Andreas KW Meyer

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Andreas KW Meyer (born June 2, 1958 in Bielefeld ) is a German music dramaturge and journalist.

After graduating from the Hans-Ehrenberg-Schule in Bielefeld - Sennestadt and studying composition with Rudolf Mors , he studied musicology (with Klaus Hortschansky , among others ), art history and German at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster from 1981 . In 1987 he began working as a freelance critic, including for the Frankfurter Rundschau and various radio stations, primarily for the WDR and the BR . In radio features he dealt in particular with the work of Carl Orff and Allan Pettersson , but also wrote about, for example, B. Gottfried von Eine or Jón Leifs .

From 1993 to 2003 he worked as a music dramaturge at the Kiel Opera , initially under general director Peter Dannenberg , from 1995 as chief music dramaturge, from 2002 as chief dramaturge music and deputy opera director under opera director Kirsten Harms . From September 2004 to June 2012 he was chief dramaturge at the Deutsche Oper Berlin . At the beginning of the 2013/2014 season he took over the office of opera director at the Bonn Theater .

As a dramaturge, he pays particular attention to the revival of operatic works that have been unjustifiably forgotten, primarily from the early 20th century, which helped the Kiel Opera, under the directorship of Kirsten Harms, to generate considerable national interest. A cycle with lesser-known works by Franz Schreker and the new questioning of Gian Francesco Malipiero's I capricci di Callot , Franco Alfanos Cyrano de Bergerac or Richard Strauss ' Die Liebe der Danae are examples. - Initially, his discoveries for the Deutsche Oper Berlin ( Alberto Franchetti's Germania and Alexander von Zemlinsky's Der Traumgörge ), at the beginning of the 2007/2008 season, in Cassandra von Vittorio Gnecchi and Walter Braunfels ' Jeanne d'Arc scenes met with less unanimous approval from the life of Saint Joan (as a staged premiere) were put up for discussion, the appreciation of the audience and the press has increased equally. The scenes from the life of St. Johanna were chosen as the rediscovery of the year in the critics' survey of the magazine Opernwelt in 2008 .

In addition to Kirsten Harms, with whom Meyer worked on a large number of productions, Katja Czellnik , Marco Arturo Marelli and Johannes Schaaf are particularly important directors in his work since 1995.

In 2000, he presented his first production on an opera stage (in the set by Anna Kirschstein ) with the combination of Frederick Delius ' Fennimore and Gerda and Béla Bartók's Duke Bluebeard's Castle .

For Wilfried Hiller he wrote the libretto for the opera Der Schimmelreiter based on Theodor Storm .


Articles in various publications, including:

Several articles in the yearbook of the Bavarian State Opera , in the Allan Pettersson yearbook and in the Bertelsmann concert guide.

Web links

Sources and individual references

  1. General-Anzeiger . Retrieved June 30, 2013.
  2. the window on classical music . Archived from the original on October 7, 2008. Retrieved July 9, 2010.