Upright clematis

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Upright clematis
Upright clematis (Clematis recta)

Upright clematis ( Clematis recta )

Order : Buttercups (Ranunculales)
Family : Buttercup Family (Ranunculaceae)
Subfamily : Ranunculoideae
Tribe : Anemoneae
Genre : Clematis ( Clematis )
Type : Upright clematis
Scientific name
Clematis recta

The upright clematis ( Clematis recta ) is a plant species within the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae). It is closely related to the common clematis , which occurs widely in Central Europe, and differs from it, among other things, in its upright growth rather than climbing.


Illustration from Storm's Flora
Leaves ( herbarium )
Bloom in detail
Collective fruit with nuts and feathery pistils

Appearance and leaf

The upright clematis grows as a deciduous, perennial herbaceous plant and usually reaches heights of 50 to 150 centimeters. The upright, non-climbing stem is rarely a little woody at the base.

The against-constantly arranged leaves are pinnate with five to nine pinna flake and about 20 centimeters long. With a length of 3 to 9 centimeters and a width of 0.8 to 4 centimeters, the leafless leaflets are lanceolate to ovate and almost always with entire margins.

Inflorescence, flower and fruit

The flowering time is mainly in the months of June and August. In terminal or sometimes lateral, paniculate , shingled inflorescences , many flowers stand up straight from the stem. The slender flower stalk is 8 to 20 millimeters long. The hermaphroditic flowers are radial symmetry . The four widely spread, free, whitish tepals are 8 to 20 millimeters long, about four times as long as they are wide and obverse-lanceolate to oblong, blunt and only slightly tomentose to woolly hairy on the edge, but otherwise bare. The 20 to 50 free stamens are all fertile. The stamens are bare. There are 8 to 25 styles available.

Each flower produces numerous fruits, which are crowned by about 2 centimeters long, feathery hairy styluses. The achenes are broad, flat and glabrous with a clear edge and a 12 to 2 centimeter long beak.

Chromosome set

In Clematis recta is diploidy before and the number of chromosomes is 2n = sixteenth


The upright clematis is a mesomorphic to scleromorphic hemicryptophyte .

The pollination is done by insects .

The diaspores spread by the wind or by Velcro spreading.

Occurrence and endangerment

The upright clematis is a sub-Mediterranean-Eurasian-continental floral element . It occurs from southern, eastern and central Europe to the Caucasus . There are sites in Azerbaijan , Ciscaucasia, Austria , the Czech Republic , Germany , Hungary , Poland , Slovakia , southern Switzerland, Belarus , the European part of Russia , Ukraine , the Crimea , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Bulgaria , Croatia , northeastern Greece , Italy , Montenegro , Romania , Serbia , Slovenia , southern France , Corsica and northeastern Spain . In some temperate areas of the world, Clematis recta is a neophyte .

In Germany, the upright clematis is seldom widespread , especially in Central Thuringia , the Tauber and Maing areas and the eastern Danube area . It is classified as endangered in the Red List . In Austria Clematis recta is found scattered or rarely in colline to submontane altitudes . It is endangered in the northern Alps and their foreland . In Switzerland, the upright clematis only occurs in Central Valais and Ticino .

Clematis recta grows in bush forests and clearings. It prefers more or less dry, warm and calcareous soils . In Central Europe it is a character species of the Geranio-Dictamnetum from the Geranion sanguinei association, but also occurs in societies of the Berberidion and Potentillo-Quercion petraeae associations.


Clematis recta was first published in 1753 by Carl von Linné in Species Plantarum , 1, p. 544. A synonym for Clematis recta is Clematis lathyrifolia Bess. ex Reichenb. The specific epithet recta means upright.

Clematis recta belongs to the Flammula section from the subgenus Flammula in the genus Clematis .


The upright clematis is an old folk medicinal plant and is also used in homeopathy for skin rashes, among other things. The juice of the fresh plant is very irritating to the mucous membranes and causes blisters to form on the skin. Therefore, in earlier times it was sometimes used by beggars to simulate skin diseases.


All parts of the plant are poisonous. However, the dried parts of the plant are free of toxins. The main ingredients are: protoanemonin , anemonin , and according to older information also anemonol .

Symptoms of poisoning are gastroenteritis , irritation of the kidneys and the nervous system, which are manifested by cramps and paralysis. Effects on the skin are a blistering effect that beggars used in ancient times to arouse pity.

Common names

The other German-language trivial names exist for the upright clematis : Blatterzug ( Thuringia ), Brennkraut (Thuringia) and Brennwurz (Thuringia).



  • Henning Haeupler, Thomas Muer: picture atlas of the fern and flowering plants of Germany . Ed .: Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (=  The fern and flowering plants of Germany . Volume 2 ). Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 2000, ISBN 3-8001-3364-4 .
  • Konrad von Weihe (ed.): Illustrated flora. Germany and neighboring areas. Vascular cryptogams and flowering plants . Founded by August Garcke. 23rd edition. Paul Parey, Berlin / Hamburg 1972, ISBN 3-489-68034-0 .
  • Wolfgang Adler, Karl Oswald, Raimund Fischer: Excursion flora of Austria . Ed .: Manfred A. Fischer. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart / Vienna 1994, ISBN 3-8001-3461-6 .
  • Christian Heitz: School and excursion flora for Switzerland. Taking into account the border areas. Identification book for wild growing vascular plants . Founded by August Binz. 18th completely revised and expanded edition. Schwabe & Co., Basel 1986, ISBN 3-7965-0832-4 .
  • Erich Oberdorfer : Plant-sociological excursion flora . With the collaboration of Theo Müller. 6th, revised and expanded edition. Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart (Hohenheim) 1990, ISBN 3-8001-3454-3 .
  • Peter Schönfelder , Ingrid Schönfelder: The Kosmos medicinal plants guide. European medicinal and poisonous plants (= cosmos natural guide. ). 2nd Edition. Franckh, Stuttgart, 1982, ISBN 3-440-04811-X .
  • James S. Pringle: Clematis. Text same online as the printed work , In: Flora of North America Editorial Committee (Ed.): Flora of North America North of Mexico. Volume 4: Magnoliophyta: Caryophyllidae, part 1 , Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford, 2003, ISBN 0-19-517389-9 .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k Clematis recta L., Upright Clematis. In: FloraWeb.de.
  2. a b c d e f g h i James S. Pringle: Clematis. Text same online as the printed work , In: Flora of North America Editorial Committee (Ed.): Flora of North America North of Mexico. Volume 4: Magnoliophyta: Caryophyllidae, part 1 , Oxford University Press, New York and Oxford, 2003, ISBN 0-19-517389-9 .
  3. ^ Clematis recta at Tropicos.org. In: IPCN Chromosome Reports . Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis
  4. a b c d Clematis recta in the Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA , ARS , National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Retrieved August 17, 2015.
  5. ^ Erich Oberdorfer : Plant-sociological excursion flora for Germany and neighboring areas . 8th edition. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-8001-3131-5 . Page 401.
  6. ^ Linnaeus scanned in at biodiversitylibrary.org in 1753 .
  7. ^ Clematis recta at Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, accessed August 17, 2015.
  8. a b Lutz Roth, Max Daunderer, Kurt Kormann: Toxic Plants - Plant Poisons. Occurrence, effect, therapy, allergic and phototoxic reactions. With a special section about poisonous animals. 6th, revised edition, special edition. Nikol, Hamburg 2012, ISBN 978-3-86820-009-6 .
  9. ^ Georg August Pritzel , Carl Jessen : The German folk names of plants. New contribution to the German linguistic treasure. Philipp Cohen, Hannover 1882, page 103. ( online ).

Web links

Commons : Upright Clematis ( Clematis recta )  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files