Adolf Blind

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Adolf Blind (born October 16, 1906 in Frankfurt am Main ; † March 26, 1996 ) was a Saarland economist and politician .

Blind taught from 1949 as an associate professor and from 1952 as a full professor of statistics at the University of Saarland . He was also a professor in Frankfurt and Heidelberg . In addition, he headed the statistical office of the city of Saarbrücken and Saarland for many years .

After the rejection of the European Saar Statute , he was appointed to the interim cabinet of Heinrich Welsch (1955-1956) and the cabinet of Hubert Ney (1956-1957) as an independent Minister for Finance and Forests . During the negotiations on the Treaty of Luxembourg , he primarily advocated the interests of the Saar coal mining industry. From 1957 to 1967 he was chairman of the Saarbergwerke supervisory board .

Blind is a holder of the Great Cross of Merit and, from 1977, the Saarland Order of Merit .


  • War memories of a pensive one. 1943 to 1945. Haag and Herchen, Frankfurt am Main. ISBN 3-86137-036-0
  • Troubled years on the Saar from 1947 to 1957. A contemporary witness remembers. Haag and Herchen, Frankfurt am Main.
  • Outlines of an economic statistic: Paul Flaskämper celebrated his 80th birthday. F. Meiner, Hamburg 1966.
  • Social policy and personal existence. Ceremony for Hans Achinger on the occasion of his 70th birthday on October 5, 1969. Duncker and Humblot, Berlin 1969.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Announcement of awards of the Saarland Order of Merit . In: Head of the State Chancellery (Ed.): Official Gazette of the Saarland . No. 18 . Saarbrücker Zeitung Verlag und Druckerei GmbH, Saarbrücken May 9, 1977, p. 391–392 ( [PDF; 244 kB ; accessed on May 27, 2017]).