Aurelio Roverella

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Aurelio Roverella

Aurelio Roverella (born August 21, 1748 in Cesena , † September 6, 1812 in Bourbonne-les-Bains , Champagne ) was an Italian cardinal of the Roman Church .


He was born as the youngest of five children of Count Carlo Roverella and his wife Maria Toschi. One of his relatives was Bartolomeo Roverella (1406–1476) , who was created cardinal in 1461 . As a teenager Aurelio Roverella moved to Rome to the rights to study, and acquired extensive knowledge of the law. He was a conclavist of Cardinal Luigi Maria Torrigiani at the conclave of 1769 and joined after the election of Pope Pius VI. , who greatly promoted Roverella's career, to the service of the Curia . In September 1775 he was appointed papal house chaplain and, as the Pope's envoy, brought the red biretta to the newly appointed Cardinal Giovanni Carlo Bandi in Imola . In June 1776 Aurelio Roverella was appointed consistorial advocate, later he was also Apostolic Protonotary and in January 1783 House Prelate of His Holiness . In February 1785 he was appointed auditor of the Roman Rota , which he took up on July 5th of the same year.

Pope Pius VI created Aurelio Roverella in the consistory of February 21, 1794 as cardinal priest . He received the red hat on February 27th and the titular church of Santi Giovanni e Paolo on September 12th of the same year. Among other things, he was active in the Holy Office , in the Congregation for the Tridentinum and as examiner for the bishops in canon law. On February 27, 1795 he became Pro-Datar of His Holiness . From June 27, 1796 to July 24, 1797 Aurelio Roverella was chamberlain of the Holy Cardinals College . When Pope Pius VI. Falling ill in 1797, he granted Cardinal Roverella extensive powers, as well as on February 20, 1798, when the Pope was captured by the French and brought to France. When, after the proclamation of the Roman Republic of the Papal States was occupied by French troops, left Aurelio Roverella Rome. He took part in Venice in the conclave from 1799-1800 , from which Pius VII emerged as Pope. On March 29, 1800, the latter confirmed Cardinal Roverella in his office as Pro-Datar of His Holiness, which he held until his death. On May 23, 1800 he was one of the three cardinal legates who were entrusted with the business of government in Rome until the return of the Pope. In 1808 he was expelled from the city of Rome by the French and retired to Ferrara.

On March 27, 1809 he opted for the cardinal class of cardinal bishops and the suburbicarian diocese of Palestrina , where he kept his titular church in commendam . Apart from the date April 1809, nothing more is known about an episcopal ordination .

After Pope Pius VII had been deported to France on July 6, 1809, at the end of the same year Cardinal Roverella and all the other cardinals received the order to go to Paris, where on April 1 and 2, 1810, he witnessed the marriage of Napoleon I. attended with Archduchess Marie-Louise of Austria . He is considered the most respected of the "red cardinals". Cardinal Bartolomeo Pacca accused him of the authorship of the intrigues against and the pressure on Pope Pius VII during his imprisonment in France by Napoleon Bonaparte.

In 1811 Cardinal Roverella was sent to Savona, where the Pope was staying with Cardinals Giuseppe Maria Doria Pamphilj , Antonio Dugnani , Fabrizio Ruffo and Alphonse-Hubert de Latier de Bayane . Cardinal Roverella assumed the leading role in this group of cardinals, who were the actual authors of the papal breve with which Pius VII gave his approval to all the resolutions of the Bishops' Assembly of Paris and the amendment of the Concordat of 1801 with the organic articles .

Aurelio Roverella died in Champagne in September 1812. He was buried in the Paris church of Sainte-Genoviève , the Panthéon .


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Individual evidence

  1. Les Ordinations Épiscopales , 1809, No. 4, cf. Entry on Aurelio Roverella on
  2. See Bartolomeo Pacca: Memorie istoriche del ministerio di due viaggi in Francia e della cattività nel castro di San Carlo. Rome 1830. Reproduced from Roverella, Aurelio. In: Salvador Miranda : The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. ( Florida International University website , English)
predecessor Office successor
Alessandro Mattei Cardinal Bishop of Palestrina
Diego Innico Caracciolo