Baumberger (noble family)

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The Freiherren von Baumberger are members of the noble family von Baumberger and von Baumburg , who had their main possession in Switzerland as well as in Rhineland-Palatinate and Prussia . The files of the Secret State Archives of Prussian Cultural Heritage in Berlin show that descendants of this noble family ("de Baumberger") immigrated to the Rhineland from Switzerland as refugees in the 13th century. Because of the spread of the nobility in Switzerland and the disputes between the emperor and the pope, many local noble families fled Switzerland to neighboring countries of the Holy Roman Empire in the 13th century. This noble and noble family increased their influence through marriages with the Habsburg imperial lords and noblemen from Coreth zu Coredo and Rumo , which is a very old (in the 12th century) noble family who came to Coredo in Tyrol from Italy.


One of the descendants of this noble family was the noble Mr. Caspar von Baumberger († 1651), who was born with the noble Anna. Hundt von Saulheim was married. He was Imperial Colonel and Commander in Philippsburg , Lord of Rauenberg , Lord in Lahr , Bischweiler and Hanhofen . At the end of his Philippsburg career he had risen to become the wealthiest man in the Principality of Speyer . The latter was a territory in the Holy Roman Empire and included areas in what is now the German federal states of Rhineland-Palatinate and Baden-Württemberg as well as areas in French Lower Alsace .

Waghäusel memorial stone 1640

In 1640 he had the Waghäusel Capuchin Convent with the pilgrimage church of St. Maria built at his own expense. At the northeast corner of the choir of the pilgrimage church there is a corresponding inscription with the coat of arms of the builder, including that of the Hundt von Saulheim. The inscription reads: "ANO 1640 / P. NOBILIS STRENUUS AC GRATIOSUS DNS D / CASPARIUS BAUMBERGER A RAUENBERG DNS IN LOR / (B) ISWEILER HANHAVEN COLONELLUS ET COMEND / PHILIPSBURGENSIS ET P NOBILIS THEN ANNA / HONDT A SAULUCINOR` TUM SUIS SUMPTIBUS EXSTRUI FECERUNT ” .

The actual establishment of the monastery took place in connection with the expansion of the convent by the client and founder Caspar Baumberger. This was already 1615 as captain lieutenant at Philippsburg in episcopal Speyer service; As a captain and sergeant, he defended the new fortress against the Swedes in 1634 before becoming colonel and commandant of Philippsburg. In the further course of the Thirty Years' War Baumberger distinguished himself and received goods in Kirrlach , Malsch, Rauenberg, Lahr, Bischweiler and Hanhofen; the last four places are listed in the present inscription.

Caspar Baumberger was a skilled German general. He proposed to the King of Hungary that the French occupying Philippsburg should be attacked in the following way in January 1635 during the Thirty Years' War: He reported to the King that there were only 500 to 600 men in the garrison who were very negligent on their watch and had little powder. The palisades were in bad shape and no one thought of repairing them. It would not be heated diligently and the heated rooms would soon freeze up again because of the severe cold; that finally many people, a strong artillery, a lot of artillery, stocks and 200,000 thalers of money would be in it and could be captured. His request was accepted. Caspar Baumberger selected some courageous soldiers whom he disguised as carters and sent to Philippsburg as if they were bringing wine or other food for sale. On the night of January 24th he approached Philippsburg with a selected corps of troops and came to the foot of a few stations. The disguised soldiers attacked the Hauptwacht, killed them, and promoted the climb to the Philippsburg. The governor and his crew were made prisoners of war and taken to Heilbronn .

On October 8, 1757 Johann Franz Bourguignon was of Baumberg in Vienna in the knighthood raised. On September 30, 1775 he was baron and councilor at the highest judicial authority.

On October 20, 1789, King Friedrich Wilhelm II raised a branch of the Baumberger family to the rank of knight and baron. You owned u. a. the castle Siethen and all of its goods in the circle Teltow the province of Brandenburg , which was originally in the possession of the family of Schlabrendorf was and was sold to the Prince of Hohenlohe in 1817th

One of the descendants of this line, Jakob von Baumberger, who was married to the baroness Anna von Coreth zu Coredo and Rumo , settled in Vorarlberg or in the St. Gallen Rhine Valley and in Zurich in the 19th century .

One of the personalities was Georg Baumberger (1855–1931), a Swiss journalist, book author and politician. In 1932, the imposing Baumberger monument was erected on the Piz Calmot near the Oberalp Pass at 2309 altitude in memory of Georg Baumberger, who promoted the mountain population. The same Georg was also the rediscoverer of the Red Cross founder, Henry Dunant, who arrived in Heiden in 1887 completely impoverished and forgotten by the world.

coat of arms

Coat of arms of the Barons von Baumberger

For the coat of arms, the family received a shield divided from top to bottom . In the golden field on the left there is a red crossbar, in the silver field on the right there is a large green tree on a golden sandy hill, on which six roots can be seen below. On the seven-pearl baron's crown stand two crowned helmets, on the left one shows that of a golden crowned and armored black eagle with a red tongue and golden beak, on the right you can see three ostrich feathers , red, silver, red, protruding from the helmet . The covers of the left helmet are red and gold, those of the right red and silver, and the shield is held by two outward-looking, golden crowned and reinforced black eagles as shield holders, their wings covered with golden clover stems.

In addition, there is an almost identical coat of arms to that of the Barons von Baumberger, in which, however, the green tree on the golden sandy hill is equipped with three thick leafy crowns one above the other.

The coat of arms of the Caspar von Baumberger family includes a tree held by two bears, analogous to the coat of arms on the left in the Waghäusel memorial stone.

Coat of arms of the Barons von Baumberger


  • Georg Swiechin von Baumberg († 1513 in Chrudim )
  • Joannes Philippus von Baumberger († 1609), bishop in Middle Franconia .
  • Caspar von Baumberger , († 1651) high noble lord, imperial colonel and commander of Philippsburg, lord von Rauenberg, lord in Lahr, Bischweiler, Hanhofen, Kirrlach, Lahr and Malsch. He was married to the noble Anna born. Hundt of Saulheim († 1660),
  • Gabriele von Baumberg , (1766–1839) was an Austrian writer and poet
  • Anton Bourguignon von Baumberg (born June 8, 1808 in Heřmanův Městec (Austrian Empire), † May 28, 1879 in Pula, Austria-Hungary) was an Austro-Hungarian admiral. Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria promoted him from the highest ranking Austrian lieutenant to admiral in 1875. He is buried in the naval cemetery in Pula. Fort Monsival, a fortress in Pula, was renamed Fort Bourguignon in his honor in 1869.
  • Johann Franz Bourguignon von Baumberg , kk Directoral-Hofrath and Geh. Trainee lawyer, in recognition of his services as professor of natural and international law, then of German and life law in Prague and as director of legal studies in Vienna, was raised to the Austrian knighthood by Empress Maria Theresia in 1757 with the title "von Baumberg" . Furthermore, the same received as kk Hofrath the Supreme Judicial Office and knight of k. Hungarian Order of St. Stephen, because of its erudition, by the same empress, with simultaneous awarding of a coat of arms improvement and the title "Well-born", according to the diploma of September 30, 1775 the Austrian baron.
  • Georg Baumberger (1855–1931), Swiss journalist, writer and politician, Baumberger monument on the Calmot near the Oberalp Pass. In 1887 the founder of the Red Cross, Henry Dunant, arrived in Heiden, impoverished and forgotten by the world. Its rediscovery is thanks to the St. Gallen journalist and book author Georg Baumberger. He spent his free time in the Alpstein, where the Hohe Kasten was one of his favorite destinations.
  • Gody Baumberger (1918–2009), Swiss sports reporter
  • Hans Ulrich Baumberger (* 1932), entrepreneur and Swiss economic politician, ref., Von Oberwangen (today Fischingen). Son of the chief judge Ulrich, master baker and confectioner. Elisabeth Zobrist, daughter of Werner Gottfried, director of the Appenzell Railway. Primary and secondary school in Herisau, Cantonal School St. Gallen (commercial Matura). Then followed the study of business administration at the University of St. Gallen (HSG, today University of St. Gallen ). From 1955 to 1963 he worked at the Institute for Business Administration at the HSG, where he received his doctorate in 1961. In the Swiss economy, Baumberger was active in several industrial and service companies as a board member or as its president. He held his first board of directors mandates from 1980 at Hasler AG (later Ascom Holding AG) in Bern and SIG Holding AG in Neuhausen am Rheinfall (President from 1996 to 1998). Corresponding tasks followed at Swissair in Kloten (from 1986 to 1994), at Bank Vontobel in Zurich (from 1990) and at Helvetia Insurance in St. Gallen (President from 1996 to 2001).
  • Otto Baumberger (1889–1961), Swiss graphic artist and set designer
  • Peter Baumberger (1942–2019), Swiss politician
  • Robert Baumberger (1895–1986), Swiss painter and graphic artist
  • Winfried Baumberger (* 1938), German industrial designer and university professor

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Leopold Freiherr von Zedlitz : New Prussian Adels Lexicon . Volume A-D . Reichenbach Brothers, Leipzig 1836 ( [accessed on May 1, 2018]).
  2. Royal. Secret State Archives (ed.): Acta des Königl. Secret State Archive / Royal. Heraldry over "de Baumberger" 1580 . Rep. 7. No. 13 / VI. B. 468. Royal. Secret State Archives, May 31, 1787, p. 1-64 .
  3. ^ The inscriptions of the large district of Karlsruhe, Waghäusel,: German inscriptions online. Retrieved February 18, 2019 .
  4. ^ Artur J. Hofmann, Katja Hoffmann: Timeline for the history of the large district town Waghäusel with the districts Kirrlach, Wiesental and Waghäusel (PDF) Large district town Waghäusel. January 21, 2016. Retrieved April 2, 2019.
  5. Ray von Saint Genies: Art of War: Or: The service in the field, for the general, Staabs-Officier, Hauptmann and Subaltern-Officiers: Two parts. With copper. Two improved and misprints cleaned edition . Published by Christian Friedrich Günther, bookseller in Glogau, 1772 ( [accessed on February 18, 2019]).
  6. ^ August von Doerr: The nobility of the Bohemian crown lands. Publishing house Fr. Řivnáč, Prague 1900, p. 241 ( digitized version ).
  7. ^ August von Doerr: The nobility of the Bohemian crown lands. Verlag Fr. Řivnáč, Prague 1900, p. 257 ( digitized version ).
  8. Johann Christian von Hellbach : Adels-Lexikon, or manual on the historical, genealogical and diplomatic, partly also heraldic news from the high and low nobility, especially in the German federal states, as well as from the Austrian, Bohemian, Moravian, Prussian, Silesian and lausitzian nobility . Ilmenau 1825 ( [accessed on May 1, 2018]).
  9. ^ Eduard Fidicin: The territories of the Mark Brandenburg; or, History of the individual districts, cities, manors and villages in the same as a continuation of the land book of Emperor Karl IV. Im self-published by the author, 1857 ( [accessed on May 1, 2018]).
  10. Peter Eggenberger: Henry Dunant's discoverer Georg Baumberger loved the Alpstein. Retrieved March 23, 2020 .
  11. Prussian Wappenbuch. Volume 2, p. 22.
  12. "The" Highness of the Teutschen Reichs Nobility Word, which is elevated to Chur and Princely Dignities. That is: Complete sample of the ancestors of genuine noble families (etc.) . In publication and printing Joseph Anton Köß, Hochfürstl. Fuldischen Privilegirten Hoff-Buchdrucker, 1729 ( [accessed on January 13, 2020]).
  13. Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of the baronial houses: at the same time the nobility register of the associations united in the honorary association of the German nobility . Julius Perthes., 1877 ( [accessed on July 10, 2019]).