Angela Richter (director)

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Angela Richter (2016)

Angela Richter (* 1970 in Ravensburg ) is a German film director and activist in. She's since the directorship of Stefan Bachmann (2013/2014 season) one of four house directors at Cologne Theater .

Richter is committed to the investigative journalist and Australian political activist Julian Assange, who is in extradition custody in London .


Angela Richter studied theater directing with Jürgen Flimm at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg , was a member of the Hamburg artist group Akademie Isotrop from 1996 to 2000 , together with Jonathan Meese , André Butzer , Birgit Megerle and Roberto Ohrt , among others . Richter has been working as a director since 2001. In 2006 she founded the Fleetstreet Theater in Hamburg, which she directed until 2010.

In 2009 she received the Rolf Mares Prize for her production of Der Fall Esra , which is based on the forbidden novel Esra by Maxim Biller .

Angela Richter lives in Berlin and Cologne and is married to the visual artist Daniel Richter .

Like her husband Daniel, Richter is a member of the Democracy in Europe 2025 (DiEM25) movement founded in 2016.

In 2016 she was involved in the Capitalism Tribunal in Vienna .

Theater work

Intensive research on a topic is the starting point for Angela Richter's piece developments. The text basis of her theater evenings are conversations and interviews, which she conducts during the preparation period, but also until shortly before the premiere during rehearsals. In the course of dealing with the research material, a text concentrate emerges with the actors on stage, which is very much characterized by individual modulations, shifts and overlays: “Even if I approach these interviews with great humility, it is so that I am very I change a lot, sometimes cheat and put something in people's mouths that suits me. So no lies, but exaggerated formulations that simply fit dramaturgically. ” With regard to the director's approach, Cologne Artistic Director Stefan Bachmann suggests the generic term“ Gonzo Theater ” : In memory of Hunter S. Thompson , fiction and reality, journalism and writing intoxicated.

Another characteristic of their piece developments is their variable structure: in response to current socio-political events, they remain open to changes well beyond the time of the premiere. This practice is particularly evident in her play Assassinate Assange , which premiered in September 2012 in the Hamburger Kulturfabrik Kampnagel and in which Angela Richter deals with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange . The framework for the play is provided by interviews that Angela Richter conducted with Julian Assange over a longer period of time.

In November 2013, on the occasion of the production Assassinate Assange - Reloaded at the Schauspiel Köln , the director developed a current version, for which she visited Julian Assange again in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, in order to have long discussions with him. a. talk about the NSA espionage scandal and Edward Snowden's escape and exile in Russia .

Since then, the director has not only regularly visited the WikiLeaks founder in London, but has also been increasingly involved in discussion panels (including net culture: objection! Friendship between avant-garde and nerdtum ) and in various print media ( Der Spiegel , Monopol - Magazin für Kunst und Leben , Interview Magazine , Revue - Magazine for the Next Society ) for internet activists and hacktivists.

For the 2014/2015 season, Angela Richter has planned a large-scale project in co-production with WDR television, which is entitled Die Avantgarde der Supernerds u. a. will deal with the life and work of digital dissidents.

Productions (selection)



  • Angela Richter, Legends: Lunch with the Public Enemy , in Der Spiegel , vol. 28 2011, pp. 104–106.
  • Angela Richter, are nerds the new avant-garde? , in Monopol - Magazin für Kunst und Leben 02/2014, pp. 70–73.
  • Angela Richter, Inside Julian Assange , Interview Magazine Germany, H. 5 2014, pp. 91–97.
  • Angela Richter, Interview with Joseph Farrell , in REVUE - Magazine for the Next Society, H. 15 2014, pp. 42–49.
  • "What the artists can no longer do, we do now" . In: Haus Bartleby (ed.): The capitalism tribunal , on the revolution of economic rights (The red book). Edited by Alix Faßmann , Anselm Lenz and Hendrik Sodenkamp . Translated by Corinna Popp, Viktor Kucharski, Anselm Lenz. Haus Bartleby eV, Vienna: Passagen Verlag 2016, ISBN 978-3-7092-0220-3 , pp. 29–33

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Trial - At the heart of the farce of justice. Retrieved March 17, 2020 .
  2. Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger (KStA) Kultur from September 26, 2013: Kölner Schauspielhaus: “We are there where the center of Cologne is” , interviewed by Christian Bos and Martin Oehlen, accessed on October 19, 2013
  3. ^ Movement website
  4. Angela Richter: "What the artists can no longer do, we do now". In: Haus Bartleby (ed.): The capitalism tribunal , on the revolution of economic rights (The red book). Edited by Alix Faßmann , Anselm Lenz and Hendrik Sodenkamp . Translated by Corinna Popp, Viktor Kucharski, Anselm Lenz. Haus Bartleby eV, Vienna: Passagen Verlag 2016, ISBN 978-3-7092-0220-3 , pp. 29–33.
  5. a b Die Welt from April 22, 2014: Here you can test it - the breasts are like real. Accessed on June 10, 2014.
  6. a b ANGELA RICHTER | Barbarella Entertainment. Retrieved March 17, 2020 .
  7. Homepage Schauspiel Köln ( Memento of the original from July 23, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Retrieved June 10, 2014. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /