Arthur von Mützschefahl

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Arthur Friedrich Ludwig Eberhard von Mützschefahl (born March 7, 1819 in Oels , † June 30, 1899 in Jugenheim ) was a Prussian lieutenant general .



Arthur was the youngest of ten children of the landscape director and district administrator of Oels Friedrich von Mützschefahl (1770-1823) and his wife Dorothea, née von Rothkirch (1778-1853) from the meadow family . The later Prussian lieutenant general Maximilian von Mützschefahl (1844–1915) was his nephew.

Military career

Mützschefahl attended high school in Oels and received private lessons in Breslau . On March 11, 1837, as a three-year-old volunteer, he joined the 10th Infantry Regiment of the Prussian Army and was promoted to Second Lieutenant by the end of September 1838 . For further training, he completed the General War School from October 1843 to July 1846 . At the end of April 1847 he was assigned to the Berlin Cadet House as an educator and was transferred to the 25th Infantry Regiment at the end of May 1849, leaving this command . From October 1849 to mid-March 1851 he was assigned to the cadet house in Wahlstatt as an educator . After being promoted to Prime Lieutenant , Mützschefahl was transferred to the cadet corps and, with effect from April 1, 1851, was commanded as an educator at the Berlin cadet house. From March 14, 1854 he was head of department at the Cadet House in Wahlstatt, became a captain two months later and returned to service on August 11, 1857 when he was appointed company commander in the 30th Infantry Regiment . In mid-August 1859 he was assigned to the 30th Landwehr Regiment as a company commander, from which the 8th Rhenish Infantry Regiment No. 70 emerged on July 1, 1860 . Mützschefahl was initially chief of the 9th Company in Trier, rose to major in mid-November 1863 and was appointed commander of the 1st battalion in Saarlouis on January 9, 1864 . In this capacity he led his battalion during the German War in 1866 in the Main Campaign in the battles near Hammelburg , Hochhausen , Werbach , Helmstadt , Mädelhofen and the bombardment of Würzburg . Awarded the Red Eagle Order IV class with swords for his work , Mützschefahl was promoted to lieutenant colonel on December 31, 1866 with a patent from October 30, 1866 .

With the mobilization on the occasion of the war against France , Mützschefahl was appointed commander of the 8th East Prussian Infantry Regiment No. 45 and promoted to colonel two weeks later . He took part in the battles at Colombey , Gravelotte and Noisseville and the sieges of Metz and La Fère . Awarded the Iron Cross and the Mecklenburg Military Merit Cross II. Class, Mützschefahl was transferred to Magdeburg after the peace treaty on February 14, 1874 under position à la suite of his regiment as commander of the 13th Infantry Brigade . In this position he rose to major general on May 2, 1874 and received the Order of the Red Eagle, 2nd class, with oak leaves and swords on the ring on September 13, 1876. After being given the character of Lieutenant General, Mützschefahl was put up for disposal on August 5, 1879 with his pension .

After his farewell, Kaiser Wilhelm I honored him on November 18, 1879 by awarding him the Crown Order II. Class with a star.


Mützschefahl married Karoline von Ammon (1837-1902) on February 5, 1872 in Saarbrücken . The marriage resulted in two sons who died early and the daughter Emma (* 1881), who married the bank director Friedrich von Ammon in 1904. This marriage ended in divorce in 1921.
