Everyone loves Peter

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Original title Everyone loves Peter
Everyone loves Peter Logo 001.svg
Country of production Federal Republic of Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1959
length 95 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Wolfgang Becker
script István Békeffy ,
Per Schwenzen ,
Dieter Bochow
production Ernst Steinlechner
Ilse Kubaschewski
music Erwin Halletz
camera Oskar Schnirch
cut Wolfgang Fluff

All love Peter is a German musical comedy film by Wolfgang Becker from 1959 . The script goes back to an idea by Clemens Ott. In addition to Peter Kraus in the title role, Hannelore Schroth can be seen as Peter's mother, Boy Gobert as her admirer, Helen Vita as Peter's aunt and Christine Kaufmann as Kitty Steiner, the girl Peter falls in love with.


Peter Erdmann is a mechanical engineering student and musician. He has a rock band with his friend Tommy. He lives with his mother, who has been a widow for years. Mother Sylvia is adored by the general agent Bernd Werding. Peter is very concerned about his mother and wishes her new luck. However, she doesn't want Werding to know that she is ten years older than she claims to be and that her son is already an adult. That's why Peter plays him a 14-year-old kid. He had received a call for help from his friend Tommy and hurried home from his internship at a car factory.

Kitty Steiner, the eldest of the three daughters of General Director Steiner and his wife, is looking for suitable musicians at the student union for a party her parents are giving. She runs into Peter, so to speak, who immediately falls in love with the beautiful young girl and is booked by Kitty and his fellow musicians. So the party is not only a complete success musically - until Peter's mother Sylvia suddenly appears with her admirer Werding, who is under no circumstances allowed to recognize Peter.

Since Kitty suspects Peter to have something with Sylvia Erdmann, because she sees him several times with her and doesn't believe Peter when he confides in her that Sylvia is his mother, she gets to the bottom of things herself and finds out that mother is and son hold a game of hide and seek across from Bernd Werding. However, she promises Peter not to say anything for the time being, as he assures her that his mother will clear up the whole thing shortly. Since Werding has now also become suspicious, he investigates his suspicions and finds out that Peter Erdmann is a 20-year-old student. He informs Peter in a letter that he knows, but will withdraw for the time being. Peter now believes that Kitty has not kept her promise and breaks up with her disappointed.

In the jazz cellar, where Peter and his friends are performing, a wild brawl breaks out when the Kitty called by Tommy is harassed by some of the rowdy brothers. When the group around Peter is threatened with failure, Werding suddenly appears and incapacitates one attacker after the other. At the police station, to which Sylvia and Kitty's parents were also quoted, Werding explains to the perplexed Sylvia that unfortunately he can only marry a woman who is at least 40 years old. Sylvia then laughingly explains to him that this is the smallest problem, since her birthday is in three weeks. Peter, who now knows that he wronged Kitty, is happy to be able to make up with her again.


Production notes, background

The Melody color film was the production company Co. KG DIVINA-FILM GmbH & manufactured. The company belonged to Ilse Kubaschewski , who was also the owner of the first distributor Gloria-Film GmbH & Co. Filmverleih KG . The studio recordings were made in the studios of Bavaria-Filmkunst AG Munich- Geiselgasteig . Ernst Steinlechner was in charge of production . Irene Mann was responsible for the choreography in the film . Willi Schatz and Werner Achmann were responsible for the buildings, and Margot Schönberger for the costumes.

Peter Kraus sings the hits Kitty-Cat and My Havanna-Love as well as the gospel piece When the Saints Go Marching In together with Max Kutta . The lyrics to the songs come from Hans Bradtke and Aldo von Pinelli , music production Gerhard Mendelson .

What is also remarkable about the film is that Christine Kaufmann, previously known as a child star, plays an eighteen-year-old in the film at the age of only fourteen.


The film premiered on June 3, 1959 in the Federal Republic of Germany. In Finland it was published on June 10, 1960 under the title Kaikki rakastavat Peteriä ; in Greece it ran under the title Ein 'oraio n' agapas . The international title of the film is Everybody Loves Peter .

The film was released on DVD on August 11, 2006, published by Studiocanal / Kinowelt.


The DVD advertised with the words "lively comedy of confusion full of humor and situation comedy".

Kino.de said: “Small, predictable musical comedy tailored entirely to Peter Kraus.” It continues: “Peter Kraus, the German answer to Bill Haley, once again gives the eternally radiant Sonnyboy, the cross-generational for good - and pretend all adult entertainment - provides. Nice little songs, sympathetic actors - including Christine Kaufmann as Kitty, Gustav Knuth as Steiner and the Bavarian veteran Beppo Brem as a car dealer - as well as the extremely predictable story predestine this musical comedy as a prototypical public Sunday afternoon entertainment. "

TV Spielfilm wrote: Thanks to cheeky sayings and chic Eastman color pictures, one of the 'more modern' German fifties films. Strange from today's perspective: Christine Kaufmann, who was only 14 years old at the time, is Peter's adult crush Kitty. Conclusion: "Old, but surprisingly upbeat - like Kraus!"

On the Wishlist .de page it says that Peter Kraus is playing the role “that made him a darling of the audience in the cinema too”: “That of the friendly boy next door, who despite his passion for rock 'n' roll with young and Alt understands very well. ”“ In contrast to many confused clothes of those years ”, director Becker succeeded in filming“ an amusing and thoroughly ironic comedy with his star that is still entertaining today and also has particular appeal as a contemporary document ”. “The humor is not flat, often even with a wink. Not only Peter, you have to love this film too, ”wrote the TV feature film at the time.

"Small musical comedy with fashionable ingredients - started by a widowed actress who pretends to be younger than she is to her admirer."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Everyone loves Peter Fig. DVD case (in the picture: Peter Kraus)
  2. Everyone loves Peter - how he sings and dances! Fig. DVD case. Retrieved March 19, 2019.
  3. Everyone loves Peter see kino.de. Retrieved March 19, 2019.
  4. Everyone loves Peter see tvspielfilm.de. Retrieved March 19, 2019.
  5. Everyone loves Peter see wunschliste.de. Retrieved March 19, 2019.
  6. Everyone loves Peter. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 4, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used