr.
Susgun culture around 1700 BC Chr.
Srubna culture 1600-1200 BC Chr.
Colchis culture 1700-600 BC Chr.
Begasy Dandybai culture around 1300 BC Chr.
Karassuk culture around 1200 BC Chr.
Ust-mil culture around 1200–500 BC Chr.
Koban culture 1200-400 BC Chr.
Irmen culture 1200-400 BC Chr.
Late corporate culture around 1000 BC Chr.
Plate burial culture around 1300–300 BC Chr.
Aldy Bel culture 900-700 BC Chr.
Iron age
Baitowo culture
Tagar culture 900-300 BC Chr.
Nosilowo group 900-600 BC Chr.
Ananino culture 800-300 BC Chr.
Tasmola culture 700-300 BC Chr.
Gorokhovo culture 600-200 BC Chr.
Sagly bashi culture 500-300 BC Chr.
Jessik Beschsatyr culture 500-300 BC Chr.
Pazyryk level 500-300 BC Chr.
Sargat culture 500 BC Chr. – 400 AD
Kulaika culture 400 BC Chr. – 400 AD
Tes level 300 BC Chr. – 100 AD
Shurmak culture 200 BC Chr. – 200 AD
Tashtyk culture 100–600 AD
Chernyakhov culture AD 200–500

The Susgun culture is a Middle Bronze Age culture that occurred around the first half of the 2nd millennium BC. At the confluence of the Irtysh in the Ob in northern Siberia . It was named after the place where it was found Susgun near Tobolsk and arose from the previous Predsusgun culture , but also shows clear influences from the Andronowo culture widespread in southern Siberia .

In the pottery there are funnel-rim vessels, for which a decoration with rows of dimples and comb marks is characteristic, whereby the Susgun culture shows relationships to its predecessors and immediate neighbors. However, there are also geometric motifs that are otherwise typical of the Andronowo culture.

The main material that can be identified is bone; Bronze metallurgy can also be proven through the corresponding tool finds. Some human figures made of bones are worth mentioning.

The settlements consisted of rectangular pit houses; the most important position in the economy was held by horse breeding, cattle, sheep and goats followed at a distance; hunting and fishing also played a decisive role.

The Susgun culture continued with individual changes in the Late Bronze Age Late Susgun culture .


  • Михаил Ф. Косарев: Бронзовый век Западной Сибири. Наука, Москва 1981.
  • Hermann Parzinger : The early peoples of Eurasia. From the Neolithic to the Middle Ages (= Historical Library of the Gerda Henkel Foundation. ). Beck, Munich 2006, ISBN 3-406-54961-6 , p. 367 ff.

Individual evidence

  1. The dates in the table are taken from the individual articles and do not always have to be reliable. Cultures in areas of other former Soviet republics were included.