Alois from Hermann

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Alois Hermann , from 1858 Ritter von Hermann , (born October 28, 1801 in Pfronten -Ried, † October 10, 1876 in Munich ) was a Bavarian administrative officer.


Alois Hermann was the son of the Pfrontener pastor Johann Martin Hörmann and a half-brother of the trigonometer and inventor Johann Martin Hörmann . Alois Hermann concluded 1820 (today) Wilhelm Gymnasium München , and then studied at the University of Landshut law . In 1821 he became a member of the Corps Suevia Landshut . After completing his studies, he entered the Bavarian civil service. In 1843 he became a district judge in Nabburg . In 1845 he moved to Dachau as a district judge . Around 1849 he became a royal councilor and city commissioner for Landshut . In 1850 he was awarded the Knight's Cross ofOrder of Merit awarded by St. Michael .

In 1853 Hermann was promoted to Ministerialrat in the Bavarian Ministry of the Interior. Subsequently, from around 1856 until 1870, he was one of the two directors of the Chamber of the Interior in the Government of Upper Bavaria , most recently as Vice President of the authority. In 1858 he was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Bavarian Crown , connected with the elevation to the personal nobility and the right to use the addition "Knight of" to his real name with the entry in the nobility register of the Kingdom of Bavaria. In 1865 he received the Commander's Cross of the Order of Merit of St. Michael as a further award .

When the district president of Upper Bavaria, Philipp von Zu Rhein , died in January 1870, von Hermann became, in addition to his previous duties, district president of the government of Upper Bavaria until Theodor von Zwehl took over the office.

Individual evidence

  1. Martin Hörmann: A brilliant idea . In Rund um den Falkenstein, Mitteilungsblatt des Heimatverein Pfronten, Vol. 5, pp. 135-138
  2. ^ Leitschuh, Max: The matriculations of the upper classes of the Wilhelmsgymnasium in Munich , 4 vols., Munich 1970–1976; Vol. 3, p. 251.
  3. Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 114 , 111.
  4. ^ Court and State Handbook of the Kingdom of Bavaria 1843, p. 283 ( digitized version ).
  5. ^ Court and State Handbook of the Kingdom of Bavaria 1845, p. 242 ( digitized version ).
  6. ^ Court and State Handbook of the Kingdom of Bavaria 1849, p. 283 ( digitized version ).
  7. ^ Court and State Handbook of the Kingdom of Bavaria 1852, p. 31 ( digitized version ).
  8. Court and State Manual of the Kingdom of Bavaria 1853, p. 136 ( digital copy ).
  9. Court and State Manual of the Kingdom of Bavaria 1856, p. 233 ( digital copy ).
  10. Court and State Handbook of the Kingdom of Bavaria 1870, p. 232 ( digitized version ).
  11. ^ Court and State Handbook of the Kingdom of Bavaria 1858, p. 22 ( digitized version ).
  12. ^ Court and State Manual of the Kingdom of Bavaria 1867, p. 42 ( digitized version ).
  13. ^ Court and State Manual of the Kingdom of Bavaria 1873, p. 37 ( digitized version ).