Alarm for Cobra 11: The End of the World

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Episode of the series Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei
Original title The end of the world
Country of production Germany
original language German
length 89 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
classification Season 14, episode 1
195th episode overall ( list )
first broadcast
September 3, 2009 on RTL
Director Axel Sand
script Arne Nolting , Jan Martin Scharf
production Hermann Joha , Peter Jännert , Kay Niessen , Stefan Retzbach
music Kay Skerra , Jaro Messerschmidt , Nik Reich
cut Martin Rahner

The end of the world is the pilot film for the 14th production season or 26th broadcast season of the German action series Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei . The first broadcast took place on September 3, 2009 on RTL . According to the official count by RTL, this is episode 199/200 and it was therefore broadcast as the anniversary episode 200 .


The detective chief inspectors Semir Gerkhan and Ben Jäger are on a climbing holiday in the Eifel . Suddenly shots are fired and a fleeing man falls to the ground. The dying man is scribbling unintelligible characters on the forest floor. After a wild chase with the man's killers on land and water, both jump in a seized speedboat onto the federal highway 48 , which runs past the lake , where they cause a pile -up. Back at the office , they interpret the scribble as the Internet address of the conspiracy-theoretical Society for World Enlightenment (GWA), whose director Oliver "Sturmi" Sturm tells the inspectors at the motorway police station that the killed Julius Niemeyer was his employee. He sent him a video over the internet . It shows how a man dies, presumably during an illegal test of a drug on humans at the pharmaceutical company Rassmann Biotec .

When the commissioners wanted to show the video to their head Wolf Rassmann, the server in the headquarters of the GWA was destroyed by Rassmann's men and the video can no longer be accessed. The man in the video is the head of the research department Dr. Adrian Simon, who is allegedly at a congress and confirmed this with a video call. When Sturmi tries to unlock the door of the GWA headquarters, he notices that the security camera at the entrance, which was previously switched off, is on again and flees from the pursuers waiting inside in a Citroën 2CV that was stolen from a wedding . A chase develops through Cologne . By jumping the company car of the commissioners who had come to help and the "duck" attached to it on a semi-trailer loaded with Euro pallets , everyone was able to flee from the pursuers. The KTU -Staff Hartmut friend could restore headquarters GWA some data from the damaged server from, including a floor plan of Rassmann Biotec and the 3D model to a variant of SARS - flu virus . Sturmi concludes that Rassmann tested the virus on humans and now wants to sell it as a biological weapon .

In the middle of the night, Ben Semir reports that Sturmi is on his way to Rassmann Biotec. Sturmi packs the virus from Wolf Rassmann's laboratory into a container and wants to flee with the inspectors. During the subsequent exchange of fire with Rassmann's people, Sturmi was able to flee, but the container with the virus was damaged and the commissioners were infected with the virus by inhaling in the underground car park of the Rassmann building. At the Tropical Institute , they are told that there is no antidote to this virus and that the commissioners will die in just over eight hours. Ben realizes that there must be an antidote because Dr. Simon recovered during the video call. Sturmi follows Rassmann's coworkers while Ben and Semir go to the last position of Dr. Drive Simon. You can rescue him from a mine , but Rassmann has already disappeared with the laboratory equipment and the antidote because he has a buyer from Japan for the virus. While escaping, they accidentally activate a bomb that blows up the entire mine and also Dr. Simon kills.

Ben and Semir want to take a dignified goodbye to their hopeless situation and drive their car down a cliff in the quarry, but are prevented at the last moment by the ringing of the cell phone that Sturmi gave Ben. He tells them that Rassmann is meeting with the Japanese Kenzo Toshiro, the leader of a Japanese doomsday sect , to sell the virus. Toshiro wants to cleanse the world of humanity in order to build a new world order through himself and his men . During the deal, both sides notice Sturmi, and Ben and Semir can barely save him. Rassmann and his men are killed by Toshiro's people. Ben and Semir then pursue Toshito because he has the antidote. The commissioners cause an accident with the car of Toshiro's men, in which the antidote is in, and are able to rescue the ampoules with the antidote from it. In the subsequent explosion, however, the pressure wave throws the ampoules out of Semir's hands and all of them break, only one ampoule in the vaccination gun is intact, but it is only enough for one person. Ben wins the coin toss for the antidote, but injects it with Semir because he has a family and Ben doesn't.

Toshiro is on the way to the Cologne Exhibition Center , more precisely to the tourism fair taking place there . When they arrive at the fair, Ben and Semir make their way to the main distributor of the ventilation system . You have to split up as Ben is now highly contagious and has little time left. While Ben is barely able to do anything due to his advanced disease, Semir is captured by Toshiro. Ms. Kruger’s support comes just in time to free Semir from Toshiro's clutches. Ms. Krüger secures a container with the virus and orders the evacuation of the fair. Ben comes to and pursues Toshiro's last remaining henchman, while Toshiro himself is caught by Semir, who takes a vaccination gun with the antidote from him. Unable to prevent Toshiro's henchman from releasing the virus in the ventilation system, Ben passes out. The police want to neutralize the virus in the ventilation system by means of a targeted gas explosion . Semir finds the unconscious Ben and gives him the antidote. He drives him out of the fair in the sidecar on a motorcycle while the gas explosion destroys the entire building.


"[...] The look of the format can now hardly be distinguished from expensive US productions such as" Bones "or" CSI: Miami "and as far as stunts are concerned, the series can in any case with European and sometimes even American series and keep up with movies. But the stories that have changed the most - and not necessarily for the better. [...] Credibility was never the strength of the format, but this surpasses everything that has existed before and somehow makes the format ad absurd. Comedian Oliver Pocher, who saves the pilot film in every form, creates a very successful change. It's him who doesn't take the series, his role or the various stunts seriously. If you look closely at Pocher's face during various jumps away from exploding cars, you will see that he is deliberately exaggerating and otherwise he is acting in a similar way. It's good that director Axel Sand allowed all of this. That's brilliant and after this week some viewers would like Pocher to appear more often in the action series. [...] The fact that the stunts are once again impressive does not have to be explicitly mentioned in a production by action concept. [...] So the hope remains that with the next «Cobra 11» film, RTL will again do what made the series so popular in the past: down-to-earth stories about car smugglers, murderers and blackmailers - and no doomsday scenarios. "

"Since producer Hermann Joha [...] made it clear that" Cobra 11 "can also be seen as a kind of fairy tale, [...] the crescendo of madness and absurdities in" The End of the World. " “Passes as a plot. An imaginary "Federal Office for Epidemic Protection" that cheerfully issues shooting orders [sic!] Like the GDR government once did, while its officials rant that they took an oath of service to the "German state" (and not to the Basic Law). [...] With its borrowings from Hollywood blockbusters (this time it's mainly “Fletcher's Visionen” ...) and buddy movie dialogues, the series clearly signals that it doesn't want anything other than fun, which does not completely bypass the neo-cortex (after all, the film allusions also want to be recognized), but not seriously burdened. [...] [T] he "Cobra 11" has to be attested for all nonsense in terms of content: The authors understand something about sympathy. [...] What great nonsense! But I'd have to lie if I said that those 90 minutes didn't entertain me in some way. [...] Because to turn such a poor concept into such a fun affair - and that for 200 episodes meanwhile, that would have deserved a price [...]. "


The pilot film Auf Leben und Tod for the 21st broadcast and 11th production season in March 2007 had last been able to reach more than 5 million total viewers. With 5.14 million total viewers and 2.85 million viewers among 14 to 49 year olds (23.5%), these values ​​were exceeded for the first time in over two and a half years.

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