18th century BC Chr.
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The 18th century BC Chr. Began v on January 1, 1800. And ended on December 31, 1701 BC. Chr.
Age / Epoch
- 1781 BC The period of the Middle Kingdom ends in the history of the Egyptian high civilization . There are different opinions about the exact year .
Events / developments
- In the 18th century BC Most of the cities of the Indus culture were abandoned and this culture gradually declined.
- In the 18th century BC The royal dynasty of Ugarit was founded. Ugarit thus became a city-state.
- around 1796 BC The Babylonian king Sin-muballit conquered the city of Isin .
- around 1793 BC Isin was conquered by Rim-Sin I from Larsa . Isin thus falls under the rule of Larsa (later back to Babylonia).
- around 1792 BC The Assyrian king Šamši-Adad I conquered the city of Mari .
- The Codex Ešnunna was probably written during the reign of Dāduša (1788–1779 BC). This legal collection is a little older than the much better known Codex Hammurapi.
- around 1786 BC The Babylonian king Hammurabi I conquered the cities of Isin and Uruk , which Rim-Sin I had previously occupied.
- around 1780 BC The eruption of Vesuvius : it is more devastating than the eruption of 79 AD , the ash rain reaches into what is now the city of Naples - the fourth Plinian eruption or Pomici di Avellino ( Avellino eruption ).
- around 1775 BC In BC, Mari regained independence from the Assyrian Empire under Zimri-Lim .
- no later than 1772 BC The Codex Hammurapi , one of the oldest collections of laws in the world, of the Babylonian King Hammurapi I was created.
- around 1763 BC The Babylonian king Hammurabi I conquered the city of Larsa . Larsa thus fell under Babylonian hegemony and Babylonia became the dominant empire in Mesopotamia .
- around 1750 BC Chr .: eruption of Mount Veniaminof , Alaska

Head of a statue of Amenemhet III.

Sphinx Amenemhet IV.

Statue Hor I.
Note: The years of government cannot be precisely determined in this century. Therefore, these are approximate estimates.
Pharaohs of Egypt
- Amenemhet III. (1818–1773 BC)
- Amenemhet IV (1773–1763 BC)
- Nofrusobek (1763–1759 BC)
- Wegaf (1759–1757 BC / founder of the 13th dynasty )
- Sechemrechuitaui (1752–1746 BC)
- Sehetepibre (1743–1742 BC)
- Efni (1741 BC)
- Amenemhet VI. (1740 BC)
- Nebennu (1739 BC)
- Hotep-ib-Re (1738 BC)
- Sewadjkare (1737 BC)
- Nedjemibre (1736 BC)
- Sobekhotep I (1735 BC)
- Renseneb (1734–1733 BC)
- Hor I. (1732 BC)
- Amenemhet VII (1731–1724 BC)
- Sobekhotep II (1724-1718 BC)
- Chendjer (1718–1712 BC)
- Emramescha (1711 BC)
- Anjotef IV. (1710 BC)
- Seth (1709 BC)
- Sobekhotep III. (1708–1705 BC)
- Neferhotep I (1705–1694 BC)
Kings of Assyria
- Šamši-Adad I (1808–1776 BC)
- Išme-Dagan I (1775–1736 BC)
- Mut-Aškur (1735 BC)
- Aššur-dugul (1735–1730 BC)
- Aššur-apla-iddina (1729 - ???? BC)
Kings of Babylonia
- Sin-muballit (1812–1793 BC)
- Hammurapi I (1792–1750 BC)
- Šamšu-iluna (1749–1712 BC)
- Abi-ēšuḫ (1711–1684 BC)
Kings of Byblos
- Abischemu (1820–1795 BC)
- Ipschemuabi (1795–1780 BC)
- Yantin-hamu (1765–1735 BC)
Kings of Elam
- Siwe-Palar-Khuppak (around 1775 BC)
- Kutir-Nahhunte I. (around 1725 BC)
Kings of Ešnunna
- Narām-Sin (1808–1798 BC)
- Dannum-Tāḫāz (around 1798 BC)
- Dāduša (around 1788–1779 BC)
King of Isin
- Damiq-ilīšu (1816–1794 BC)
Kings of Jamchad
- Jarim-Lim I. (1781–1765 BC)
- Abban (around 1751 BC)
King of Larsa
- Rim-Sin I. (1822–1763 BC)
King of Mari
- Zimri-Lim (1773–1759 BC)
Individual evidence
- ^ Hermann Kulke and Dietmar Rothermund : History of India: From the Indus culture to today. CH Beck, 2010, ISBN 3-406-60414-5 , p. 42
- ↑ Robert Rollinger and Brigitte Truschnegg: Antiquity and the Mediterranean: The ancient world on this side and on the other side of the Levant. Franz Steiner Verlag, 2006, ISBN 3-515-08738-9 , p. 178
- ↑ a b c Erich Ebeling , Bruno Meissner : Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Aräologie, Volume 5. Walter de Gruyter, 1980, ISBN 3-11-007192-4 , p. 183
- ↑ a b c Michael Jursa : The Babylonians: History, Society, Culture. CH Beck, 2004, ISBN 3-406-50849-9 , pp. 20-21
- ↑ Klaas Veenhof : History of the Ancient Orient up to the time of Alexander the Great. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2001, ISBN 3-525-51685-1 , p. 119
- ^ Gerhard Ries : Prologue and Epilogue in Laws of Antiquity. CH Beck, 1983, ISBN 3-406-09115-6 , p. 21
Web links
Commons : 18th century BC Chr. - collection of pictures, videos and audio files