Association for Critical Social Research

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Association for Critical Social
Research (AkG)
AkG Logo.png
purpose The aim of the joint work is the discussion of socially critical theoretical approaches, the reproduction and further development of which should be ensured in times of increasing marginalization at universities.
Chair: Sonja Buckel
Executive Director: Fabian Georgi
Establishment date: June 26, 2004 in Kassel
Seat : Frankfurt am Main

The Association for Critical Society Research (AkG) is an association of social scientists from Germany , Austria and Switzerland .


The association was founded in June 2004. On her website she describes the goal that “the discussion of socially critical theoretical approaches, the reproduction and further development of which should be ensured in times of increasing marginalization at the universities.” The AkG sees the university as an institution in its analyzes as a place of knowledge production and consequently examined from the point of view of "the dominance of the organizational structures of the scientific community". For this purpose, meetings on special topics are usually held every six months.

Public presence

The AkG intervened repeatedly in current social debates. On March 15, 2012, the AkG published an appeal in the taz on European politics and its social effects . a. spoke out against the ratification of the Fiscal Compact. In the controversy surrounding the awarding of the Theodor W. Adorno Prize to the philosopher Judith Butler , the AkG issued a public statement on September 4, 2012 in favor of the winner. At the beginning of the wage dispute of the German train drivers' union in autumn 2014, the AkG called for solidarity with the GDL. The Solidarity Modern Institute joined the call. In January 2016, the AkG issued a statement calling on the Turkish government to end the criminal prosecution of Academics for Peace . Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic , the AkG has been organizing a weekly digital discussion series entitled 'Social research in times of social distancing'.



The board and management of the AkG are each elected for a period of one year at the general assembly. The current board of directors has consisted of Sonja Buckel , Alexander Gallas and John Kannankulam since December 2018 .

Working groups

The AkG maintains the following working groups:

Working group labor disputes

The working group has been meeting regularly since spring 2014. In addition to scientists, activists from various labor disputes are among the participants in the meeting, which is intended to facilitate the exchange between researchers and union and company activists. In the past, guests included a. Amazon workers , an activist in the Nuit Debout protests and a founding member of the prisoners' union . At the end of 2015, members of the working group wrote an open letter in solidarity with the demands of those imprisoned at the Butzbach prison for freedom of union and signed by around 150 university lecturers and trade unionists worldwide. In addition, the working group also deals with labor disputes in the university sector. In June 2020 the working group wrote a declaration in which it criticized the inadequate supply and support of the residents of a high-rise building in Göttingen by the city administration. The entire skyscraper was quarantined as part of the COVID-19 pandemic because two residents had tested positive. Over 70 university professors and activists signed the declaration.

Critical European Research Working Group (AKE)

The AKE was founded in 2011. The AkG's European political appeal from March 2012 was drawn up within the working group.

Forum for Critical Political Education (FKPB)

The FKPB has existed since 2010. It is a network of scientists and people working in the education sector who have committed themselves to critical and emancipatory approaches in political education . Forum meetings take place around every two years; in between there are workshops devoted to specific topics. In June 2015, the Frankfurt Declaration on Civic Education , which had been drawn up by FKPB members, was made available. In February 2019, an FAQ was published on the homepage of the FKPB , which criticizes the extremism concept. Among other things, the usability of the term in educational work is questioned.


Well-known members of the association include a. Dario Azzellini , Bernd Belina , Ulrich Brand , Michael Brie , Mario Candeias , Alex Demirović , Andreas Eis , Christoph Görg , Friederike Habermann , Michael Heinrich , Joachim Hirsch , Alexandra Manzei , Wolf-Dieter Narr , Rainer Rilling , Birgit Sauer , Ingar Solty , Jens Wissel , Markus Wissen , Frieder Otto Wolf and Aram Ziai . Already deceased former members are Elmar Altvater and Heinz Steinert .


AkG has been publishing its own series of books at the Westfälisches Dampfboot publishing house since 2008 . The volumes, which appear at irregular intervals, are usually based on previous conferences.

  • Jens Wissel , Stefanie Wöhl (Hrsg.): State theory facing new challenges. Analysis and criticism . 2008, ISBN 978-3-89691-747-8 ( full text [PDF; 1.1 MB ]).
  • Alex Demirović (Ed.): Critique and Materiality . 2008, ISBN 978-3-89691-748-5 ( full text [PDF; 1.1 MB ]).
  • Eva Hartmann, Caren Kunze, Ulrich Brand (eds.): Globalization, power and hegemony. Perspectives of a critical international political economy . 2009, ISBN 978-3-89691-757-7 ( full text [PDF; 1.6 MB ]).
  • Alfred Krovoza, Christina Kaindl, Alex Demirović (eds.): The subject - between crisis and emancipation . 2010, ISBN 978-3-89691-771-3 ( full text [PDF; 1.1 MB ]).
  • Michael Bruch, Wolfram Schaffar, Peter Scheiffele (eds.): Organization and criticism . 2011, ISBN 978-3-89691-869-7 ( full text [PDF; 1.7 MB ]).
  • Research group ›State Project Europe‹ (Ed.): The EU in crisis. Between authoritarian statism and European spring . 2012, ISBN 978-3-89691-898-7 ( full text [PDF; 1,2 MB ]).
  • Ian Bruff, Matthias Ebenau, Christian May, Andreas Nölke (eds.): Comparative Capitalism Research: Status, Perspectives, Criticism . 2013, ISBN 978-3-89691-928-1 ( full text [PDF; 1.6 MB ]).
  • Alex Demirović, Sebastian Klauke, Étienne Schneider (eds.): What is the »State of Marxism«? Social and Epistemological Conditions of Critical Theory Today . 2015, ISBN 978-3-89691-717-1 ( full text [PDF; 1.1 MB ]).
  • Carina Book, Nikolai Huke, Sebastian Klauke, Olaf Tietje (eds.): Everyday boundaries. The concept of the ›imperial way of life‹, externalization and exclusive solidarity. 2019, ISBN 978-3-89691-273-2 .
  • Alex Demirović, Susanne Lettow, Andrea Maihofer (eds.): Emanzipation. On the history and topicality of a political term. 2019, ISBN 978-3-89691-282-4 .
  • Carina Book, Nikolai Huke, Norma Tiedemann, Olaf Tietje (eds.): Authoritarian Populism . 2020, ISBN 978-3-89691-257-2 .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Self-presentation on the AkG website. Retrieved April 27, 2019 .
  2. a b statutes of the AkG
  3. Michael Bruch, Wolfram Schaffar, Peter Scheiffele (ed.): Organization and criticism. Westphalian steam boat, Münster 2011, p. 7.
  4. Conferences. In: AkG website. Retrieved May 15, 2019 .
  5. Call for European Policy, accessed on March 15, 2012.
  6. ^ Declaration by the Association for Critical Society Research (AkG) on the awarding of the Adorno Prize of the City of Frankfurt on September 11, 2012 to Judith Butler. (PDF; 62.32 kB) September 4, 2012, accessed April 25, 2019 .
  7. ^ "Courage and intellectual honesty". Junge Welt documents excerpts from a declaration by the Association for Critical Society Research (AkG) on the award of the Adorno Prize by the City of Frankfurt on September 11, 2012 to Judith Butler. young world , accessed April 25, 2019 .
  8. Solidarity with the GDL - Stop the character assassination campaign - No to the authoritarian »tariff unit«. Association for Critical Society Research (AkG), November 9, 2014, accessed on April 25, 2019 .
  9. ^ Solidarity of the Association for Critical Society Research. GDL - Union of German Locomotive Drivers, November 11, 2014, accessed on April 25, 2019 .
  10. ^ Solidarity with the labor dispute of the GdL. Only the unions themselves can decide on collective bargaining. Institute for Modern Solidarity, accessed on April 25, 2019 .
  11. Solidarity with colleagues in Turkey. (PDF; 64.17 kB) Association for Critical Society Research (AkG), January 18, 2016, accessed on April 25, 2019 .
  12. ^ AkG digital discussion series: Social research in times of social distancing | AkG. Retrieved April 25, 2020 .
  13. Self-presentation of the board on the AkG website. Retrieved April 18, 2019 .
  14. We support the demands of the imprisoned workers in Butzbach: freedom of trade unions, minimum wages, pension insurance and an end to compulsory labor. November 23, 2015, accessed May 21, 2019 .
  15. ^ Workshop “Labor disputes in the university” as part of the AkG conference 2018. In: AkG website. Retrieved May 21, 2019 .
  16. Declaration on the situation of the residents of Groner Landstrasse 9 in Göttingen | AkG. Retrieved June 27, 2020 .
  17. About the Working Group Critical European Research (AkE) | AkG. Retrieved May 21, 2019 .
  18. Brief introduction to the FKPB. (PDF) Retrieved May 21, 2019 .
  19. FAQ on the "extremism" concept and on constitutional protection reviews in the promotion of democracy. Retrieved May 21, 2019 .
  20. Dario Azzelini | AkG. Retrieved June 10, 2019 .
  21. The communal land question. Background and solution strategies. Rosa Luxemburg Foundation , February 1, 2019, accessed on April 25, 2019 (author information).
  22. List of the memberships of Andreas Eis. In: Website of the University of Kassel . Retrieved April 25, 2019 .
  23. CV. In: Retrieved April 25, 2019 .
  24. ^ CV Ingar Solty. (PDF) In: Berlin Institute for Critical Theory . Retrieved April 27, 2019 (official website).
  25. ^ Frieder Otto Wolf | AkG. Retrieved June 10, 2019 .
  26. a b Ulrich Brand , Bettina Lösch, Benjamin Opratko, Stefan Thimmel (eds.): ABC of alternatives 2.0 . From everyday culture to civil society. VSA-Verlag , Hamburg 2012, ISBN 978-3-89965-500-1 , p. 336–347 , authors ( ).
  27. Ulrich Brand: On the liveliness of Marx's thinking. Elmar Altvater died shortly before his 80th birthday. In: The Standard . May 2, 2018, accessed on April 25, 2019 : "Correspondingly, Altvater was a founding member of the" Association for Critical Society Research "in 2004, which is still trying to organize critical theory at and outside universities."
  28. Publications. In: AkG website. Retrieved May 15, 2019 .