Broadway Danny Rose

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German title Broadway Danny Rose
Original title Broadway Danny Rose
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1984
length 80 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Woody Allen
script Woody Allen
production Charles H. Joffe
music Dick Hyman , Nick Apollo Forte
camera Gordon Willis
cut Susan E. Morse

Broadway Danny Rose is a comedy by the American filmmaker Woody Allen . The film was made in 1984 and is the twelfth film in which Woody Allen worked as a director. Allen plays the title role of artist agent Danny Rose alongside Mia Farrow and Nick Apollo Forte .


The artist agent Danny Rose is very unsuccessful in his profession. He looks after a one-legged tap dancer, a stuttering ventriloquist, a balloon figure butterfly duo and other untalented artists. His special attention is the potty singer Lou Canova, who suddenly rose to fame through a wave of nostalgia.

Danny gives him an appearance in front of important producers. Lou refuses to perform unless his secret lover Tina is at the concert. Danny sets out to find Tina and is drawn into Mafia circles because he is mistaken for Tina's secret friend. Danny and Tina are detained and narrowly escape the Mafia to see Lou perform.

After the concert, Lou reveals to Danny that he wants to change management because he thinks Danny is too unsuccessful. Danny is indignant and flees the hall.

After a while the doorbell rings on Thanksgiving of all times and Tina is standing in front of him. She had left Lou and an advertising star who helped her escape and wants to make it up with Danny, which he agrees to after a brief thought.


  • The entire film was shot in black and white.
  • Broadway Danny Rose was nominated for two Academy Awards in 1984 for Best Director and Best Original Screenplay, but won no awards.
  • Jack Rollins , one of the producers of the film, plays one of the comedians in some scenes.
  • What is unusual about the film is that a group of artists sitting in the deli tell and comment the story of Danny, Tina and Lou from the off .
  • Nick Apollo Forte , who played Lou, was also a nightclub singer in real life and had never acted before.
  • The restaurant in the film is the “Carnegie Deli” in Manhattan, where you can still order a “Woody Allen Sandwich” today.

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