Adolphe Simon Neboux

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Adolphe Simon Neboux (born February 22, 1806 in La Châtre , † September 5, 1885 in Paris in the 9th arrondissement ) was a French naval surgeon and naturalist .

Live and act

His father was also a doctor and was called Jean Baptiste Simon Neboux, his mother Catherine, nee. Contal.

Influenced by his father, Adolphe Simon Neboux also pursued his father's profession. At seventeen he left his parents' home to study at the Cherbourg Naval Hospital . A year later, as a young surgeon , he was sent to his first ship, the Corvette Isis , which immediately set out in support of the French invasion of Spain . After six months, Neboux returned to Brest to work at the local naval hospital. This scenario was repeated a few times and Neboux served on various ships and returned to Brest. He served in Algeria , Spain, Saint-Dominique , Martinique , Brazil and the Antilles . In 1834 he married for the first time. Finally, in 1836, he was promoted to senior surgeon because he was familiar with tropical diseases and ship accidents.

In November 1836 he became part of the crew of the frigate Vénus . On the thirty-one month tour around the world to protect French interests, he came into contact with ornithology for the first time. In addition to his medical duties on board, Neboux was commissioned to collect natural history exhibits in the sea and at the various landing stops.

The Vénus ran on December 29, 1836 under the captain Abel Aubert Dupetit-Thouars from Brest to the Pacific over the Canary Islands and Rio de Janeiro . Via Valparaíso she went along the Pacific coast to Callao to the Galapagos Islands and on to the islands of Hawaii , before she traveled to Kamchatka and the Bering Sea . In the fall of 1837 we went south again towards Monterey on the coast of California . The majority of the three hundred crew members suffered from scurvy during this time , and so Neboux advocated anchoring here. The team should recover and this should prevent further outbreaks of disease.

In the period from October 28 to November 14, 1837, he used his little free time to collect natural history exhibits. In 1840 he described the white-capped fruit pigeon ( Ptilinopus dupetithouarsii ), which he dedicated to his captain. The fork-tailed gull , which he described in the same article, had initially not been given a scientific name. The distribution area Monterey, which Néboux stated, was also questionable for a long time, as the species practically never occurs in North American waters. Today we know that during the time of El Niño she can very rarely appear as a stray visitor. Another explanation would be a mix-up of the labels on the collector's items, so that the type specimen may have been shot on the Galapagos Islands. The zoological atlas Voyage autour du monde sur la frégate la Vénus commandée par Abel de Petit-Thouars , which appeared in several deliveries between 1842 and 1846, finally contained a panel with the scientific name Larus furcatus . This illustration of the fork-tailed gull by Paul Louis Oudart (1796–1860) was part of delivery two from 1842.

Finally the journey continued to the Bahía Magdalena . They returned to Brest on June 24, 1839 via Mazatlán , San Blas and Acapulco . In France he wrote his dissertation in 1840, which dealt with observations on scurvy and an aortic aneurysm on board the Vénus .

After three months off to take care of family affairs in his hometown, he was sent to Paris to help view and record the natural history collectibles. Even after his return to Brest, he was ordered back to Paris a few times to clarify further questions.

In March 1841, Néboux was ordered to the frigate La Gloire , which set out for Brazil and was en route for three years. When he returned on July 4, 1844, his health was in ruins. He took a three-month break and had to add another three months because his health did not improve. During this time he married his second wife Antoinette Louis Noël. Eventually he retired in late 1847 after 25 years of French naval service.

He moved to Paris, where he published a book on health care for the Parisian population in 1850. In 1858 he published an article on night blindness and its treatment with beef liver.


In 1840 he was introduced by Félix Édouard Guérin-Méneville as member number 209 of the Société cuvierienne, which was newly founded in 1838 . On September 25, 1840 he was awarded the title of Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur .

Dedication names

Alphonse Milne-Edwards named the blue-footed booby ( Sula nebouxii ) in his honor in 1882 . Gregory Macalister Mathews dedicated a subspecies of the blue noddi ( Procelsterna cerulea nebouxi ) to him in 1902 . Charles Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte described Mimus nebouxi in 1854 , a name that is now considered a synonym for the rust-flanked mockingbird ( Mimus patagonicus d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye , 1837). When Florent Prévost and Marc Athanase Parfait Œillet Des Murs describe the bird yield from the voyage of the frigate Vénus in 1855 , they name the Tahiti pigeon ( Ptilinopus purpuratus Gmelin, JF , 1789) Kurukuru de Néboux ( Kurukuru Nebouxii ). Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire described in the same book L'Écureuil de Néboux ( Sciurus Nebouxii ), a name that is now considered a synonym for the Guayaquil squirrel ( Sciurus stramineus Eydoux & Souleyet , 1841).

Publications (selection)

  • Dissertation on le scorbut observé à bord de la frégate “La Vénus” pendant la campagne qu'elle a faite autour du monde dans les années 1837, 1838 et 1839. Suivie d'une observation d'un anévrisme de l'aorte, recueillie à bord de la Venus . Rignoux, Paris 1840.
  • Description d'oiseaux nouveaux recueillis pendant l'expédition de la Venus . In: Revue Zoologique par La Société Cuvierienne . tape 4 , 1840, p. 289-291 ( ).
  • in Abel Aubert Dupetit-Thouars: Voyage autour du monde sur la frégate la Vénus pendant les années 1836–1839 publié par ordre du Roi. Sous les auspices de Ministre de la Marine par Abel de Petit-Thouars, Capitaine de vaisseau, Grand-Officier de la Légion d'honneur . Atlas de Zoologie. Gide et J. Baudry, Paris 1846 ( ).
  • Projet d'organization de l'assistance publique dans la Ville de Paris, limité au service des secours à domicile, service dirigé actuellement par l'administration des bureaux de bienfaisance; suivi d'un projet d'une nouvelle organization du Service médical des Indigents dépendant de la même administration . Imprimerie Centrale de Napoléon Chiax et Cie, Paris 1850 ( ).
  • Note sur une épidémie d'héméralopie - Importance du foie de bœuf pour le traitement de cette maladie . In: Bulletin général de thérapeutique médicale, chirurgicale, obstétricale et pharmaceutique . tape 55 , 1858, pp. 416-419 ( ).


  • Barbara Mearns , Richard Mearns: Audubon to Xantus: The Lives of Those Commemorated in North American Bird Names . Academic Press Limited, London 1992, ISBN 978-0-12-487423-7 .
  • Société Cuvierienne: Nouveaux membres admis dans la Société curvienne . In: Revue Zoologique par La Société Cuvierienne . tape 3 , 1840, p. 320 ( ).
  • Alphonse Milne-Edwards: Research on the Faune des Régions Australes . In: Annales des sciences naturelles (=  6 (zoology) ). tape 13 , no. 4 , 1882, p. 1-64 ( ).
  • Gregory Macalister Mathews: The birds of Australia . tape 2 . Witherby, London 1912.
  • Charles Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte: Notes sur les collections rapportées en 1853, par MA Delattre, de son voyage en Californie et dans le Nicaragua . In: Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des sciences . tape 38 , 1854, p. 53-66 ( ).
  • Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Marc Athanase Parfait Œillet Des Murs, Florent Prévot, Auguste Henri André Duméril, Achille Valenciennes: Voyage autour du monde sur la frégate la Vénus. commandée par Abel de Petit-Thouars, Capitaine de vaisseau, Commandeur de la Légion d'honneur. Zoology: mammifères, oiseaux, reptiles, et poissons . Zoology. Gide et J. Baudry, Paris 1855 ( ).

Individual evidence

  1. a b Richard Mearns u. a., p. 331.
  2. a b c d Richard Mearns u. a., p. 332.
  3. Swallow-tailed Gull Creagrus furcatus (Néboux, 1842) in Rare birds of California
  4. Dissertation on le scorbut observé à bord de la frégate “La Vénus” pendant la campagne qu'elle a faite autour du monde dans les années 1837, 1838 et 1839. Suivie d'une observation d'un anévrisme de l'aorte, recueillie à bord de la Venus.
  5. a b Richard Mearns u. a., p. 333.
  6. ^ Projet d'organization de l'assistance publique dans la Ville de Paris, limité au service des secours à domicile, service dirigé actuellement par l'administration des bureaux de bienfaisance; suivi d'un projet d'une nouvelle organization du Service médical des Indigents dépendant de la même administration.
  7. Note on une épidémie d'héméralopie - Importance du foie de bœuf pour le traitement de cette maladie.
  8. ^ Revue Zoologique par La Société Cuvierienne (1840), p. 320
  9. ^ Certificate of the Legion of Honor in the Archives Nationales
  10. Alphonse Milne-Edwards, p. 37, plate 14.
  11. ^ Gregory Macalister Mathews, p. 431.
  12. ^ Charles Lucien Jules Laurent Bonaparte, p. 57.
  13. Florent Prévost et al. a., pp. 257f., plate 7.
  14. Isidore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, pp. 163f., Plate 12.


  1. This information results from the État civil in the Archive départementales de l'Indre Document 13-1807 on p. 101 of 244.