Kunda culture

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Prehistoric cultures of Russia
Kunda culture 7400-6000 BC Chr.
Bug Dniester culture 6500-5000 BC Chr.
Dnepr-Don culture 5000-4000 BC Chr.
Sredny Stog culture 4500-3500 BC Chr.
Ekaterininka culture 4300-3700 BC Chr.
Fatyanovo culture around 2500 BC Chr.
Copper Age
North Caspian culture
Spa culture 5000-3000 BC Chr.
Samara culture around 5000 BC Chr.
Chwalynsk culture 5000-4500 BC Chr.
Botai culture 3700-3100 BC Chr.
Yamnaya culture 3600-2300 BC Chr.
Afanassjewo culture 3500-2500 BC Chr.
Usatovo culture 3300-3200 BC Chr.
Glaskovo culture 3200-2400 BC Chr.
Bronze age
Poltavka culture 2700-2100 BC Chr.
Potapovka culture 2500-2000 BC Chr.
Catacomb tomb culture 2500-2000 BC Chr.
Abashevo culture 2500-1800 BC Chr.
Sintashta culture 2100-1800 BC Chr.
Okunew culture around 2000 BC Chr.
Samus culture around 2000 BC Chr.
Andronovo culture 2000-1200 BC Chr.
Susgun culture around 1700 BC Chr.
Srubna culture 1600-1200 BC Chr.
Colchis culture 1700-600 BC Chr.
Begasy Dandybai culture around 1300 BC Chr.
Karassuk culture around 1200 BC Chr.
Ust-mil culture around 1200–500 BC Chr.
Koban culture 1200-400 BC Chr.
Irmen culture 1200-400 BC Chr.
Late corporate culture around 1000 BC Chr.
Plate burial culture around 1300–300 BC Chr.
Aldy Bel culture 900-700 BC Chr.
Iron age
Baitowo culture
Tagar culture 900-300 BC Chr.
Nosilowo group 900-600 BC Chr.
Ananino culture 800-300 BC Chr.
Tasmola culture 700-300 BC Chr.
Gorokhovo culture 600-200 BC Chr.
Sagly bashi culture 500-300 BC Chr.
Jessik Beschsatyr culture 500-300 BC Chr.
Pazyryk level 500-300 BC Chr.
Sargat culture 500 BC Chr. – 400 AD
Kulaika culture 400 BC Chr. – 400 AD
Tes level 300 BC Chr. – 100 AD
Shurmak culture 200 BC Chr. – 200 AD
Tashtyk culture 100–600 AD
Chernyakhov culture AD 200–500

The Kunda culture is one between 7400 and 6000 BC. Chr. In the Baltic and in northern Russia occurring archaeological culture of the Mesolithic . Their widespread finds show clear similarities with those of the also Mesolithic Maglemose culture of Northern Europe and suggest a close connection to this. The successor to the Kunda culture was the Narva culture , which had already mastered clay processing .

Locations and characteristics

Tools of Kunda culture

The Kunda culture is named after one of the main localities , the city of Kunda in Estonia . The site is located on the Hiiemägi hill east of today's city center, and on the Lammasmägi hill , which was an inland island at the time. Other sites of the culture are among others at Pulli , Siimusaare , on the Narva river and in what is now the Tartu district of Ihaste and in the estuary of the Reiu and Pärnu rivers . The sites on the West Estonian islands such as Kõnnu and Kõpu are assigned to the late Mesolithic . People there also hunted seals .

The area was heavily forested except for a narrow coastal strip on the Baltic Sea . Most of the Kunda culture sites are found near lakes, rivers, and swamps. The culture represents the first relatively sedentary settlement in the region. It is characterized by a mixture of the gathering culture with the fishing and hunting culture. Among the numerous animal bone finds are many objects made of bone and horn that have been processed into tools and typically have a simple geometric design.

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Individual evidence

  1. The dates in the table are taken from the individual articles and do not always have to be reliable. Cultures in areas of other former Soviet republics were included.